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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I dont know if this happened to anyone else, but my glitches are showing up less and less the more I play the game. Maybe the PSP has to get used to the game or something. I havnt had any glitches show in my copy for 2 days.

  2. Yeah, it's like a security thing. I'm sure most of you had to crawl into your parents' bed whenever you got frightened by the boogeyman or something.

    lol I'd just roll over and go back to sleep but I'v heard of people doing that. Anne Frank and her family lived in the same room above this store or something I cant really remember much about that either but it was a really small living place so I dont think she'd run 2 feet to sleep with her parents if she were frightened from a dream.

  3. Wikipedia is your friend


    She chronicles her life hiding from Nazis, her writing is said to be from "a mature and insightful mind, it provides an intimate examination of daily life under Nazi occupation"

    The reason why she is famous is because a) she survived for such a long time hiding, B) she was one of only a few yet uncaptured Jew's who actually wrote about what was going on, and is a primary source of unbiased information.

    And more, I admit I don't really know a lot, and I haven't read the whole wiki article...

    uhh thats what I meant...jk

    So you guys havnt been to the 8th grade yet...

    I considered making a comment like that, but you gotta realise we're all from different countries, we're all different ages, some schools may not even teach about her. I'm 18 and I've never learned about Anne Frank in school, I didn't choose to carry on with history at GCSE level, and certainly not at AS or A2 level, and have therefore never been educated on her, I only know from general knowledge.

    I wasnt too sure about that either but someone was bound to say it...why not me :D

    I cant remember all that crap, slept through most of it but it was pretty amazing how she survived all of that. Too bad she died when she was like 14 or 15...cant really remember that much either lol.

  4. Awww yeah that'd be amazing... :zZZ:

    I think twisters and shit would be pretty kick ass. Only on flat lands though, making it more realistic and it would help out with deciding on where to live. I saw that trailer, or whatever it was, for Alan Wake and the tornado in that game is so realistic...amazing.

  5. I remember learning about her about 3 years ago. She wrote this diary from the beginning of the holocaust until the day she died or something. She wrote exactly what happened during the holocaust and is one of the only things out there that documents it first hand. Thats why she is famouse...for a few other things too...just cant remember.

  6. Wheelman101, this isnt a GTA discussion part of the forums, we can talk about non GTA things too. And Spaz, I am serious, there is a dark line across my stomach. Hey, I found another one today when I was taking a shower. its a line going straight up, from my crotch area to my belly button

    Pubic hair?

    Wheelman101, this isnt a GTA discussion part of the forums, we can talk about non GTA things too. And Spaz, I am serious, there is a dark line across my stomach. Hey, I found another one today when I was taking a shower. its a line going straight up, from my crotch area to my belly button

    Get pictures...

    ............ >.>......... It's okay dude..... We all have urges to see guys nude..........

    Anyways. o.o

    Why would he get naked to show a black line that goes across his stomach??? :huh:

  7. This mission is serverly gettin on my wick, could someone do me a favour and pass it for me if i post it here? I've been trying for like 3 days non stop. :cry::cry::cry: Please some one do it for me! (i'll post save after someone replies)

    Sure I'll do it for you. :D

  8. This is possibly the glitchiest game i have ever played, i relly hate playing it because there are so many bugs, and loading the textures etc. take ages! I resorted to my ol' faithful PS" for a good bit of GTA3, claude runs like a tard and the handling is crap AND you dont get a map in the pause menu, but christ, i'd much rather play that than VCS, the glithchiest game i have ever played, FOR SHAME Rockstar,FOR SHAME...

    why are you comparing the LC game to VCS? Wouldnt it be VC?

    Anyways the reason it takes long to load the textures is because Rockstar made the vehicles able to go really fast. If you dont break the speed limit you'll be fine. :D

  9. I think that the main storyline could be within a year or so, with all seasons in it. I dunno if gta4 will have seasons in it but i bet the next gta5 will :yup:

    I think they'll have that within the GTAIV trilogy. PS3 and XBox306 is able to have stuff like that.

  10. The main thing I want for Christmas is Vice City Stories.

    Good thinking. I got LCS last year for christmas along with the PSP I own now...or else I would have had LCS the day it came out.

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