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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. You should be able to put them on your block list unless they some how hacked something.
  2. I have the skin. I just never used it because it looks " Wierd. " Oh, well that explains it then.
  3. Yeah, I remembered that you mentioned that board when I saw it on Skate America, so I checked it out. Seems like a great board. Do you know how durable it is? DOES ANYONE KNOW WHERE I COULD GET TAILBONES?!?!??!(Please no used shit) I need those SOOOO bad. Looking for white and or black.
  4. Well I think the "Let Sleeping Rockstars Lay" achievment is a huge glitch. I randomly got it when I blew up Husky in a one-on-one deathmatch...and I don't think he has the Zombie skin.
  5. Well I'm not sure if this have ever been mentioned or if it ever even happened before... Not too long ago, Husky and I were in a one-on-one match and when I killed him, via rocket launcher, I unlocked the Zombie skin...and I don't think Husky is a Rockstar employee. Has this happened to anyone else or has anyone heard of this? Seems like a pretty big glitch.
  6. I suggest do it. It's so much fun skating around with friends. You don't even need to be able to do anything except ride it and you'll have fun. My one friend can't do any tricks, not even an ollie and we still have loads of fun just riding around. Do you currently have a board or are you gonna buy one? Try Skate America. That's probably the best place to buy skateboarding stuff. They'll price match any store or website, provided that they're official and not something like eBay. They have some pretty good sales going on now for the holidays and I've been thinking of getting one now because of how good the sales are. I'm also thinking about getting a long board just to cruise around on.
  7. Well I'm planning on getting a new board spring of '09 and I'm wondering what everyone thinks of the following ones I put together. Alien Workshop Almost Element Zero
  8. I might replace one of my previously submitted pictures for one of these. I got some hairs cut. When does the submission period end?
  9. I do what I can. Nice game by the way (GTAIV). You pretty much kicked my ass. I obviously need some practice. That's what 3 months without a PS3 does to ya.
  10. I had no idea that there were non-human females working for the video game industry. But like they say, "You learn something new every day."
  11. Bold: That made me giggle. You are definitely entitled to your opinions and I for one am not trying to change your opinion and I don't think anyone else really is trying to either. I personally think it's hard to really say that being gay is natural or unnatural. Being gay in general isn't really natural, BUT the love for one another is natural and I think that's all that matters. That's why there are topics about this...so we could all discuss it. If everyone had the same opinion on something...why make a topic about it? Bold: A lot of people in this topic are saying that being homosexual isn't a choice and I agree with it, but not 100%. We don't have a choice in it, but it seems that our attraction towards one sex could be steered one way or another as we grow up. I don't think it's a gene, but like a characteristic such as being shy. It takes certain things in someone’s life to change that characteristic. With that thought, I think someone could actually change from being straight to gay and then back to straight and so on and so forth, provided those particular events or experiences happen to them that cause characteristic creation or change. Although, with this particular characteristic it could be extremely difficult to change and I don't think it should be tampered with.
  12. That almost sounds like a porno...now if it were "Ratchet and Skank: Quest for Booty" that's a porno title right there. I was never really into Ratchet and Clank video games, although I have played some demos before, which were decent. So who here thinks PlayStation Home should have a GTAIV themed area?
  13. Good point, moved. Hmmm...I just noticed this is called "Fun and Off-topic"...when the hell did that change?
  14. Most recent picture of me. Photoshopped picture of me. Old picture of me. (A little over two years ago...coincidentally around the time when I became active on here.) EDIT: By the way, Chris. Your signature is politically incorrect....don't ever change it.
  15. ...Maybe that's your opinion. Just kiding, I'm sort of confused now. I guess when it comes down to being a homophobe and not someone that just generally doesn't like the idea of gays getting married, it's like trying to get someone to stop being afraid of heights. It's most likely not going to happen. But hopefully we could get them to understand the situation enough so that they're not as homophobed that they'll be ok with gay marriage.
  16. Bold: Well that's still an opinion...a really offensive opinion...but an opinion nonetheless. I think a lot of homophobes are homophobes not only because they're afraid of being ass raped, but because of the idea in general. Which brings us back to the topic at hand. Just because you're afraid of getting ass raped by some homosexual that probably has absolutely no attraction to you doesn't mean they shouldn't be allowed to get married. I have never once heard of a gay guy raping a straight guy. That would really creep me out, just like any other kind of rape would....but then again...there are straight guys in prison that rape other straight guys....which I find to be even creepier. So for those homophobes out there…I hope you don’t end up in prison…cause your ass will be mighty sore.
  17. I think we'd be able to "cope" with child birth if we had vaginas...but then we'd be considered female...or a transsexual. So we could never really prove that. That’s sort of a low blow move if you ask me. Women should be able to have a chance at any job they want, but I think if they get denied the job they'll think it's sexiest instead of them being unqualified. So it might cause more problems, but I'm not too sure.
  18. I'll let you know if I get it for Christmas. I heard good things about it though.
  19. I think it'll much more entertaining once it's done, but who knows when thats gonna be. Does anyone have or planning on getting any of the following? I think pretty much all of them have multiplayer, so let me know if anyone wants to play any of them come Christmas. Little Big Planet Midnight Club: Los Angeles Dead Space MotorStorm MotorStorm: Pacific Rift Mercenaries 2: World in Flames Shaun White's Snowboarding
  20. YOU DON'T CARE?!?!?!? If people didn't care where topics went there would be hepatitis topics in the "Fun & Game" section, rants about Elton John in the GTA sections...or...OR EVEN ELVIS TOPICS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT SECTION!!! I guess I'm the champ when it comes to throwing shoes at G. Bush.
  21. I think I got 13 my first try. What did everyone else get? EDIT:...Why is this in "Serious Chat"? Fun & Games anyone?
  22. Well ok, that's your opinion and I'm not going to try and change that, but it seems like you look at homosexuals and think there is only one kind(highlighted up top). Now I may have misinterpreted what you were saying, but from reading that, to me, it seems like you think all homosexuals have the same personality, same likes and dislikes, same mannerisms, etc. I bet there is at least one homosexual out there that has all the same interest and taste as you do, besides their sexual preference of course. Would you dislike them JUST because they're gay?
  23. Has anyone had to re-download any places in Home such as the "Central Plaza"? I downloaded it yesterday and it was working...but for some reason it's making me re-download it.
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