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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. What Jared said is that it's a full new gta what isn't related to the III series.

    Well not all people think that. Rockstar may have said that, but they also said that the second PSP GTA game was gonna be a brand new game. Everyone thought that they meant new map and everything...but that wasn't the case. I think that the poll idea I had is a good one, seeing that Rockstar could be unpredictable and a lot of the time mislead people to think one thing where they really mean something else.

  2. Do you think the GTAIV storyline will relate to the "III" storyline in any way?

    -Yes, I think the "III" Trilogy will still be involved in the GTAIV storyline

    -No, I think it will be a completely different storyline all together

    -Not sure

    -Never thought about that...

    It's already been confirmed by Rockstar that it's going to be a new trilogy, and the name of the game even confirms that.

    Read the question again. "Do you think the GTAIV storyline will relate to the "III" storyline in any way?"

    Did I ask about if it's a different trilogy??? NO

  3. Since the new years came, it's gonna be in 2008. Rockstar added a new charater who is gonna be the main one who ur gonna play as.

    Well at least someone said 2008, they might use 2007 but R* wouldnt use the same year it was brought out, so ethier 2008 or 2006, 2007 would be stupid

    That's what they did for GTA III...

    I would have to say it's pretty much fact that it's gonna be 2007 based on Rockstar's tradition with bringing in the new "trilogy", I guess you could say. I'm pretty sure the year for "Grand Theft Auto" was based on the time it came out as well. The better question is "What year is GTAIV part 2 gonna be based in?"

  4. I dont mind if the main character in GTA 4 will be a female but it would be weird because in the previous GTAs all the main characters are male gender. It should be cool if the main char will be Tommy V's daughter. But thats my opinion and I'm sure a lot of people would prefere the male version of the character just to keep the tradition...

    Well before SA there were only white males...did you think that was weird?

  5. What rap are you listening to? Because if you say they sound like retards compared to country, you must be listening to horrible hip-hop. Or Houston-based rappers, they suck now. Because most rap pwns most country any day of the week. And rapping is hard as hell. Just try.

    Another horrible music genre is classical. There's a reason rock and roll was invented.

    I really can't remember their names but some that I could vagly remember are; Fifty Cents, Exibit and Jayzee...I don't even think I'm spelling their retarded names right...they come up with the most f***ed up names.

  6. I'm not sure if any of you guys here go onto Youtube much, but a little bit before the Christmas break I found this one guy on Youtube "KarlDaly81". This guy's videos are hilarious, depending on your sense of humor, you might think these videos are funny as well. His Youtube Channel is KarlDaly81 and make sure you watch his

    and watch the rest in order so you know what's going on and shit. Keep in mind that they do get more funny down the road. Make sure you post here after you watch some of them...ENJOY!!!
  7. Good, good to see people making an effort to learn about the history of GTA, the games that started the whole thing off ;)

    BTW it sucks that what seems to be the original file you found and uploaded here at filefront is a RealMedia file. Is it a higher res... what are the dimensions of it? Before I bother to download it. Any chance you have a .avi .mpg or .wmv of this? Or am I gonna have to find a converter.

    Well that's what type I found it as, don't know where I got it from though. If you find a converter...send me the link to the download. :thumbsup:

  8. Not saying that your opinion is invalid, but, rapping takes a hell of alot of talent, to rap for 4 minutes perfectly to a beat, without breathing noticably, and not screwing up takes alot of talent, especially if you do it quickly. Freestyling is as hard as that, times 100.

    Anywhoo, ion the words of X GTA X



    lol :lolbounce:

    I don't give a shit how hard it is for them to do it, I still think rap sucks ass. They sound like retards compared to country singers.

  9. Before my computer crashed it could barely handle San Andreas...but now for some odd reason it's running smoothly. I would guess it was because of more space, but game speed doesn't involve space

    Um, yes? The more space you have you have the faster your PC runs. The faster your PC runs the smoother your game will run. Trust me, I've seen games run pretty shitty because of HDDs filled up to about 99% of their capacity.

    Well according to pretty much everyone I talked to, including people at numerous places that handle computers, say that space has nothing to do with how fast some thing runs. What matters is what is running at the time the game is or how big or small the video card is. You're the first person that told me that said space is an issue.

    Anyways, it doesn't matter because GTAIV wont run on my PC...wouldn't even be able to start. GTAIV is pretty much the only reason I wanted to get a PS3.

  10. See, I really have to catch up on all that stuff again. I'm starting to forget little things about the Top Down GTA games. I have them on the computer so I'll be up to date with all of it before you know it.

  11. You're right TEC 9, GTA2's intro does indeed show part of this short. But this was just a promotional short made for GTA2, it's not actually part of a movie so to speak - it basically gives you an insight in to what you can expect to see in GTA2.

    GTA2's main character IS called Claude Speed. That's who he clearly is in the short too, there's no "name given to him" about it, it's fact. Good find anyway, where did you get it from?

    Well I was just pointing out that some people were saying GTA 2's main character was Claude Speed which was also GTA III's main character, but others have disagreed on that. I heard that GTA 2 was based in the future or something...but if it was based before GTA III then this proves that Claude was mute because he was shot in the back.

    I found this a while ago and I have it available for people to download on my site, but unfortunitly I can't advertise in post.

  12. I was a big fan of WWE.

    I just got over it and the Attitude ERA pisses all over the stuff WWE pulls out today.

    Bring back Stone Cold and The Rock.

    Yeah, those two were kick ass. The WWE sort of went down hill after they left, but now that Jeff Hardy is back I like it a little more now.

    Anyone catch Raw this week yet?

  13. Well I'm not sure if anyone has seen this little movie before, but here it is anyways. Before people weren't sure whether or not "Claude Speed" was the GTA III main character's full name but I'm guessing it is. Although some have mentioned that Claude Speed was a name given to GTA 2's main character and believe that they're different people but I don't think so after watching this video. ENJOY!

    GTA 2 The Movie

    This video brought to you by OriginalGTAMaster's Youtube account, Visit it today!

  14. Well actually people do manage to live in 150 degree heat in African deserts. We would be able to survive in 150-200 degree temperatures with some sort of new technology or just simply use the heat to our advantage as a sorce of energy.

    SIDE NOTE: use the code [sarcasim][/sarcasim] when you're being sarcastic. I can't see you to determine sarcasim.

  15. Like I said, there is no turning back now so instead of trying to stop it like that retard Al Gore, we should have scientist and what not try to figure out ways we could live through this dooms day era that's ahead of us. If we don't start doing that now, then our only option at the last minute would be to reenact The Noah's Arch.

    What we could do is select a few of Bush's family, put them on a shuttle and ship them off to that moon in Jupiter that has water.

    What the hell are you talking about? How would that help us out on Earth? Bush isn't in control of the whole earth so I don't get your logic on how that'd help us out with Global Warming.

  16. Like I said, there is no turning back now so instead of trying to stop it like that retard Al Gore, we should have scientist and what not try to figure out ways we could live through this dooms day era that's ahead of us. If we don't start doing that now, then our only option at the last minute would be to reenact The Noah's Arch.

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