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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. OK.:P

    I tried to read all that you worte until my mind went :zZZ:

    Either way.I will put forward my theroy.

    First:As you said.If i travel back in time and kill myself.

    If i kill my self in past.I will not live to be in the future so as to travel back in time and kill myself.

    That is.I am already dead in past.Then how come i will live and have an opportunity to go back and kill myself.

    So,practically i am nothing. (<that last line made no sense)

    That's what a lot of people say, but I think since you would be in the past and not the present, that you wouldn't die until you lived up to the exact moment you went back to the past. It's like you're on this very thin line of time where you're safe until you reach the point you were never going to get to.

    Just now I thought of something else. If you went back in the past 5 years and placed a grenade next to your past self while you were sleeping and left before it blew up to go 6 years in the past, I don't think you would disappear.

    Second:Until i believe.Traveling back in future is not possible.Traveling in future is possible.But not as we thing.

    Something like what Einstein suggested.If i get into the space ship that were to circle around the black hole at the speed of light.

    And in speed time slows.ie. Time Wraps. So, for me circling the hole took only 2 weeks(De to speed of light something) but by that time 20 years might have been passed on earth.So,when you return you are still young while your son is a grandpa :P

    Yeah, I've heard a lot about that. Pretty cool. Although, I still have trouble understanding why speed has any effect on time.

  2. I watched one the other day, sort of hard to explain some of the situations, but it dealt with a kid in a sweatshop getting a splinter and getting taken away and then having a pregnant women come in and have her baby pop out getting placed where the one kid was. It doesn't sound too funny in a post, but I was laughing my ass off.

    EDIT: If you get Kaneva, you could walk around the Family Guy house. It's pretty cool. Kaneva is free by the way...

  3. 1. ... License plates are on the front of cars also.. I mean, come on. Are you serious?

    2. I counted 3. 1- The top middle, 2- The top left corner(helicopter), The car in the bottom left corner. He might be in the cable car too.

    No, not really. The front of a car doesn't have to have a plate of any sort at all, none-the-less one with digits on it like that.

    At the very MOST he is featured twice. And even that is debatable. It's ACTUALLY debatable of whether he's featured at all, really.

    I doubt that there would be two characters that look identicle. The top middle has to be him. The helicopter seems to be the same as the other helicopter one, but altered a bit and the one in the car is large enough to see his face pretty clearly. I was thinking about the guy in the cable car as well, but it's WAY to hard to tell.

    Maybe not two identical characters, but an art depiction of someone who ISN'T a character but looks like the main character on the boxart? Wouldn't be a first.

    And NO one notices the fact that the guy with the cell phone has the same receding hairline AND his big nose....

    Ok, so it's just a coincidence that the characters have the same cloths on... Thanks for clearing that up.

  4. got on psp....only done like the first level...

    some syringe kill..."sneak up behind and press attack.." and u see him syringe the guy in the throat...and I thought GTA was violent :P

    Does the PSP version seem good?

    I still haven't played the game yet...haven't even taken it out of the wrapping.

  5. Sweet video, rate it 9/10, i think ill make a music video too...

    Well thanks for the awesome rating. :thumbsup:

    You'll have to wait for someone to submit songs though. Read the whole topic if you hadn't already.

    If you want to make a random one and post it here...I don't really care much, but I hope that doesn't ruin the idea of the topic.

  6. At the very MOST he is featured twice. And even that is debatable. It's ACTUALLY debatable of whether he's featured at all, really.

    I doubt that there would be two characters that look identicle. The top middle has to be him. The helicopter seems to be the same as the other helicopter one, but altered a bit and the one in the car is large enough to see his face pretty clearly. I was thinking about the guy in the cable car as well, but it's WAY to hard to tell.

  7. The PlayStation Store is updated every Thursday, and December 6th (the day the third trailer is released) is also a Thursday. Now, if they updated the Store to early in the mourning and the trailer hasn't been released on the internet just yet, you might have to wait until the 13th of December to get it from the Store, but if they updated the PlayStation Store after the trailer is released on the same day, then chances are it'll be on the PS Store a little bit after its out on the internet. But I'm guessing they planned it out so that they release the trailer on a Thursday and it goes up on PS Store the same day.

    The Xbox Live Marketplace, however, is updated when ever they feel like it, so content could go up any day of the week, at any time, etc. So for the trailer on the XL Marketplace, it'll probably be up there a few hours or so after its released on the internet. Rockstar might also release a new theme and gamerpictures for the third trailer like they did for the second.

    I hope they release a GTAIV Theme for the PS3.

  8. gtamusicvideosmw8.jpg

    The idea of this topic is to submit a song you want to see used in a music video with the Grand Theft Auto games. Members will submit songs and others that want to try and make the music video can try and make one with the particular songs submitted that week. Every month we'll vote on the best music videos that were submitted. The rules are as follows.

    • You must upload your video to Youtube.
    • You may only submit one(1) song per week.
    • When submitting songs, please post some kind of link where we could hear the full song. (it might be needed for those that don't have the song)
    • There will only be four(4) songs allowed to be used per week.
    • If you're good, you could make a video for all four(4), but you only need to make one.
    • If you need more time, you'll be given an extra week, but you wont be involved in the monthly voting.
    • If you submit a song, you cannot create a GTA music video with that song.
    • The GTA music video may only have the song you're making the video for, NOT altered, but could have audio from the game (not music).
    • You could use clips of the original music videos(if there are any), but only the bits of the artist playing the song.
    • rules might be added later on, but if they're added after I gave the ok to start the videos, they won't be in effect until the following week.


    • If you don't have any of the songs submitted...try to find a means of getting it such as downloading it or recording it from a site buying it.

    NOTE: If you have any questions, please ask, I might be forgetting some things.


    KoRn - "Thoughtless"

    Great Thoughtless Aggression

    Please rate these catagories from 1-10, 10 being highest. REMEMBER, do not compare the original music video with the ones made. They do not need to have the same storyline, theme, etc.

    Music Video:

    • Storyline
    • Theme
    • Timing
    • Song/video sync
    • Beginning
    • Ending


    • Video quality
    • Sound quality

    Ratings may be added in the future.

  9. Were the last 2 trailers released at the same time/day as they were on the official site? If not how much later were they?

    I don't know because I didn't get my PS3 hooked up to the internet until after trailer 2...

    O and its cool because trailer 3 comes out on my birthday :D

    I know the first one came out later on the PlayStation STORE, but the second one might have gone up at or near the same time it was released on the official site.

  10. The Theoretical Corner

    I've been into scientific theories for a while now, mainly ones I think up, whether they've already been thought of or if they're brand new, and I’ve decided to make this topic to share my theoretical thoughts and so you could share yours.

    Let’s begin…

    Time Traveling: Part 1

    Description – “If someone travels into the past and kills you, you will not exist in the present. If you yourself travel into the past and kill yourself, do you disappear magically, fall down dieing (as is or decompose instantly), or would you stay alive?”

    Now I’ve thought about this a good bit and I came to this conclusion, which is somewhat hard to explain and understand at first, but I think it’s plausible.

    If I were to travel back in time to kill my past self, I would continue to live until I came back to the point at which I left the present. If I died instantly, which most believe would happen, my death would basically have to travel back to the present and then back to the past in basically no time in order for me to die. I don’t think that’s true. I think that the murder/suicide would have to be finalized after I returned to the present at the point that I would have traveled back in time. The reason I think this is because the event of time travel hasn’t happened yet so in actuality the murder/suicide didn’t take place in my present day lifetime. I would live in the past as a regular person, but would lack a sense of existence in some weird way. This all might seem odd, but to me it makes more sense than magically disappearing.

    Time Traveling: Part 2

    Description – “If you time travel to the past or future, where will physically end up?”

    If you time travel to the past or future you would expect to land in the same place you left, but at a different place in time. Depending on the way you look at it, you would and wouldn’t. If you time travel 100 years in the past, you would most likely land some where else other than earth because everything in the universe is constantly moving and if you stay at the same coordinates during time travel, then the earth is one of the most unlikely places to end up.

    I think this one is a lot more understanding than the other theory, so I hope you get it.

    I have other theories, but these are the ones most fresh in my mind currently.

    Please let me know your thoughts about this and post some of the theories you’ve heard of or ones you’ve thought up.

  11. Stick with COD4. I should have bought that one...

    I highly recommend it. :thumbsup:

    I was wondering if you could elaborate on why Assassin's Creed is a bad game. Please list reasons why and give a little detail if you can. I just want to be sure that it's as bad as I've been hearing.

    EDIT: I just watched X-Play on the G4 channel and they gave Assassin's Creed a 5 out of 5.

    I have absolutely no idea if I should get this game or not.

  12. Don't make the same error that I did... DON'T BUY IT.

    All those bad things they been saying are true and I trully regret buying this game, make your self a favour and don't buy it

    Ok, thanks for the advice...I mean it. :D

    I wasn't sure at all about this game and I needed a strong opinion about it before I buy it, which I'm not going to do now. I guess I'll just stick with Call of Duty 4 for now, I haven't gotten bored of it yet.

  13. i have heard some pretty awesome things about it...

    i will definitely be buying it when i get my ps3...

    What kind of things make you want to buy it?

    I've been thinking about buying it, but I've heard it gets really repetitive.

    I need to hear some good feedback before I go buy it.

  14. Call of Duty 4 > Halo 3

    The online play kicks ass!

    Online is pretty good, but everyone is saying this game is amazing. I think it's good, but I don't see why everyone thinks it's so amazing!

    EDIT: I was just playing online(Dec 1, 12:30AM) with this one guy called "rajj" and pretty much every match he won some how, no matter how many odds were against him. The last match I played with him, he was beating me 40 to 35 and in the last 5 seconds I killed someone, which raised my points to 40 to take the lead(since I had less deaths than him) and the last .77 seconds he shot someone else and won with 45 points. I was extremely shocked, I thought I had the game won.

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