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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I think they might still air it on Foxtel here in australia but only on the Sci-fi channel (its pay-tv for everyone outside of Australia) but im gonna ring channel 10 and ask them if they could repaet it for us.

    We get it here on Sci-Fi every once and a while. We mostly get it on TBS around 2 to 3 in the morning for 2 hours I think. I watched it over the summer but now since I have school I can't stay up that late. So I just watch the DVDs I have.

  2. lol, im glad i registered only here. didnt even try other sites. looks like they are run by bunch of n00bs. And Original GTA Master - f*** the GTA Portable, the best GTA place is here.

    I have a good GTA fan site too. :rolleyes:


    Farelli09 doesn't like me because I abandoned that gay "GTA-Addic" site. Fido used to be cool before he started editing my post to make me look like a jackass. Farelli09 always had it in for me.

  3. http://www.thegtaplace.com/forums/style_im...st-numbered.gif

    id rather character customization like in saints row....no one will complain who the main charicter is cuz its the there own character...

    I would be complaining because customization of a character could really screw up the main characters background. All main characters need a background or the storyline will seem really gay and if they have the main character show up in other GTA games then it'll mess it up even more.

    GTA + Character customization = f***ED UP GAME

  4. I liked it, I even read one of the X-Files books, the one about the killer bees. But I don't watch it anymore. It doesn't air on australian tv.

    I don't know if I'd see a new X-Files movie. What about the finale where Mulder finds out the truth? What would have happened to that if another movie comes out? Also, Mulder and Scully would have to be played by the same people. I liked those actors.

    I don't know why they only show it in the U.S. now but the 2nd movie was said to come out just this passing summer, but Chris Carter ran into a lawsuit with Fox. Carter is sueing Fox for something but don't know what. David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson already said yes to the 2nd movie. It's just a matter of time before they start shooting the movie. Last year, or maybe 2005, Carter said he had a story thought up but hasn't written it yet, which hopefully already has been since then. They were saying that the whole Alien extra terrestrial thing is done and they're gonna move on to monsters, beast or something of that sort...can't really remember what they said but it was along the lines of that.

  5. I always loved the ones that dealt with Extra Terrestrial life forms, I always found that stuff to be interesting. Ha Ha im stealing your sentence. But really if they make a movie i will be really happy.

    LOL yeah, we were just talking about that on MSN last night. I hope to see a second X-Files movie as well. Anyone that wants to have another X-Files movie, sign the petition.


    I know that you already did Dazza. :thumbsup:

    I like it, although its not on english tv anymore :( I was suprised when robert patrick joined up, I couldn't shake the terminator image from my head when he was in an episode. I don't remember much about it now, I last watched it about 3 or 4 years ago.

    Well that sucks that they don't show it over there for you guys anymore. Go out and buy it on DVD. Luckily for my, I started watching X-Files, with Robert Patrick(John Doggett), before I even saw the Terminator with him in it.

    Anyways, you should get it on DVD, amazing series.

  6. A new member to my site, name staying private, noticed some of my theories and what not over at GTA Portable. Not long after he joined GTA Portable, he made a topic saying that he wanted me unbanned from their forums, where at this point people started pointing fingers at me saying that I have numerous accounts on GTA Portable. This fact is totally false being because after they banned me for proving Adriaan wrong I didn't want to go back to a site that bans people for being more intelligent about the GTA series than it's administrator. This isn't the first time they've accused me of having more than one account. I know this because my friend, Cubanwhip, told me on several other occasions that these accusations were being posted all over that shit hole of a site, GTA Portable, because of people making topics like this. I just wanted to make a public statement that I am not making any accounts over at GTA Portable so that who ever is making these outrageous statements, STOPS!!! I've been banned from there for over 4 months or so and I'm getting sick and tired of hearing that people are accusing me of this bullshit.

    If this isn’t bad enough, an administrator from GTA-Addic, Farelli09 started a rumor stating that I was banned for being racist because I dislike Carl Johnson from San Andreas. Not only is this rumor false, but very insulting as well. Just because I stopped visiting GTA-Addic after Fido begged for me to return because they had lack of active users, Farelli09 now has the nerve to accuse me of being racist of a fictional character. I find all of these accusations very insulting and I don’t see why these groups of people can’t just stop bothering me just because I’m more intelligent of the GTA series than they are or because I stopped visiting their sites.

    I would like for everyone that is sticking up for me over at GTA Portable to stop creating post asking for me to be unbanned. Although I do appreciate the jester, I don’t want to constantly get bombarded with people accusing me of stuff just because of you attempting to get me unbanned from a place I wouldn’t think twice of returning to.


    Original GTA Master

    EDIT: Wasn't sure where to post this.

  7. Official X-Files Topic



    The X-Files TV series was one of the most watched television series ever. It dealt with extra terrestrials, the super natural and basically anything out of the ordinary. Through out the series Fox Mulder(David Duchovny) and Dana Scully(Gillian Anderson) seek for the truth, knowing that "The truth is out there". Mulder joined the FBI seeking for the truth after college, where he was known as "Creepy Mulder", a less creative nickname. Not long after, Mulder was assigned to "The X-Files", an off branch from the FBI that took extra terrestrial and super natural cases. Later down the road, Dana Scully was assigned to work by Mulder's side, supposedly to get the X-Files shut down. While they worked together, Scully found that a lot of what Mulder searches for doesn't seem logical but at the end finds that there are possibilities for certain phanominoms to happen. The series went on for nine great years, ending with Mulder finding out about the truth.


    There is rumor now that Fox is trying to get the series back on and possibly Chris Carter is planning on having another X-Files movie.

    I always loved the X-Files series and I began to collect the DVDs and so far got seasons 1, 7, 8 and 9.



    -Don't come in here saying stupid things such as "I used to watch it but don't like it anymore." or "That stuff is all fake, I never liked X-Files or anything else like it." This topic is for people that want to discuss about the X-Files series, not when you last saw it or why you don't like it.

    -Don't criticise people that post in here about the series.

    -ONLY TALK ABOUT THE X-FILES SERIES!!! such as "I always loved the ones that dealt with Extra Terrestrial life forms, I always found that stuff to be interesting."

  8. Ingame advertising doesn't just mean radio station commercials, it means product placement (Sprunk=Coke) and billboards and even adverts popping up.

    I always thought that Sprunk was a joke towards Sprite, but than again Coke makes Sprite...Anyways, I think they should keep the fake ads.

  9. I went with the Cubans and the Biker Angel.

    Rashon125, what did you mean by "it's a shame the original Rancher was left out of the game."? If you meant the original Shark's gang vehicle then FYI, it was a supped up Burrito. If you meant that it was a shame because that was the only kind of Rancher in the game(most likely what you mean)...then I ask why does it matter?

    Then Cubanwhip, it was a baby blue paint job on the Cuban Hermes...not white.

    Not trying to start something or anything...just informing you guys on some things you may not have know or something that I'd like to know.

  10. I love the topic title! /no sarcasm :innocent:

    Anyways, when saying Vice City Stories is nothing like Vice City for the PS2, it's like comparing a cake to a bearclaw. In the pastry family, but not even close to being the same thing. It's true that VCS had more to do than VC and it's true its graphics were about equal, but taking in glitches, the mediocre storyline and it being a PSP game, it's no match to VC. VC was the king of the crop, the best of the best. It introduced Vice City! It introduced us to Tommy V! So there is no replacement for it. So stop comparing VCS to VC and just compare VCS to LCS, at least they're on the same platform.

    Also, about the lighthouse, of everything useless to mention, you mention the lighthouse?! There was probably a bunch of other useless stuff in VC that wasn't there in VCS, but you named the lighthouse? I would have named that mall in Washington Beach or something, at least that was fun to play around and jump off of.

    So all in all, yeah VC can not be compared to VCS. Like comparing bearclaws to cakes. Better to compare LCS and VCS. Does that make sense?

    LOL, I couldn't of said it any better. VC is the best GTA game so far so comparing VCS to the best GTA game ever is sorta stupid... :clapping:

  11. I WON ONE!!! WOOHOOO!!!!

    In the beginning I didn't even expect to get nominated....and I WON!!!

    Thanks to everyone that voted for me...this award is as much yours as it is mine...isn't that what everyone says at those award show things...oh yeah and I'd like to thank blah blah blah :rolleyes:


  12. Pretty good job.

    For those that do awards and shit on your forums and can't code for shit...just use forums and topics...easy. Make a catagory called "Forum Awards", then for the forums just call them "Forum Awards 2006", "Forum Awards 2007", "Forum Award Polls" etc. After that you either make the topics in those or more sub forums if you really need them for some reason. Easy way, but not as cool as what Chris is doing obviously. You could also mess around with the stuff you already have such as PIPs, but as Chris already pointed out that could cause some people to have a huge mini member info thing. Anyways, thats probably the best thing to do...or get some coders.

  13. i remember a couple of fake things that happened

    1: the rock ran over Mr McMans limo with him inside in a monster truck, Mr McMan broke his back almost parilizing him

    2: a wrestler(forgot his name) used a rope to get him self into the arena and then used it from the room into thje ring, one time around 1997-1999 he was climbing down,slipped and hung him self on international TV

    3: Rik Flar broke his leg(the whole leg went backwords at one) and i saw it in real life,nasty

    and final thing what happened, is Eddi ,one of the best wrestlers(even if it is fake,not saying it is)

    RIP eddi

    Dude...Eddie was part of a main thing in the WWE when he, most deffinetly, died. They wouldn't do that in the storyline. He actually did die and it's very sad.


    This is why every time I made a WWE topic I put "FANS ONLY!" at the top, because of jackasses that come in saying its fake and that they don't like it "but used to watch it."

    Everyone is entitled to their bla BLA BLA BLA...SHUT THE f*** UP, there's my opinion.

  14. If you don't like the WWE then don't f***ing post in here.

    I'm a big Jeff Hardy fan, mainly because of his high-diving moves, and I'm extremely happy to see that he's back in the WWE. I saw a clip not too long ago of Jeff accidentally hitting one of the ladders in a way causing it to fling up wacking the hell out of his oppenent, Mercury. Mercury's eye socket was all shattered from it, as you could tell from watching it, and there was major blood loss...IT WAS GREAT! That's the most exciting time in the WWE, when people actually get f***ed up.

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