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Harwood Butcher

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Everything posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. I should be done with my free roaming by then. I just hope that I don't have to work during that time period.
  2. ...LOL, that's awesome...do these zombies come with a new game?
  3. Well I also said that they mention Las Venturas...so you never know, they might focus on a huge realistic scale of Las Vegas.
  4. Well Rockstar said that the "Stories" games of the series wouldn't be seen on the PS2...but we all know what happened with that.
  5. Good find, but that isn't from the radio, although it could still be looked at as a clue, which it obviously was.
  6. ... Well I've been watching the TV and saw this funny cartoon with a purple whale alien...hilarious. If you see it, WATCH IT!!!
  7. If you're asking if you could have random conversations with pedestrians with yes and no answers...then no, I don't think you can. You can interact with certain peds. Every once in a while a turquoise icon shows up on the GPS and you could get out and talk to them, but you can't choose what to say, it's just a little side mission. I think they they altered the game because of sexual and violent content. Probably deals with the hookers/strip clubs and gory violence.
  8. I'd probably have to say go at a slower pace than you usually would. If you go as fast as you can then you'll most likely run into things. Make sure you don't run into any dead ends. It might also be good to have a vehicle that is some what fast with good handling.
  9. I remember when we were hearing about the new features and what not for GTAIV and vaguely remember a mention that Niko would have to carry weapons in the trunk of his car...But you flip through them like in the old games...what happened to that idea? I've been noticing a few things that were said to be changing...but haven't.
  10. Yeah, I'm taking my good old time with this one. I don't want to rush through everything, I want to enjoy it.
  11. It was actually Catalina who shot Claude, not Miguel. Other than that, it sounds pretty good.
  12. Being the next generation of the series, Grand Theft Auto IV has loads of new features that prior games did not have. There are sooo many new features that I found that it was needed to have a topic specifically for discussion about these new features and the experiences that you have had with them. One possibly new feature that they have added, which I found from looking through the art book that came with the Special Edtion, is Anyways, post all of the features you've run into and please include some experiences you have had with them.
  13. I've actually been hearing that the two downloadable contents for the Xbox 360 are going to be Vice City and San Andreas...I personally don't believe that, but if so, I'm gonna be buying myself a 360.
  14. Jumps up in the air clicking heels together.


    *Goes back to playing GTAIV*

  15. For those that aren't familiar with my "Radio Theory", you could read it below. The "Radio Theory" is something I came up with way back when, around the time Vice City was still in it's prime. The basic idea of it is that if you listen to the radio stations Rockstar puts in their Grand Theft Auto games, that you'll find out what the next location is. After only playing GTAIV for roughly two hours, I've heard them mention Ohio and Las Venturas. So if my theory is correct, then the next location will be either based on Ohio, in Las Venturas or possibly another place that is mentioned on one of the radio stations GTAIV has. So keep your ears open and listen for those locations!
  16. I got it about 2 hours ago and it's such a kick ass game. I waited 2 hours to get it and was around the 10th person to get it out of the 100 people that were at the midnight release.
  17. ...I would assume my topic is exactly like this... But yeah, I got it, Special Editon...so sexy.
  18. Wow, SOOO AMAZING!!! The intro was absolutely stunning, even with my standard TV. I'll need to get used to the new controls, but so far everything is working out pretty nice. It was breath taking when I first got to see the city as I drove up over a road as I was heading to the safe house. The environment and atmosphere is terrific, especially looking at the city from a distance when it's foggy. I will be occupied with this game for many months/years to come.
  19. Well I figure that if there is a sub title "WARNING: SPOILERS"...that people wouldn't go in the topic if they didn't want anything spoiled...anyways, whatever. I'll post my first impressions when I get it in 8 hours.
  20. Being that there have been releases across the world already, I figured everyone that has the game could talk about their first impressions here. Explain what you first thought of the intro, cut scenes and how you like the game play. Maybe talk about some early experiences you've had at the start, such as getting run over right off the bat.
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