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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. TVG stop boasting about this. OGTAM has admitted that he was wrong and took it well. We need to get along and in future and respect their opinions.

    HOLY f***ING SHIT.



    Yeah, ok, whatever GTA Master, you made an entire topic about how that was Tommy, now that you're wrong you deny it all. Please, go back and read page 1. You're just like samiam2, once you're wrong you play dumb and try to act like you had nothing to do with it. Samiam2, if you're reading this, go back and play modem.

    If you pause the trailer at 00:51 - 00:53, you'll see what appears and sounds JUST LIKE Tommy Vercetti, and although he’s "supposedly" in prison, this seems to be Tommy! Look at a screen of it here , that’s right, Fido, from GTA-Addic, screened it, and by clicking here, you'll see what is truly Tommy Vercetti Somehow! Also, View the Second Screen which shows it again! Again, this is all speculation through in depth examination of the clip. Fido watched the clip over 20 times and has taken these screens, which appear to show him well. This again, is not confirmed!

    Courtesy of GTA-Addic

    Thats what Fido from GTA-Addic said not me. I was backing it up with possibilities. You need to read things better.

  2. I told you all, Tommy Vercetti wasn't coming out in Vice City Stories, but nooooooooooooo you just wouldn't accept the fact.

    I never said he was deffinetly gonna be in VCS, I was simply giving the possibilities.

    Tommy Vercetti isin't in the game you idiots!

    No shit I already cleared that up. Why dont you try reading the other post.

    Accualy i cleared it up before you did motherf***er.

    Don't try and steal my credit!

    Thats you a stealer!

    ...you probebly just said that it wasnt him with no proof. I just posted in here to confirm it...so shut the f*** up.

  3. I told you all, Tommy Vercetti wasn't coming out in Vice City Stories, but nooooooooooooo you just wouldn't accept the fact.

    I never said he was deffinetly gonna be in VCS, I was simply giving the possibilities.

    Tommy Vercetti isin't in the game you idiots!

    No shit I already cleared that up. Why dont you try reading the other post.

  4. Dude there is so much shit that is supposedly gonna happen that'll cause all of us to die...I watched a special on Discovery Channel :tongue:

    The first one was Global Warming, this topic's...topic, and they said we'll be at the point of no turing back by the year 2012. Then they said there is a large possibility of a Gamma Ray Burst, dont know if I spelt Gamma correctly, but this thing will completely cook the earth and the oceans will boil blah blah blah. Another one is that in the year 2035 or 2036 this huge planet of some sort called "Planet X" will hit the earth causing dust to go into the atmosphere causing yet another ice age or worse, cause the planet to get extremely close to the sun causing our earth to boil if it already hasnt by a gamma ray burst or from global warming. If this is all true then...WE'RE f***ED :thumbsup:

  5. Now I'm having the big debate with this dude on Youtube about how this whole thing could ruin the Christian belief. But I dont think God comes to Christian churches for meetings every week to discuss what he has changed in the universe and I'm pretty sure the Bible hasnt had an update and a very very long time so why leave out the possiblity of life on other planets in other areas of space. This part of the bible could be twisted and turned a lot...at least thats what I think...what about you guys?

  6. TVG stop boasting about this. OGTAM has admitted that he was wrong and took it well. We need to get along and in future and respect their opinions.

    HOLY f***ING SHIT.



  7. I'm sad to say that Tommy isnt in that scene because I did the mission and found that it was just one of Diaz's goons. I'm still hoping that Tommy will show up some how but seeing as im very close to the end of the storyline, that wont be happening. :(

    I'm still hoping that the storyline overlaps with VC showing Vic surviving or somethnig but I dought they'll do that.


    Now will you shut the f*** up?

    Explain how I got "Owned" please.

    Well lets see, you dragged this discussion for 11 pages, pulling out as much bullshit out of your ass as possible to prove that you were right, with me telling you that you're wrong. In the end, you were wrong. HAHAH! :thumbsup:


    Ummm when did I say that was deffinetly Tommy? Does Spaz need to post another f***ing paragraph for you to shut up. Because you didnt get what he said the last f***ing 3 times that I was giving possiblities.


  8. Good work OTGTAM. But you should of took your time and enjoyed the game, GTA games dont come out often. Congratulations anyway.

    I enjoyed it and I'll play it again. Thats what I always do :P



    What happens in the last mission?

    The last mission is sort of a two part thing. The first mission you have to steal the Hunter from the military base, with Phil Cassidy as a distraction, for Diaz. Then the next mission you use the Hunter to attack the Mendez building downtown. I thought it would fall :nope: . But then they gun you down with a rocket launcher and you are sent on top of the building to go in and kill them all including a heli that shoots at you through the window. Then you are sent back up to the top to kill Martinez and Diego Mendez. The final cut scene was sorta funny because Lance comes in a heli and jumps out yelling "Lets kill these bastards" and shit like that while Vic is standing there trying to tell him that he killed everyone...hahaha. I was pissed that you dont take over a nice mansion or anything. :angry:

  9. Not sure if its the same but try this code. Cant remember all of it. I think the first three are 923 or 932. If it is random than all you need to do is go to the first one and go up to (1), then there will be those color code things, I think green means its in the right place and blue means its the right number but wrong place and then red means it isnt the right one at all. Anyways just keep doing that untill it tells you that its the right one for that slot or the right one but different slot. If its in the wrong slot immediatly move it down the line until it finds a match. Go back to the first one again or the next one that is still blank and select the next one until you get another match or right one in the wrong slot and then move it again. Hopfully you know what i mean because its hard to explain.

  10. I think that GTA4 is going to be CJ again, but this time in 2006. So it's like you play as CJ again after officer Tenpenny was killed. Or something else might happen :erm:. It's hard to tell so far away from the release of it.

    Oh, i wanted to ask you if GTA Real Estate is real.

    I dont think they'll re-use a main character again.

    GTA Real Estate is a game I made. Click on the image in my sig to check it out.

    Its kind of obvious that the next GTA PSP game will be in San Andreas...

    Ok well if San Andreas is obvious then there is no point in talking about it so why didnt you just post about the other possible location?

  11. I'm sad to say that Tommy isnt in that scene because I did the mission and found that it was just one of Diaz's goons. I'm still hoping that Tommy will show up some how but seeing as im very close to the end of the storyline, that wont be happening. :(

    I'm still hoping that the storyline overlaps with VC showing Vic surviving or somethnig but I dought they'll do that.


    Now will you shut the f*** up?

    Explain how I got "Owned" please.

  12. I dont think it should be locked. We should keep it open so we could post videos and shit. I have a few that I need to find that you guys might find interesting.

  13. Just incase you still need help with this.

    If you're getting stuck at the first thing at "Easa's Crib", just sneak around the west side of the property and go through the house. Before exposing yourself to every goon, snip one off as you slowely go out into the open, so that they cant all shot you at once.

    If you're stuck at the last part with all the beach babes shooting you make sure you read each step. First off make sure you have a sniper and some grenades. After that just simply run out the gate that is right in front of you when they drop you into the action ASAP. Then go out to the beach and snip of the beach babe's head that is ontop of the high dive. Then go back up and throw some grenades at the wall if any of them are stupid enough to stand by the wall. Then when you need to get the ones stuck in the empty pool, just simply throw some grenades into the pool and kill them. Again dont go through the gates, they'll lock you in. You'll have to keep repeating those steps until they're all dead.


  14. If you haven’t already read my radio theory than read it first. If you've read it then skip it


    Now that Vice City Stories is out I got to listen to each radio station to see if they give out any clues as to where the next GTA location could be. The first one that I heard, which was said at least on 3 different occasions, Los Santos. This was already rumored to be the next location for the next PSP GTA game because of a screenshot that had a poster in the back ground with "Los Santos" on it. This is definitely not going to be GTA IV's location but could very well be the next PSP GTA's location.

    The next location I heard was a little odd but funny depending on the way you look at it, Tokyo, China. Now we all should know Tokyo is in Japan but you know Rockstar with their sense of humor, seeing as Chinese and Japanese people some times get mistaken to be one another an awful lot by other races, Rockstar decided to "mistake" China for Japan. For right now I'm leaning towards this as GTA IV's location and I'll leave everyone else to believe what they want to believe.

    Back with the next PSP GTA's location, I have another theory. Seeing as Las Venturas was mentioned in Liberty City Stories and Los Santos mentioned in Vice City Stories, maybe San Fierro will be mentioned on GTA IV's radio stations. What I mean by this is that maybe after saying all the cities that are in San Andreas in the last few GTAs that they'll make San Andreas Stories some how on a UMD. You never know.

    Please post what you think.

  15. I'm sad to say that Tommy isnt in that scene because I did the mission and found that it was just one of Diaz's goons. I'm still hoping that Tommy will show up some how but seeing as im very close to the end of the storyline, that wont be happening. :(

    I'm still hoping that the storyline overlaps with VC showing Vic surviving or somethnig but I dought they'll do that.

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