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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I'm a sony fan so I'm gonna get it for the PS3. I might be lucky enough to get a PS3 for christmas so I'll have it when I get GTA IV next October. I would like to get it for the PC but my computer can barely hold SA so GTA IV probebly wouldnt even fit on my comp. GTA IV would probebly require Alienware comps only.

  2. Wheelman101, this isnt a GTA discussion part of the forums, we can talk about non GTA things too. And Spaz, I am serious, there is a dark line across my stomach. Hey, I found another one today when I was taking a shower. its a line going straight up, from my crotch area to my belly button

    Get pictures...

  3. This is just a heads up for any of you who plan to get 100%. One of the empire building side missions (Protection racket) sometimes requires you to kill the rival gang members who are attacking a store.

    Upon entering the store, sometimes the gang members are stuck outside the walls, aiming at them f***s up the camera view and you end up just shooting bullets at walls.

    Since the arrow to walk into at the door only appears after you've killed the members inside, you can't even get out and come back in again. So the only way out is to kill the shop owner - which in turn causes you to fail the mission - thus preventing you from gaining 100%.

    The amount of glitches in this game really is unbelievable, and I just cannot work out why they've even bothered to ship the game in such a mess. I would have been far happier to have waited an extra week or two while bugs were being fixed.

    these 11 glitches are currently annoying me - pretty poor.

    BTW the side mission gives you 15 'jobs' to carry out (one after the other), this glitch happened to me on the very last one, and the missions are so tedious I can't believe I even lasted that long. Basically driving up and down the island, kill some gang members, maybe enter a store and shoot their stuff... 15 times. Takes so long to do and is completely pointless.

    Ummm...yeaahh...that happened to me but I got out of it...I had grenades. :D very useful in times like that. I'm use to all those sorts of glitches and know how to work my way out of them.

  4. Yeah they exists,i will post some vids and pics.

    everyone can edit or even just blur some fage clip and say it's a UFO

    and everyone could deny the truth "Because you cant handle the truth!" :D

  5. I dont know I like the games and will buy them when they get new ones but they'll never match up to GTA. So since I'd rather play GTA I dont play Driver games much at all any more but still buy them to play for like a day or two.

  6. I havnt used any cheats in a GTA games since 2004 and never used any for missions. I use mods and shit a lot but thats only for my site.

    I dont know why but I'v been a little bored of VCS lately. Maybe its because I played it for 5 straight days until I beat it.

  7. I posted these a couple pages ago but I'm not sure how many of you actually watched. Some of you brought up stuff that has been some what answered in the videos so I encourage you guys to watch them. We will be able to talk about these issues with more ideas in mind if you guys actually watch them.

    The Alien Interview Part 1

    The Alien Interview Part 2

    The Alien Interview Part 3

    The Alien Interview Part 4

    The Alien Interview Part 5

    The Alien Interview Part 6

    The Alien Interview Part 7

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