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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Well I don't know if anyone here knew this, but the black hole that is orbiting our Milkyway Galaxy is slowly sucking pieces of matter from our sun into it as it passes. This seems like it'll turn out pretty bad.

  2. Ok. Then what are black holes made from?

    Black holes have such a powerful gravity field that not even light can escape. An explosion will not occur just because two things from space (Not magic) hit each other. If 2 black holes reach each other they will just merge.

    No they won’t merge. Think about it, both black holes would try to suck the matter that is so tightly within the other that it'd cause an explosion because of the force behind the two. Now it is possible that one would have more pull than the other, but I still don't think the outcome would be that good. With your logic the black holes would continuously, basically, suck each other in one another that would eventually cause an explosion...somewhat like the big bang. One would get sucked into the other that was sucked in first, sort of like if some one were to eat someone else alive and then having that person get eaten by the previously eaten person from the inside then it'd repeat. Now that isn't possible for two humans to do, but that's the best comparison I could make of what would happen with two black holes colliding. There also would be a chance of a black hole being within a black hole, which would suck in the matter that the outer black hole already sucked in, again later causing an explosion (Big Bang).

  3. I think there should be a woman protagonist but a choice between man or woman, sorry I was tired boy and girl were the wrong terms. I also think it would be cool if the cutscenes were different and the story would be lsightly different depending on who you choose.

    Well only different with what the different characters are involved with...not the actual storyline. I would hate having alternative endings and shit. I think that ruins the game.

  4. Hahahaha, the Wii sucks, its getting the same game as the PS2...LOL :whistle:

    I'm really curious as to how they will work Manhunt on the Wii.

    You KNOW some Sony fanboy or MS fanboy is going to jump all over how the Wii is getting the same game as the PS2 instead of the PS3. "OMGz c teh Wii iz sux!!! i tld u!!!!"

    I think they should put it on the PS3...why not?

  5. I actually like the idea of a female character but I think there should be a choice at the start boy or girl and the cutscenes would suit your character accordingly.

    Well Rockstar already said that they don't want children in there games, "I think there should be a choice at the start boy or girl" refers that you could choose children being that "boys" and "girls" are male and female children.

    Anyways, I don't think that women would go after GTA just because their sex is involved in such a storyline, there has already been women in GTA....why not main characters?

  6. Well think about it, they never really wrapped up the "III" Trilogy, they could wrap it up in the first portion of GTAIV and then have the new story just fill in right after it. It's a new generation game, we could expect a lot more missions. I think it'd be perfect if they used all the old main characters in GTAIV in the beginning, not as main characters, just so they could wrap up the "III" Trilogy at least if they're gonna start fresh. They should finish what they started.

  7. As for the topic, I feel myself past characters will not make an appearance, I feel it will be completely new, clean slate as to speak.

    Not to start an argument, just a debate. Why do you think that the characters will be all new? I for one think that there will be old and new because at the end the series has to be all linked or it wont make sense at all, so they should at least have a few re-appearances to allow old fans to know what is happening and so that the new fans enjoy a new generation of the series while learning about the old.

  8. No that is the entire point of this poll. We want to know what people want to play as.

    The answer to your alternative is always going to be yes, the way you've worded it, people would vote the same anyway since they would interpret it the same mostly.

    Have you been in the topic "Could the GTA 4 character be female?", it's been going left and right, people saying it's possible, others saying it will never happen. I think it'd be a perfect poll question. With the one you have up, most people will vote "male" because most that come here are male. Then you have "Custom Player Creation"...Since when is that a gender? I know why you put it in there, but it doesn't fit with the question. This is just my opinion.

  9. No one is bad-mouthing anyone, and it isn't going "out of proportion". He is simply stating his backup for his opinion, and then someone said he over-analysed. THAT was when I said he was actually stating something very simple. Where are you getting this stuff from? Are you reading a different topic than I am? First you say I was complaining that you split the topic, NOW you're saying someone is bad-mouthing someone else. I seriously must be reading a different version of this topic or something.

    I personally don't see how he became a moderator.

    But to be on topic. I don't think we should dismiss anything this early, we still have about 9 months until GTAIV is released. So having old characters make appearances isn't out of the question one little bit. We don't have really any info on the game except for that it's gonna be on the next generation consols and that it'll be a brand new addition to the GTA series...that's about it. We don't know any info about the game it self. All we could do is determine what it'll be and throwing away the possibility of returning characters is sort of the oppisite way we want to go. We want to determine what WILL be in the game, not what wont be. I could easily say that I wont be a character in the game...does that get us any where? NO!

  10. Jack Thompson is a f***ing moron. Rockstar, or Electronic Arts, should put him in one of their games so we could kick the shit out of him. Put someone in a GTAIV mission that looks a lot like him and call him "Tom Jackson". Then all we'd have to do is interogate him in the one mission by kicking him and shit. Then later on we'd kill him...it'd be great.

    You do know that if this happened without his consent he could sue Rcokstar Games.

    What would he sue them for? They wouldn't be using his actual name and just because the character would look like him doesn't mean it is him...

  11. Jack Thompson is a f***ing moron. Rockstar, or Electronic Arts, should put him in one of their games so we could kick the shit out of him. Put someone in a GTAIV mission that looks a lot like him and call him "Tom Jackson". Then all we'd have to do is interogate him in the one mission by kicking him and shit. Then later on we'd kill him...it'd be great.

  12. This topic is for speculation, I was speculating, no need to go over the top with it. You have a different view to me obviously, fine, no big deal.

    Hmmm, I was under the assumption that you made this topic because I kept going "off topic". Where as you could clearly see I didn't stay off topic.

    Don't want to go off topic now, but why are you saying if it's based in London that we definitely wont see old characters other than Maccer and Kent Paul? There is such a thing as planes. Don't forget about Cortez and his yacht, it's possible for him to be any where including Mercedes if she goes with him some where...She could be the main character in that predicament.

    I went right back on topic, where as for you, you decided to stay off topic by saying this.

    Well thats very simple actually, Rockstar have said the game will be a new series of events and known of the game characters (maybe not even locations) from the GTA3 trilogy (GTA3, VC and SA) will re-appear.

    So it was actually you that went off topic, not me.

    ANYWAYS, My backup is that Rockstar has said a lot of things in the past about other GTA games that'd make you think one thing where in actuallity they mean another. Before Vice City Stories was announced they announced that there would be another GTA game for the PSP and they said it'd be a brand new game, causing most fans, excluding me, to believe that it would be a new map. I was the one that said Vice City was the next location and no one believed me. Now they said that GTAIV, can't remember exactly what they said, was gonna be a brand new game for the next generation. This could mean anything, they could be talking about the graphics, the game play...ANYTHING. From what happened before when they said Vice City Stories was gonna be brand new, they obviously didn't mean new map or characters, so GTAIV could have a lot of the old characters or even a location that we could travle to in a mission such as when we flew from Las Venturas to Liberty City in San Andreas. Don't doubt what I say just because I don't have rumored facts from what you call "reliable sources". I take what we get from Rockstar and I lay out what could happen that others seem to not think will happen.

  13. No, I moved this because I don't feel it fits in with the GTA4 forums, it's a fanfic more than anything else. Like I said, if another member of staff feels differently about it, by all means move it back.

    A Fanfic usually consist of chapters and chapters...this is just my thought on a future GTA game...

    Creativity is a place for just random made up things. I put all the stuff together. It was up about 2 weeks before you moved it. If it weren't in the correct place it would have been moved by now, but you just randomly moved it coincidentally after we had an argument. You might as well close this topic because you're just causing me to spam. You know what, I'll just take out the text myself. I'm tired of this BS.

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