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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. This particular GIF image isn't much at all. If I explain how I made this GIF image than it wont look good to you guys at all. That is actually a very crappy GIF image, only 2 pics to make it, that's all he wanted though. If you take a quick look at it, it looks good, but that's the trick to it. Anyways, I might make a tutorial for you guys if I remember to do it because I'm about to go to sleep. I'll get one up for you guys later today, some time, if you guys still need it.

    May I guess?

    You've made 2 gifs, one "original" and a copy of it. Then you've edited the copy so that the wheels were rotated a bit. After that you've merged it in Image Ready with the original one and set a short frame interval so that it looks it's moving kinda faster. It would look realistic if you'd used more frames (but you said you didn't have much free time) and animate the tires aswell. I got the impression that tires weren't rotated along with the rims.

    No...I wouldn't have gone through that much trouble.

  2. Uhhh..no, this deals with a future Grand Theft Auto games. So it would go into the most recent GTA game forum. This isn't just what I want it to be, this is what it could be.

    EDIT: What took you so long in moving it? Is it because we had a disagreement in that one topic?

  3. It wasn't on there site, but it has been said (as far as I know) as well as it being on trusted sites such as WikiPedia. Plus, looking at the facts yourself it's easy to see it makes sense.

    Either way, back on topic thanks. If you wish to explore the possibility further, make a new topic ;) Thanks.

    HA, that site could be edited by any little retard that has internet access. That is one of the most unreliable sites you could get info off of. You still havn't provided me with a link to where this was said. I'm not really leaning towards, but if there is gonna be a female main character, it's most likely be Mercedes being that she could be any where on her father's yacht. Cortez was kick ass, why wouldn't Rockstar have him in another game? Where every Cortez is, Mercedes is bound to be close by.

  4. not really, its more like which console will meet the requirements of gta.

    and for spaz,

    yeah i see your point, damn sony didnt even touch how older games would look... stupid sony.....

    well i guess if you had a dreamcast it would make it ALOT better. did you know that dreamcast games make ps2 and ps1 games look WAYYYYYY better?

    I don't know about you, but the GTA games that were on the PS2 look a lot better on the PS3. I bet the GTAIV graphics on the PS3 will be kick ass...all I need is an HD TV...

  5. Well thats very simple actually, Rockstar have said the game will be a new series of events and known of the game characters (maybe not even locations) from the GTA3 trilogy (GTA3, VC and SA) will re-appear.

    I would really like to see a link to an official site where Rockstar said that none of that game characters from the "III" Trilogy would re-appear. I didn't hear that any where.

  6. If rumors are true, and GTA4 is set in London, then that means we won't be seeing anybody from the past GTAs. Except for maybe Maccer or Kent Paul. Fresh new faces, no matter if it's in London or US.

    Don't want to go off topic now, but why are you saying if it's based in London that we definitely wont see old characters other than Maccer and Kent Paul? There is such a thing as planes. Don't forget about Cortez and his yacht, it's possible for him to be any where including Mercedes if she goes with him some where...She could be the main character in that predicament.

  7. I used Photoshop and Image Ready as Lord Voldemort pointed out.

    This particular GIF image isn't much at all. If I explain how I made this GIF image than it wont look good to you guys at all. That is actually a very crappy GIF image, only 2 pics to make it, that's all he wanted though. If you take a quick look at it, it looks good, but that's the trick to it. Anyways, I might make a tutorial for you guys if I remember to do it because I'm about to go to sleep. I'll get one up for you guys later today, some time, if you guys still need it.

    <<<<How do you think I made my avatar?


    I work with Frames and Transparency pretty well.

    The thing is i cant save it in animated GIF format.

    How exactly do i optimize it?

    There should be an "save optimize as" thing under file.

    VICE CITY, let me know if you still want that GIF Image. I have some free time now.

  8. Well has anyone heard that on oneof Staurns moons there are organisms that will start life, they are similar to the ones that started life on Earth.

    Never heard of that. Pretty interesting. I'm guessing we'll be monitoring it so that if it ends up evolving fast, we'll have to step in to make sure it doesn't end up being an intelligent life form or something...you never know... :lolbounce:

  9. How many times does it have to be said! GTA4 is a new series of games, GTA3 was a series of games containing GTA3, VC and SA. GTA4 and the games following it will NOT contain characters from other games. They already said that several times already.

    They also said that the 2nd PSP GTA game was gonna be all new...but it was in VC again. Rockstar likes to mislead people as I said before. They're not gonna throw away that whole storyline and never go back to any of it. The "III" Trilogy will be incorperated some how and we might even play one of the female characters from one of the "III" games. Rockstar is unpredictable.

  10. Yeah,we can't escape Apocalyps in any way...unless a miracle happens..but you said we shouldn't involve religion so... >.<

    Well a miracle could be looked at as anything that helps us out in a very deadly situation...would if there are extra terrestrials and they're able to some how save us?

  11. All cosole Sims are shit

    I don't know, I liked Bustin' Out...for being a console one. Sims 2 for the PS2 was ok, havn't beaten it yet, but it was some what enjoyable. I mainly get them for the storyline I sort of got into with Mortimer.

    Anyways, I pretty much hate all the GTA wannabe games, although I don't mind the Driver games much. I thought it was sorta funny how both Driv3r and San Andreas made fun of each other's series.

    Ha ha that is funny, but The Sims is nothing more then a simulation game and that should be it!!!!!!!!!

    What do you mean? No storyline? Because they always had a storyline.

  12. All cosole Sims are shit

    I don't know, I liked Bustin' Out...for being a console one. Sims 2 for the PS2 was ok, havn't beaten it yet, but it was some what enjoyable. I mainly get them for the storyline I sort of got into with Mortimer.

    Anyways, I pretty much hate all the GTA wannabe games, although I don't mind the Driver games much. I thought it was sorta funny how both Driv3r and San Andreas made fun of each other's series.

  13. I would have to reconstruct the truck's frame where the tires are. If I find some spare time I will. Not sure when I could get up the tut, but I'm sure someone will end up putting one up before me.

    Dazza, I already told you that I was having trouble with San Andreas and shit, but I'll still try to get it for you.

  14. Well that is just his opinion because he probably is a X box fan but I dont think ps3 is a disaster at all totally the opposite, I cant wait to get it.

    Oh, just because someone calls the PS3 a disaster, they are AUTOMATICALLY a Xbox fan? And dude, do you know what it takes to develop for that monstrosity called the "PS3"? I heard it's hell.

    Have you played it yet? Have you seen the games in person? I was playing MotorStorm with my girlfriend at Walmart, and it wasn't anything to make you cream you pants or anything. It was fun, and amusing, but aren't most games that you get to wreck cars in? PS3 is just another console. It isn't God. For there can't be two Gods, and the Wii already claimed that position.

    Dude, it's all about opinion. I love the PS3, best system ever. I think the Wii is horrible. I think the Motorstorm game is fun, don't see why you don't think so. It's a racing game, what's bad about it?

  15. We could be sucked by the Black Hole....

    You probably know that in the center of our galaxy is one huge black hole,well that black hole and black hole in the center of Andromeda(our neibhboring galaxy) are going towards each other so it will come to a big explosion.Earth may get destroyed in explosion or could just be trown away in outer space.Apocalyps in any way unless we get trown near another sun or something so we can continue to live out of the Milcky Way.

    Sorry on my english...

    Well if that were to happen, we'd get crushed by the pressure of the earth traveling how ever fast it'd be going after the shockwave from the explosion. Either that or we'd freeze afterwards because there isn't really any chance that we'd land by another star.

  16. We might just not in our lifetime or our childrens or their childrens etc. I love thinking of this stuff, just not all the time, or my head would be so sore.

    Well I personally think we'll never know. I'm sort of surprised that the earth lasted this long and I think that one of these days, maybe not our life time, but some time maybe in the not so distant future that the earth will get destroyed some how. This might happen from getting slammed into a big ass astroid that'd be the size of the moon. Maybe that global warming shit will be the end, there might even be a gama-ray burst. Anything could happen and I think we've been too lucky and the earth will get destroyed, maybe not so much the earth but the life living on it, before we would find out the answer to that question.

  17. I used Photoshop and Image Ready as Lord Voldemort pointed out.

    This particular GIF image isn't much at all. If I explain how I made this GIF image than it wont look good to you guys at all. That is actually a very crappy GIF image, only 2 pics to make it, that's all he wanted though. If you take a quick look at it, it looks good, but that's the trick to it. Anyways, I might make a tutorial for you guys if I remember to do it because I'm about to go to sleep. I'll get one up for you guys later today, some time, if you guys still need it.

    <<<<How do you think I made my avatar?

  18. Life can't just automatically start out of nothing than plain water and stone..

    Not so much automatic, but it happens. Cells can and do mutate...

    I don't really have much to say about the universe... I.. prefer not to know. My brain would explode. :mellow:

    I don't know, I like thinking about this stuff...sorta like problem solving, but to a much much higher level. I enjoy creating theories from facts I know about the universe and shit.

  19. But it must have an origin.

    Like the chiken and the egg.

    Where did the egg come from? From the Chiken. Where did the Chiken come from? Out of the egg?

    ect. will you come to 1 celled organisims. How can life suddenly come on to a planet just because it has water. Life can't just automatically start out of nothing than plain water and stone..

    Actually all of what you just said came from my question. The chiken came first from evolution of another and so on all the way back until it was a single cell organizm I suppose. The egg came into effect through its evolution. Life came on the planet after bacteria grew over the water, algie or whatever. My question is the biggest of all.

  20. Thinking about the Universe somehow always gives me a had ake. It's just above our understanding. And what's a fourth dimension? You only have X,Y and Z. How would you want to have a fourth.
    Well i read somewhere that the BIG BANG happened, when matter hit anti-matter and caused a BIG BANG, then partices were made and expanded to create our universe. As for the dimesions, as what i have herd we are in the 7th dimesion and there are other one around us.

    It's almost certain it happend. But it's weird though. I mean, the Big Bang was the begin. But how can their be nothing and then suddenly something... How can their be something without an origin...

    *get's a head ake.*

    Yeah, me and a couple of my friends some how got into this big discussion about this at lunch the one day and came up with the conclusion that the universe, space, wasn't in the "Big Bang", but simply the things that are in the universe today, stars, planets, astroids, etc. The portions of space in between these objects in our universe, empty space, was always there.

  21. Well i read somewhere that the BIG BANG happened, when matter hit anti-matter and caused a BIG BANG, then partices were made and expanded to create our universe. As for the dimesions, as what i have herd we are in the 7th dimesion and there are other one around us.

    Sorry man, but we're in the 3rd dimension which consist of length, width and height. A 7th dimension consist of those three along with the ability to go inward(4th dimension), able to go through a time-line and go any where in time(5th dimension), have the ability to see the sequence of any shape(6th dimension) and finally be able to see everything's timeline(7th dimension).

  22. Please read the actual things you guys are going to post about. I did not say anything about dimensions being something such as someone exactly like you being in an almost identical universe. Don't just read the titles. You guys need to learn how to read the full topic before you post.

  23. The Universe


    A place we could all say we're from.

    This topic is for the discussion of the universe. This includes anything out of our own planet, for those that don't know that's Earth. Now before you post, I just want everyone to come in here, read the post and leave religious beliefs out of the conversation unless you're making a comparison between religion and science, think beyond your religion when reading and posting in here. I am not atheist; I just want this topic to be strictly about the universe. I have a lot of opinions and theories on the universe that some of you may find interesting and I would like you to comment on them if you have anything interesting to say about them. If not, just post some opinions, theories, interesting facts etc.

    Here are some things I think about from time to time.

    Big Bang Theory

    This is a very popular theory that states that the universe was once a very compacted piece of matter that at one point "exploded" from the pressure, causing to form what we are and everything around us is today. Most people wouldn't consider me the scientific type of person, but anything about the universe interest me including this "Big Bang Theory" which I have some opinions on. This theory is used to explain how everything in our universe came into existence, but lacks the explanation on how that small piece of matter came into existence, which later exploded out into what it is today. Now I ask, where did that matter come from? Could it have been created some how by something? That's the main thing I think about this particular theory.

    An Expanding Universe

    Ever since the "Big Bang" the universe has been expanding in size throughout the universe: up, down, left, right and all angles. After most likely trillions and trillions of years or more, the universe has been expanding and scientist either believe or have fact that it is still expanding after such a long period of time. I always wondered when this phenomenon will end and when or if it does, what is going to fill the rest of the universe, most likely nothing. I also thought...would if there is some sort of "wall" such as a force field which will stop the universe from expanding. I have so many ideas on this and the thoughts of them some times boggles my mind. I would love to hear anyone's thoughts on this "Expanding Universe" subject.

    Other Dimensions

    This is where my "Expanding Universe" comment comes into play as to when the universe stops expanding, at least in our own dimension. Scientist have theorized that there is more than one universe, more than just our 3 dimensional (3D) universe. It's easy to think that if there is such a thing, that it'd be a 2 dimensional (2D) universe, being that we know what makes up such a thing. More than a 3D Universe could be hard to think up, but some believe that time itself could be used as a 4th dimension in another dimensional universe, as in time would be used as something to use and not something to live through. If that were to be true, what would make a 5th dimension? After discussing this in school, we concluded that since we only know of a 3D, possibly 4D dimension that we couldn't possibly think of a 5th dimension because of the lack of knowledge of a new "element" to the way we live, look etc.

    these are currently the only things I have to say about the universe, but I hope its enough to start a comment. This is for indepth discussion, please do not post something small that wont get the conversation any where.

  24. It's a good quistion. But it actually just comes to the point of yes or no. Would be nice if you'd have like 4 options that actually have a other meaning.

    Easy, "Which way do you think GTAIV's storyline will most likely have that the GTA III Trilogy had?"

    -Characters will return

    -Locations will come back in missions (LC in SA)


    -No relation

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