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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I cant really give my opinion because it looks empty because you're just showing the template. Seeing actual text helps me decide on how it looks over all. But from what I'm looking at it looks nice. Maybe the buttons could have a shinny GIF image effect where the glow goes across the button...same with the banner that'd be a cool effect.

  2. He didn't, His brother Vic had a gang, I guess he lost control Of VC because of all the criminals...

    Victor was already killed. Now on the official website for Vice City, it says Victor Vance is the leader of the Vance Crime Family. He was the one killed in the beginning of Vice City. If Pete was the victim in that deal, then the official website would have Pete's name on it too. Pete was never in any way mentioned in Vice City so how would you know that he was killed in Vice City instead of Victor. Victor's name is mentioned there so he was the one killed.

    Exactly. Pete was just mentioned in VCS and no where else.

  3. Well for me if I'm just going through the main parts of the city this doesnt happen to me because I know the city portions of the map very well and know where everything is. Out in the farm areas and in the desert is a different story. That kind of shit always happens to me if I'm barreling down a hill in a sports car. The thing that sucks is if your vehicle is in perfect condition and you hit into something going as fast as you can your vehicle blows up, yeah realistic but annoying seeing as you couldnt see what you hit at first.

    Anyways this is about the GTAIV map. I think that it would be amazing to have all the older cities in it including a brand new state or part of another country as well...full detail. I think its very possible seeing as its the next generation of video games.

  4. Well I was trying to prove a point over at GTA Portable on why Lance, the older brother, was not the leader of the Vance Brother's Crime "Family". My point was that this was one of the main reasons Lance ended up the way he did. He was looked down on by his little brother and I think that could mean a great deal to someone because younger siblings usually look up to the older siblings or are intimidated by them and this wasnt the case. Another point I was trying to make is that maybe Lance set that whole thing up because of this.

    I didnt want to bump the topic because I always see people saying "Why the hell did you bump a 3 month old topic." So now I see people saying "Why didnt you just bump it." Which is it? Bump or new topic?

  5. Just watch and listen to the video in the link below and you'll find that Lance is the older brother out of the two Vance brothers. I guess Original GTA Master got banned for nothing on GTA Portable. Adriaan just couldnt admit he was wrong. After reading all those post in that one topic Adriaan was correct about one thing, "Just because you have a GTA site doesnt mean you know everything about the GTA series.".

    Proof that Lance is the older brother

    KAAA-PWNED :lolbounce:

  6. My computer just recently crashed, the reason why I havnt been on lately, and I lost everything. I sent my computer to this one company that claims they could get all my stuff back some how after it has already been deleted. This would make me extremely happy but it worries me at the same time because I had Limewire on my desktop before it crashed. So if they do end up getting all my stuff back I'm just hoping that they dont turn me in for that. What do you guys think?

  7. they should have all the seasons and stuff and have it on the game clock. like when it's december in real life, then it'll be snowing in the game and you'll see christmas lights and stuff. and when it turns january it turns back into regular gta weather. and so on for other seasons.
    They should have it either synched to the video game systems clock or its own little 365 day year clock, game time.

    Its the next generation GTA game. It has to have kick ass effects like that.

    Thats what I thought.

  8. The weird thing is that Hitler said he wanted a perfect society with blond haired blue eyed christian people...he himself only had the christian part down. So not even Hitler was perfect in his little so called perfect society.

    So? He died with no children. So nothing wrong there.

    What does him not having any children have anything to do with what I said?

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