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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. LOL, I tried going this month without shaving and I ended up having that same problem...so I shaved it off last night. Sort of ironic.
  2. Hmm, nope. And yeah, I'm going for the IV artwork style. Are you using Photoshop? If so, then try out that filter.
  3. Mudvayne - "Do What You Do" I can't wait for their new CD coming out on Tuesday.
  4. This is just a guess, but did you use the "Poster edges" filter in Photoshop? That's what I usually use when I try to make a photo look like artwork. It works best with relatively large photos. Smaller photos usually don't work as well. If that's what you actually did, just try to adjust the filter a little and see what looks best. You might want to use the smudge tool afterwards to change anything you might not like. If you're going for a GTAIV artwork style, I'd say that's just about as close as you could get. If you want an older GTA artwork look, you just need to get rid of some detail and possibly polygon some stuff.
  5. Resistance: Fall of Man I've been trying to beat it before I play Resistance 2. I think I'm getting close to the end.
  6. Well I'm glad you like my sig. Thanks. :P

  7. ...Did you not read the first post of this topic...or even read the topic title? You could find all the answers by searching the name of the show.
  8. I'm not talking about codes. They specifically said that certain rulers were mentioned in the Bible long before those people were even born. ...But you have a computer, so you could look it up.
  9. go ahead and try to find "George Bush" in the Bible then. Prove your point. Go check out the show "Decoding the Past" All the info is in there.
  10. As I was going to accept your friend invite, my internet decided to stop working. So as soon as I'm able to sign back in, I'll accept it. I'm thinking of going to get the Collector's edition some time this weekend, but I won't be playing it until I beat the first one. I was so close, but I can't use my damn save files. Pisses me off. EDIT: Does anyone know how to record PS3 gameplay?
  11. Well once I got the internet working on my PS3, I found out I could sign in on my old one. So I still have all my contacts. I'll be on tomorrow some time when I get back home.
  12. I don't see how you could debunk a prediction about the future, but I'll watch them. EDIT: I was agreeing with what he was saying up until he started talking about Nibiru, "Planet X". The narrator makes it seem like the whole idea is a theory, but there is scientific evidence that there is a large body far out in our solar system that is causing certain affects to our solar system. In the early 1900's scientist believed Pluto was the cause of it, but Pluto is way to small to cause it. Scientist still believe today that there is a large body far out past Pluto that is causing this...which some people believe is Nibiru, which could be true, but this doesn't prove it's theorized orbit. Ok, now I'm gonna try to watch the rest. EDIT: EDIT: Another thing...he mentioned that aliens would know about the rings and moons of planets, but if aliens some how told Mayans about our solar system...maybe they just didn't mention those things. Maybe they classify our moon as a planet for some reason. Pluto's moon is almost the size of Pluto so any other civilization in outer space could look at Pluto and it's moon as two planets as well as our own Moon. ...Ok, back to the video. FINAL EDIT: Well at the end he says that he believes in the prophesies of the Holy Bible, which is one of the things I mentioned in my first post.
  13. There is??? That's qwazy. lol, this is actually the first sig I made with a "chick" in it. I wasn't suggesting this so I could add more "chicks" to my sig...I mean...that's what gif images are for.
  14. Did they get wiped out? How did they get wiped out? Like I said, my knowledge of Mayans isn't that great. I'd have to look that up. Again, guns = technology, which requires intelligence. I personally don't think you need to be intelligent to be able to make predictions, if people are able to spiritually make predictions about the future in the first place.
  15. Are you only able to get one? If that were my choice, I would get them in this order. 1. Resistance 2 (Collector's edition)<<<The only reason it's #1 is because they might run out. 2. Little Big Planet 3. Mirror's Edge 4. Call of Duty: World at War #3 and #4 are pretty much tied, but I'd get Mirror's Edge over World at War because I heard so many bad things about World at War. Although, lately I've been hearing really good things about it, but those two games are at the bottom of my list so it doesn't matter to me. If you're basing your choice over which game I'm gonna get so we could play together, get Resistance 2.
  16. Does anyone know how many members of the 3% that have 800X600 screen resolutions that are active users? If I have more space to work with, I might be able to make better sigs, that's all. It's really no big deal. I totally understand why they can't be larger in height. Again, this is just a suggestion. If Chris doesn't feel that the sigs should be larger, then that's his choice.
  17. Ok, cool, I'll add you. Once I get home I'll add you to my friend's list so we could play online together. Do you have a headset or possibly a PlayStation EYE?
  18. They got scared and ran away, DUR! ...JK I don't think intelligence really has anything to do with predictions, given that people are actually able to predict the future. On a second look at your comment, it seems like you're suggesting that the Mayans were some sort of race or possibly sort of like a Neanderthal and all of the sudden got wiped out. Their society just evolved into something else. Although, I could be wrong because my knowledge of Mayans isn't that great.
  19. It seems to me that you're sort of contradicting yourself. You don't want sigs to be that large due to members screen resolutions, yet you don't want to make a small banner due to the low amount of people with low screen resolutions. I wasn't suggesting the actual sig restrictions to be 800X200, that was just a random size. I just think it could be larger than 500X200, width wise. Also, I'm not sure who said or suggested this, but didn't someone say that you should actually give the site a larger width because of the low number of people with a screen resolution of 1024X768? Although, from what you said, that's what the majority of the members use. Besides, shouldn't it be up to the members if they'd want their sigs to be wider, provided that you allowed them to do that? Members wouldn't HAVE to make their sigs that size; I was just putting it out there that maybe some might want to experiment with wider sigs. That's the whole reason why I brought it up. But hey, it's your site; it's your call. I'm just suggesting it.
  20. Good luck with that. It's a tough thing to master. I used to be able to get it flying good every so often, but I haven't played GTAIII in a long ass time. I saw the trailer for it and it actually looked kind of decent...not usually the type of theme I go for though. Would you suggest buying the game or should I try out the demo first?
  21. I understand why there are restrictions on sigs...but why is the width restriction so low? 500X200...why not something like 800X200? I'm assuming that it involves file size, but would if we're able to make the sig wider, yet small in file size?
  22. Aw, you're so lucky. I wish I had a nuclear bunker.
  23. Thank you! Well the LHC broke before they could use it...they turned it on, but that's not what was gonna end the world. They said the world was gonna end if we used an atomic bomb, but our atmosphere didn't get wiped out or anything...people just got killed and some left a little deformed. The whole thing about this past October...a random ass lady predicted that would happen. She has a bad history of giving horribly false predictions. I don't think anyone that has heard of her before believed her...even people that never heard of her before probably didn't believed her. Out of curiosity...what will you do if something does begin to happen in 2012?
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