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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. The business types have been floating around the internet for at least a week or two but since you havnt read anything about it. The first three business types that you could get are Protection Racket, Loan Sharking, Prostitution, Drug Distribution, Gambling and Extortion.

    There are tons of Empire Building sites all over the map.

  2. Someone whos got the game? You start on the second island. Someone pay that VCN building easter egg a quick visit...see whats goin down!! PLEASE!

    Well you need a helicopter to get up there and helicopters havnt been introduced in the game for me yet.

  3. The Empire Building is a lot better than I thought it would be. The building gets larger the more money you spend on it and they become very good interactive safe houses. I already got one of my empires up to the max and its huge.

    Some familiar businesses, such as Sunshine Autos, is I think one of the empires you could purchase and build up to what it was when we first seen it in Vice City, 1986.

    I'll post more about Empire Building when I find more out about it. If you found some cool features with Empire Building please post in this topic.

  4. Uhh I think I f***ed up once...which I dont get, fairly easy mission to me. But the only really good tip I could give you is know your way around. If you dont do that you run into dead ends wasting a lot of valuable time. I ran into some dead ends the first time I tried the mission which caused me to blow up with the boomshine.

  5. The missions seem like they start off slow but then they're in your face...sorta. Its not like a stupid go to point A to boring point B. There is more action in the beginning than the begining of all the other GTA games. I give it a 10/10 since I'm a huge GTA fan.

    I agree with O GTA M, you jump into the fray pretty quickly, instead of other editions where you have to chauffer people around for a hundred years, and then MAYBE you get the privilage of getting a crappy pistol. Just the fact that this guy can swim, too, makes me really like it. OK, so Vic's no CJ, but this game is like a blend between SA and the old VC, with some of the things you can do. Some.

    I actually think Victor is better than CJ...actually a lot better. I'd have to say Victor is my second favorite main character...unless he ends up doing something really stupid in the storyline.

  6. The missions seem like they start off slow but then they're in your face...sorta. Its not like a stupid go to point A to boring point B. There is more action in the beginning than the begining of all the other GTA games. I give it a 10/10 since I'm a huge GTA fan.

  7. I dont really give a shit if I have to upgrade I just want VCS...ITS COMNIG OUT IN LESS THAN A DAY!!!

    I'm one of the unlucky ones that isnt getting it a day early, like some GameStops do. I'm getting it tomorrow after school. :thumbsup:



    All I'm talking about is the f***ing cut scenes, not in game. I dont give a shit what you call it, crouching, ducking, WHATEVER!

    If you watched the intro to VC closely you could tell that they all duck differently.

  9. How long do you think we will need to wait till we get some actual info about gta4 like what the cover looks like and where it is based in. How close to the release date was san andreas before we new any actual info. I don't remember.

    April 8th 2007 at 8:00 PM USA Eastern time is when we get the first slightest bit of info for the game. July 1st at also 8:00 PM USA Eastern Time is when the cover will be released. Before the official cover is released we will have already gotten some info on the game, character, location etc.

    Does that answer your questions?

  10. I dont think they make VHS anymore

    Yeah that or VHSs are so unused that it seems like they dont make them anymore. Since that Blu-Ray is out I think VHS will deffinetly be gone by the end of the year if they already arent.

    Some of you were saying you dont know if any of your friends would go see it with you...dont ask...just drag them along. Thats what I did.

  11. I thought all the protagnists crouched the same but only CJ could walk while crouching.

    Exacly. All the peds in GTAVC ducked the same way as Tommy, try getting into a gun fight with the cops, some cop will duck behine cars and they duck exacly like Tommy. In LCS (which is built on GTAVC btw) although Toni cant duck, peds still can. In one mission a ped was looking at a gravestone and he was crouching just like Tommy does in Vice City. So GTA MAster, stop with your bullshit about the guy crouching like Tommy because well, EVERYONE CROUCHES LIKE TOMMY

    :rofl2: I'm talking about a cut scene not game play LOL.

    EDIT: I guess I'll have to make a video or something if you guys still dont get what im talking about.

    Besides you should have known at the beginning that I ment cut scenes since the only video clip we have of "Tommy" in VCS is in a cut scene.

    you said that "Tommy" in the VCS trailer ducked like Tommy in VC. Exacly, Tommy in VC ducked like everyone else, you're wrong as usual.

    And that screenie is way too blurry, everyone knows GTAs graphics suck

    You really need to learn how to read better.


    Back on topic. Just incase you guys didnt do this yet. Go watch the intro to Vice City and watch how Tommy ducks down and then watch the VCS Trailer, with supposedly Tommy in it, and watch how he ducks down in there...same exact way pretty much.
  12. I thought all the protagnists crouched the same but only CJ could walk while crouching.

    Exacly. All the peds in GTAVC ducked the same way as Tommy, try getting into a gun fight with the cops, some cop will duck behine cars and they duck exacly like Tommy. In LCS (which is built on GTAVC btw) although Toni cant duck, peds still can. In one mission a ped was looking at a gravestone and he was crouching just like Tommy does in Vice City. So GTA MAster, stop with your bullshit about the guy crouching like Tommy because well, EVERYONE CROUCHES LIKE TOMMY

    :rofl2: I'm talking about a cut scene not game play LOL.

    EDIT: I guess I'll have to make a video or something if you guys still dont get what im talking about.

    Besides you should have known at the beginning that I ment cut scenes since the only video clip we have of "Tommy" in VCS is in a cut scene.

  13. Of course it doesn't fit the description, neither does "asshole". None of us are walking anal cavities..... It's the same principle. And "dickhead". These insults aren't meant to be literal.....

    ok whatever this whole thing will end up being another jail/prison spam topic so lets just stop here. I always understood that word to be "associated" with the words dumbass and dipshit. But from now on instead of confusing others and myself I'll just say "You f***ing vaginal cavity". There now everyones happy.

    Back on topic. Just incase you guys didnt do this yet. Go watch the intro to Vice City and watch how Tommy ducks down and then watch the VCS Trailer, with supposedly Tommy in it, and watch how he ducks down in there...same exact way pretty much.

  14. Dude look at the deffinition of your word "douche bag", Definition. I wasnt calling you a small syringe that is used chiefly for vaginal lavage. :weird: Dooshbag is a slang word that has been going around meaning dumbass and dipshit etc. which I explained in the PM I sent you.

    That's the entire point of the insult, dude....... The fact that you're equating someone to something that you use to clean your vagina with.....

    Well with the way I'v heard the term "dooshbag" used, it wouldnt fit with that deffinietion of "douche bag". But whatever. If someone could make up a stupid as word like "noob" I sure as hell could make up my own f***ing word.

  15. Someone quicky post proof that thats not tommy so this asshole can shut the f*** up

    You aren't quoting him..... That was SOMEONE else saying it was because of his facial structure. He isn't claiming it's Tommy for THE LAST GOD DAMN TIME. f***ING PAY ATTENTION YOU HYPOCRITICAL SELF-ABSORDED OVERLY EGOTISTICAL ASSHOLE. He said he THINKS that it is POSSIBLE for it to be Tommy. He understands FULLY that it could very well not be him. He's bringing up POSSIBILITIES, not what he thinks is the definite answer.

    To some people, there is a difference. I always looked at them as different things((jail and prison)).

    So since he's "new" he can't back talk a veteran? Well, I've been here THREE years. I'm more veteran than you. Learn your place and shut your mouth. Oh, BTW, don't back talk me, I'm a VETERAN. :rolleyes:

    TVG is NOT being open minded..... He is saying Tommy is NO WAY EVER POSSIBLY GOING to be in VCS, while OGM is saying that he COULD be in the game, but we don't know for sure, which is what the better choice is because NONE OF US f***ING KNOW.

    Wow, YOU have the nerve to call someone's username shitty? Ha........ Wow...... You make me laugh. Jealous of your superiority? The way I see it, you aren't superior to just about anyone right about now. I respect OGM loads more than I do you. Why? Because I've known him over at GTAP, and yes, WE DID ARGUE ABOUT OPINIONS, but just as he is doing right now, I was simply saying that I didn't think his opinions were possible. Guess what? He was right. I've seen him make 2-3 predictions and see them come true. You're just yelling out of your ass because you're pissed off at him for stating his opinion. I don't see how anyone can respect you for that.

    Thanks for explaining for the 4th time in this topic what this whole topic is about. I dont get why people like TVG dont get what I'v been posting about.

    I know but Im just saying we all should bear this in mind. No one is better then anyone else, no one is suprior. Yes there is a heirchy system which is fair but it doesnt mean that anyone should use that as a reason to look down on others. Respect has to be earned and being a vetran doesnt mean that they are suprior to everyone else and that anyone who doesnt agree with their opinions is inferior. Respect has to be earned and we all need to respect each others views.

    Dude you were sideing with TVG and he was doing all those things you were saying we shouldnt. Doesnt make sense one bit.

    spaz, will you take your head out of your ass and keep it out? Acting like tough shit on the internet? Cut your hair you girl

    Btw, recently I got a PM from The GTA Master, he claims that douchebag is, infact, supposed to be spelt dooshbag ROFLMAOLOLCOPTERROFFLEWAFFLESK8LOLS

    You guys just wait for VCS to come out. And spaz thr girl, show me when he has been right about one of his far fetched ideas

    Dude look at the deffinition of your word "douche bag", Definition. I wasnt calling you a small syringe that is used chiefly for vaginal lavage. :weird: Dooshbag is a slang word that has been going around meaning dumbass and dipshit etc. which I explained in the PM I sent you.

  16. Yeah well you may have had the un-updated page stored in your cache preventing you from seeing the update :P

    It's not really a race to post news first though, it's just the sooner you do it the better it looks, rather than lagging behind others. A matter of minutes isn't even worth mentioning though to be honest. Not many people would notice, nor do they go around all the GTA sites seeing which ones have and haven't posted.

    [sarcasim=mild] Really I thought everyone did that.[/sarcasim]

    I dont know I just dont want to look highly unprofessional right now since I have a free site. I'm gonna get an IPB Forum, my own domain or whatever for a homepage and then get some .com s for them. I just have to find a good job. I just work with my brother right now in construction and I get paid under the table, good pay but I dont have a job every week.

    Anyways. The updates on the official site seem pretty cool. The more I read about the game the more it seems like Rockstart took a few ideas from my site. It might just be me though.

  17. That Splitz is a funny looking vehicle. :P

    Yeah although it looks like it could be very useful.

    Did you keep looking on the site or did you get an E-mail? Because I didnt get the E-mail yet. Would you know why?

    Well most of us assumed a site update would occur tonight for several reasons.

    1. The fact Rockstar only have 1 week left before the game is released.

    2. All the other updates happened on a Tuesday.

    3. The last update also seemingly got delayed a few hours making it between 1am and 2am GMT where the site would be updated.

    and 4. I wrote a small PHP script a while ago which checks for changes in the filesize of the index page on the official site. I then get an email if there is a change, but I can also view the script online and refresh every couple of minutes to see if theres a change (which I do when I know there's going to be an update).

    I saw the update because Rockstar were in the middle of uploading the file when I refreshed so I posted about it straight away, and then proceeded to save all the new images.

    Also, don't forget I have script in my admin panel so I can upload an image and a thumbnail is automatically created and the screen automatically gets shown in the screenshots gallery, all these time saving features...

    Yes that's what it takes to get the info out quick as hell to all the fans, like almost instantaneously when there's and update. It's worth it though ;)

    Wow thats pretty kick ass. I also heard about an update but wasnt sure if it were just a new vid or an actual site update. They usually put the new info up at 8:00 USA Eastern Time, and I kept checking for about 40 minutes and then stopped thinking it wasnt gonna update but it obvioulsy did :( I try really hard to get info up ASAP but I'm usually behind you by 4-5 minutes. This time I just used your post on my homepage and linked the info back to here. I wasnt gonna waste time getting it up knowing that someone already beat me to the punch.

  18. Rockstar have just this minute updated the official Vice City Stories website. There is of course the third and final trailer titled In So Deep which features Phil Collins, 11 new screenshots, and sadly, no new information. The multiplayer page now contains all the official descriptions of each mode, we'll be updating our page accordingly later. The Music page has a sample listing of the soundtrack, with more details coming soon, one noticeable entry is the legendary Run DMC with "It's Like That". It's also worth noting that the soundtrack will soon be appearing on iTunes and Urge. The radio stations confirmed for the game are as follows: Flash FM, Fresh 105 FM, VRock, Paradise, Espantaso, Emotion 98.3, VCFL and Wave 103.

    The only new information I could find other than this was that of a new amphibious car called the Splitz. You can see a screenshot of this in our screenshots gallery where I have uploaded all of the screenshots Rockstar have uploaded today. Bear in mind some of the 19 images uploaded are duplicates we have already seen, but 11 of them are brand new.


    This latest update to the official site includes another discovered episode of Vice City's short-lived 1984 news channel, MeTV News - full up with the footage, images and sounds that defined the era. Also, be sure to check out the launch of the MULTIPLAYER section, which features an overview of all 10 modes available, as well as the debut of the MUSIC section, which contains a sample track listing (full track list coming soon).

    And last but certainly not least - the launch of Official Trailer #3: "IN SO DEEP". Set to the tune of Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight". Can you feel it?

    Link: http://www.rockstargames.com/vicecitystories/

    Did you keep looking on the site or did you get an E-mail? Because I didnt get the E-mail yet. Would you know why?

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