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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Vice City Stories (PSP)

    Madden NFL 07 (PC)

    That's really what I definitely want.

    Maybe a larger memory stick to be thrown in. ^_^

    I thought you got VCS on the release day...hmmm

    anways like I said before, I want a PS3..maybe some socks too...I know I know they're a little expensive but I hope I could get some...mine have holes in them :(

  2. oh yeah and I want the possiblity to grow trees and chop them down to make paper...I'M NOT RETARDED!!!

    If they make a completely different State or even Country that isnt based off of any place but carries numerous traits that could be found all over the world then ok I dont give a shit. But if the location is supposed to be or obviously based off of another location then I dont think it should have other traits that are completely off theme.


    SIDE NOTE: Why do people constatly call me a kid? kids are in between the ages of 5-12 and teenagers are between the ages of 13-(17)<<<me. leaving me less then one year away from being an adult. Seeing as I figured everybody knew that, why am I being considered a kid if I'm almost an adult?

  3. ...yeah but thats for obvious reasons. They have no reasons to put a waterfall and f***ing grand canyon in a Boston based city.

    Maybe so, but what about the countryside and desert, in SA seperated by a body of water?

    Last time I checked the Nevada desert and Californian countryside, wasn't across the water from each other.

    As he said, it's a game and it doesn't need to be perfect. :)

    Anyway a GTA city based on Boston, would be way better then London. IMO

    Well then why is there a huge bridge in San Fierro based off of San Fransisco's "Golden Gate Bridge"? It wouldnt really be a San Fransisco based city with out it, so I think they needed to add bodies of water in between. Since they did it to one city they had to split the other as well to make it fit. So there is still a reason to have those bodies of water. Why should there be a waterfall and a grand canyon in a Boston based city? I gave you the reasons why those certain things were in SA...so tell me why those things should be geographically correctly in a Boston based city?

  4. There is no way in hell Rockstar Leeds will be able to create another game fast enough to be a time filler between now and the release of GTA IV.

    Unless they were already working on it. The only real thing that takes time is porting it to PSP and making new missions. They don't need to worry about making a new enviroment and w/e.

    The only reason why VCS came so long after LCS is because the PS2 port of LCS came imbetween them. It takes no time to put in New Model+New Missions+Port. And since this is the only real lead from the radio stations of VCS, im sticking to it. (Tokyo, China is not a realistic lead, unless people consider "The Wild Taveler" in SA to be a lead.)

    Dude, I'm telling you. There is no way Rockstar Leeds is gonna make another GTA game before GTA IV. If they were going to it would have been announced before GTA IV.

    How is Tokyo, China unrealistic? I have tons of leads.

  5. There is no way in hell Rockstar Leeds will be able to create another game fast enough to be a time filler between now and the release of GTA IV. Besides they only released one GTA game in another month other than October.

    I think that what you're saying could be true, having a Los Santos Stories or something, I had it in the first post. I dont think it'll be out until October of 2008 if they're actually gonna make it.

  6. More Clues Found on a Much Earlier GTA Game Teaser Site

    Lately I've been reading all the GTA teaser sites, created by Rockstar themselves, and found one that may have a lot of clues that may or may not live up to the hype I'm giving them. These clues sort of push my newest "Tokyo, Chine Radio Theory" to the "most likely" stage of what the next GTA location is going to be.

    The Liberty Tree is a Liberty City newspaper that was used before the release of GTA III to show GTA fans what Rockstar had in store for them...in a more creative way then simple interviews in magazines and on "info only" websites. Rockstar may or may not have planned on putting in hints about future GTA locations on this site, but if they didn't they sure ass hell used their own info later on to base and create there other GTA games. The following are some articles I picked out that are hinting at, what I think, is the next GTA location, or one in the future.

    The "Yakuza Operating With Impunity" story in the June 2001 issue of "Liberty Tree" states the following "What this can mean for Liberty City's already congested criminal market place, only Tokyo knows right now." This quote could mean a lot or mean nothing, but I think this was an early hint at where the next generation game would be located seeing as I found some articles that hinted at San Andreas on this site as well.

    The following month issue of the Liberty Tree had an article called "Turf Wars and Triads Lead to Power Vacuum at the Top", which was about the Triad located in Portland. In this article it states "The police also believe the Mafia are involved in a vicious turf war with Triad gangsters for control of the lucrative Chinatown area of Liberty City." Which could explain why they said "Tokyo, China" on the one VCS radio station. Seeing as the Yakuza's homeland is in Tokyo, in reality Tokyo, Japan, and the Triad in Portland is originally from China, Rockstar may have decided to combine the two locations by calling it "Tokyo, China".

    Yet again in the next month issue of the Liberty Tree, there was another article that gave more news about the Yakuza's and their homeland, Japan. This sort of diffuses the whole reason why it was called "Tokyo, China" but I think Rockstar could patch this one up. This article is called "Internal Affairs Investigate Links Between Yakuza and Police" which is a fairly short article but is a pretty good read as far as hints go.

    The last article I found related to my "Tokyo, Chine Radio Theory" is in the latest Liberty Tree issue that any fan could have possibly read, the October 2001 issue. This has to be the most important article that links to my "Radio Theory" called "Elderly Asian Man Held". In this article it says that the elderly Asian man has been illegally in the country with no reason and that he will be deported back to East Asia, not saying where exactly, which could mean back to Tokyo, China.

    Before anyone says anything, I know I just double posted in a semi-old topic but I thought that this was some good stuff I found and I thought it would be pointless to make a whole new "Radio Theory" topic just to post something that helps back up my "Radio Theory".


    For more info on the official Grand Theft Auto "Radio Theory", visit GTA Real Estate.

  7. But also Sal could-a faked his death

    I nuked Salvatore's car with my rocket launcher, errupting it into a firey ball of flame, and blowing up all the cars around it. There is no way he could've faked his death.

    Well you "cheated" the storyline, you were supposed to do one thing but took the easy way out...not saying you actually cheated...cause I think I did the same thing :P

  8. 1. NO ONE knows who is the older brother

    2. I think it was Peat that was killed in the beginning of Vice City

    3. Lance was f***ed up because he did drugs in '84 and he always Screwd everything up and numorus times nearly gets him and Victor Killed and even nearly gets him and Tommy killed in the mission in Vice City where Tommy has to save Lance from getting killed.

    4. I'm really trying not to flame OGM right now but i think i know more About GTA and you can quiz me.

    5. You originaly made this topic about how you belive Lance is older Than Vic but now you are trying to talk about something else so thats Considerd going off topic OGM ;).

    Anyways, Back on topic, Just because Lance is taller than Vic dose not mean he's older than Victor i mean at 16 years old i was taller yhan my sister who was 23! Re-Conned.

    Umm it says it in the strategy guides and the creators of the strategy guides have interviews with Rockstar. What do you think they pull this shit out of their ass? No it was NOT Pete you MORON. Go look at the site. You dont know more about GTA, obviously, if you dont even go on the official sites to read the official info. Go ahead and try to flame me, that was your initial reason to join these forums, adriaan. You're obviously Adriaan since you're saying "I know more about GTA than OGTAM.", which is what you said before you banned me. I dont give a shit what I called the damn topic. We went over it and Lance is the older brother, thats it. Instead of making another topic I was changing the topic in here since its what it was initally for on that shit of a site, GTA Portable.

    You called me a moron which is considerd flaming OGM ;). And also Rockstar never created the site ethier So you cant say shit unless it came from Rockstar or if you're the judge. Everyone hated you OGM and i'm

    Glad you were banned. You were obnoxious and annoying.

    Yes you are a moron because now you're double posting as well as causing a disturbance on the forum. This topic was going great before you joined in. Who are you on GTA Portable? I know you're Adriaan, so stop making accounts on here. I'll flame you as much as I want, you barged in on my topic and started talking shit about me. THE STRATEGY GUIDE GETS THE INFO FROM ROCKSTAR, THEY DONT PULL THIS INFO OUT OF THEIR ASS, THEY ARENT CALLED "OFFICAL STRATEGY GUIDES" FOR NOTHING!!!


  9. Yes, I wanted to talk about how f***ed up Lance is. Do you think it was because he wasnt the leader of the Vance Crime Family even though he was the oldest?

    No my post count hasnt gone up and a long ass time. Lets see if it changes to 700 when I post this.

    EDIT: Well I guess its fixed. My post count has been at 698 for a long ass time and didnt notice it was 699...guess it got fixed.

  10. Exactly why I wanted to change the topic in here instead of making a totally different one for it. But that retard just wanted to keep at it to try to prove him self right which isnt gonna happen.

    EDIT: Has anyone's post count been going up? Mine hasnt for a long ass time.

  11. 1. NO ONE knows who is the older brother

    2. I think it was Peat that was killed in the beginning of Vice City

    3. Lance was f***ed up because he did drugs in '84 and he always Screwd everything up and numorus times nearly gets him and Victor Killed and even nearly gets him and Tommy killed in the mission in Vice City where Tommy has to save Lance from getting killed.

    4. I'm really trying not to flame OGM right now but i think i know more About GTA and you can quiz me.

    5. You originaly made this topic about how you belive Lance is older Than Vic but now you are trying to talk about something else so thats Considerd going off topic OGM ;).

    Anyways, Back on topic, Just because Lance is taller than Vic dose not mean he's older than Victor i mean at 16 years old i was taller yhan my sister who was 23! Re-Conned.

    Umm it says it in the strategy guides and the creators of the strategy guides have interviews with Rockstar. What do you think they pull this shit out of their ass? No it was NOT Pete you moron. Go look at the site. You dont know more about GTA, obviously, if you dont even go on the official sites to read the official info. Go ahead and try to flame me, that was your initial reason to join these forums, adriaan. You're obviously Adriaan since you're saying "I know more about GTA than OGTAM.", which is what you said before you banned me. I dont give a shit what I called the damn topic. We went over it and Lance is the older brother, thats it. Instead of making another topic I was changing the topic in here since its what it was initally for on that shit of a site, GTA Portable.

  12. Avatar: 4/10 Doesnt seem that appealing

    Signature: 5/10 Seems like the same thing over and over again

    Person: You always seemed like a good member to TGTAP so The GTA Place's "Lord Voldemort" is good people



    Person: DO i need repeating how nice this person if if i already said it many a times.

    People who still want to know how this guy is then you can browse the previous posts.


    I think i should have rather rated him then giving an explanation.That would have been short :P

    How is his avatar an 8/10??? I know its your opinion but now I'm just curious. What would you give my avatar? Why is one better than the other?

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