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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I agree with LO, to the generation that plays GTA doesent matter if the main char is black, white or yellow. It didnt seem weired to me at all when SA came out with African American as the main char.

    Ok, so then it wont be weird for a female character.

    It doesn't really make a difference what race your character is...

    Ok, then neither does gender.

    I just caught you guys in a corner. IT DOES NOT MATTER IF ITS GENDER, RACE WHATEVER, the fans will like the GTA games either way. You guys just proved that by disagreeing with my "statement".

  2. Before my computer crashed it could barely handle San Andreas...but now for some odd reason it's running smoothly. I would guess it was because of more space, but game speed doesn't involve space.

    You speak as if it's only going to be Xbox 360 exclusive. It's not the fact that PlayStation 3 won't be getting it, it's the fact we've simply had no word on it yet, i.e. there's been no official confirmation, so we can only speculate. Don't dismiss it too early. I'm fairly certain the PS3 will see some form of downloadable content, we'll just have to wait to hear from either Rockstar or Sony themselves to find out what that is.

    Sony are failing so immensly badly at the moment in comparison to Wii60 that they're going to want to do everything they can to make GTA4 their main console seller. They can do this with exclusive content, and lots of it.

    Anyways, I know that there is still a possility that PS3 could get the content, but you keep saying "some form of downloadable content" as if it wont be as good if there is any for it. Just the way you say "some form" makes it sound like it's gonna be a piece of shit.

  3. Ogtam I see your point in introducing females to the game and it would attract female gamers however Rokcstar could lost its male consumeers.

    Sorta like how Rockstar lost every white male fan because they introduced an african american to the game? I think not. True fans would stick with it.

    Ok first of all no too many fans would be dissappointed (too boring and has been done twice and even 3 times if you count GTA1) and plus GTA4 is a brand new triliogy or whatever and is going to have everything new (new city, characters, almost everything). Second of all this topic is 2 YEARS OLD! Lol. So DeBlaise34 if you're still there check the date of the topic before you post in it (maybe a good 2 weeks you shouldn't post in it).

    No, it will not be possible, if not Rockstar would have changed the name from "Grand Theft Auto" to "Superwoman Auto Thief".

    Since when do the words "Grand", "Theft" or "Auto" mean male?

  4. LOL, this is very odd because I just went through a debate about this with my friends at lunch about a week ago. Now I'm not gonna start a fight in here...more like a debate.

    Now I'm a Christian and I believe in God, Jesus and all of that. Some things in the bible, I don't question, more like put them in perspective. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe that the bible states that God created man, as if we just blinked into exsistance. Now I'm not sure on this, but did it actually say that the human race including all life forms on earth were blinked onto this planet? Did it say we were as we are today when we came into existance? Did it mention anything about evolution? I'm not sure on any of that, but if any of those facts failed to show up in the bible, then I believe that evolution is possible according to the bible.

  5. First off I just want to say I'm not trying to offend anyone here in anyway.

    People keep saying "Only guys play GTA". Well before San Andreas came out there were very few African Americans that played Grand Theft Auto. When Vice City came out, I might have seen 1 African American purchasing it. When San Andreas came out it was half and half. So maybe bringing in a female main character that is all about kicking ass and not there to show off her stuff...maybe more females would play GTA games.

    Well thats a good point but what im say ing is that Catilana was different she was a bitch and you get them sorts but most girls like that dont have the back story like say Toni or Tommy coz most mafia gangs wont take girls thats why Catilana had to run her own gang to be able to be such a badass chick.

    Spaz im not being sexist, nor do i look at picxels coz i have someone in real life to stare at, IN REAL LIFE. And i saying that they should stick to pole postion is so they dont hurt and we dont have activitses up Rockstar ass.

    LOL, you make me laugh. You said that a female character wouldn't have a back story because she would be rejected from getting into a gang or crime family such as the mafia...that would be the back story. From there the female character would get to the top by creating her own gang, crime family or whatever.

  6. First off I just want to say I'm not trying to offend anyone here in anyway.

    People keep saying "Only guys play GTA". Well before San Andreas came out there were very few African Americans that played Grand Theft Auto. When Vice City came out, I might have seen 1 African American purchasing it. When San Andreas came out it was half and half. So maybe bringing in a female main character that is all about kicking ass and not there to show off her stuff...maybe more females would play GTA games.

  7. I still don't get why XBox 360 gets those episodes while the XBox only has been getting the GTA games since 2004...maybe 2003, I don't know. Playstation and computers have been getting GTA games pretty much since GTA came out...so why are these systems left behind?

    I thought of the possibility that since Microsoft, creators of the 360, are the ones that got the game first on the computer, which is why I'm thinking they could have just said "instead of putting it on the PC, put it on the 360." Which might be why the 360 could possibly be the only system you could get the episodes on, but at the same time I still think it's unfair being that the Playstation got GTA pretty much at the same time as when the computers did. So I think every system, computer, whatever should get these downloadable episodes as well.

    Seeing that I have a PS3, I already could see that you could download new features for games off of the Playstation Underground, so I don't get why Rockstar would be holding back unless Microsoft is holding something against them. Another possibility is that Playstation 3 might get something even better than the episodes...maybe along with the episodes, and Rockstar doesn't want to spill the beans yet.

  8. I'm not sure if Xbox Live does this but the Playstation Underground sends you E-mails to inform you on new things you could download and shit. I think it's really cool how they did that, again not sure if Xbox Live does this or not so tell me if it does...if anyone knows... :thumbsup:

  9. i think a female would be a bad idea and Im not sexist. I thinkk it would lose its originality.

    That is almost as dumb as the "girls can't be strong" statement......

    Well not to discriminate, BUT… Although women can be strong, they can't be nearly as strong as men because of testosterones. I do agree that the statement ps3 player had was sort of dumb, but yours wasn't that great either.

    Women being just as tough or even tougher than a guy would have been a better way of putting it. I think that a female character would be extremely original compared to most games and I wouldn’t mind it at all as long as the storyline stays roughly the same as when the main character was a male.

  10. ah god. you guys should stop arguing about sex pixels and girl gta character. ppl who liked hot coffee were wierd. period. and female GTA is not going to happen, Rockstar is not going to take that risk.

    Tell me have you ever seen a woman rob a bank, do a heist, murder a bunch of ppl, do a major drug deal, rule the streets, or steal a bunch of cars?(after 1900 dont tell me about those old west ppl)

    I have only even HEARD of them in the movies. its not realistic (dont flame me about "ooohhhh well gtas not supposed to be realistic" different realistic there pal) a guy doing the crazy crimes, robbing a bank, doing a drug ambush and all that other stuff is wayyy more realistic. girl action protagonists can stay with other games. not gta.

    and girls are not pieces of meat. there just not for gta. if your a girl you can play gta, thats fine, its regular. but theres not gunna be a girl character.

    Oh shit, my mistake. I thought those jails/prisons for women were there for a reason. I guess I was wrong. Can you tell me why they're there?

  11. Right... this isn't really a serious chat is it. Moved to the Lounge.

    LOL, you don't call an astroid possibly crashing into the earth serious...good move. :thumbsup:

  12. Well I don't get why people are still trying to create things to prevent global warming. I think they should start creating things that'll help us survive it if it were to happen whether it be for a new Ice Age or a boiling earth.

  13. What kind of storyline would you guys like to see in a new X-Files movie or to continue the TV series? Try to keep it on the same track as the old one...sorta like a sequal to the first set of the series. Since they always end the seasons with a memorable moment and follow it with a new season starting from that point or a little after, what do you think they would continue after what you saw in the last episode?

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