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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. an asteroid the size of jupiter?? i dont think so. jupiter is like 600 time bigger than the earth. if an asteroid was that big it would be classed as a planet

    I said a huge planet...

    Comets and asteroids are virtually the same. Okay, so one is USUALLY((note the USUALLY)) bigger, and comets have ice in them. Big deal? They are both rather solid objects that would cause rather harsh damage if they made contact with Earth's surface.

    It all depends on their momentum.

    Oh found out that Asteroids also burn up in the earths atmosphere making them more smaller, and creating less impact. Comets dont get burned in the atmosphere. I would rather have a asteroid hit earth that a comet, a 500 mile dimaeter of a comet hit america it would wipe out all America.

    I hope you know the asteroid that supposedly wiped out the dinosaurs wasn't even close to 500 miles in diameter. I don't think it was even 1 mile in diameter.

  2. I don't care what that single definition says. Three out of four of them say otherwise. Fate and destiny is a REALLY cheap way to define karma. That statement of his had nothing to do with karma.

    So you're calling me cheap? Are you trying to start shit with me??? :mellow:

  3. please, try to follow the 150x150 pixels guideline, and please pin this.

    You said 200X150...

    thats good, and everyone, try to keep the sigs under 200x150 pixels

    EDIT: Wait, WTF...it is under 150X150...

  4. I'm probably not going to get it now because I read on another GTA website that the contract for the 360's version of GTAIV's downloadable content expires in 2009.

    Wheres that at?

    I also agree spending around 400$ for Exclusive DLC, isn't a good Idea.

    Sorry, don't think we're allowed to advertise on here.

  5. I was wondering if anyone here thinks that GTAIV will make it into an episode of South Park. So far World of Warcraft, Guitar Hero III and DDR have made it into an episode with possibly others. I think that they might, but I'm not sure what they would do with it.

  6. Lately I haven't been able to really play my PS3 because my TV is all messed up. When ever I play my PS3...hell, if it's even plugged in, my TV goes crazy and the screen shakes and jumps around. So I have to wait until I have enough money saved up to get that widescreen TV I've been wanting so I could play my damn PS3. I just hope I get a new TV before GTAIV comes out. :mellow:

  7. Err, I need a sig, one thats preferably like yours, with popular screenshots mergin into another, etc but I want it to be different of course, I want a mixture of the screenshots and the artwork. I will pay you what you want.

    I have a pretty good idea of what I could do for yours, but that's if you want a GIF image. Please let me know what size you want your sig to be and where you want your name placed, if you want your name on it.

  8. Comets are ice and dust and asteroids are just rock. I am pretty sure that Comets cause more damage as they always a lot larger than asteroids and travel at a greater speed, if you try and nuke it it would just clatter into more pieces and make more damage thats why there more dangerous I think, they are also very hard to spot, especially if they are coming frmo the suns direction.

    Actually, asteroids are usually larger than comets, some even have their own moons, but comets do travel at much faster speeds. Although, a comet could cause more damage if it has greater momentum than an asteroid would. Since asteroids are usually larger than comets, comets would have to travel at great speeds to get the same amount of momentum as an asteroid. It all depends.

  9. I thought an asteroid was going to hit in 2012? Dont know like I am probably wrong.

    I dont know what to think of this really as its not going to happen, I would be grateful but if it did happen it would damage a country phyisically but the whoel world would suffer economically. Anyway an asteroid hasn't his in about a 1,000 years if I am correct thats why people are always going on about them to see if they hit. Asteroids won't be that bad actually, comets are worses, they can be undetected until months before it will hit, and they cause a lot of damage everywhere.

    I'm pretty sure asteroids are the big ones followed by comets and meteors. In 2012 there isn't going to be an asteroid that's going to hit us...it's supposedly going to be a huge planet almost the size of Jupiter, but solid mass. (I don't really believe that though)

  10. gta4_screen40.jpg

    The shadows and reflections look really nice and I think you could see exhaust coming out of the helicopter.


    Looks pretty basic, but it appears we could use elevators, which aren't new, but maybe there is more to do with them.


    Again, I like the shadowing and lighting GTAIV has.

  11. I think that they should have a whole new set of cities for the new generation. I gues it would be ok if they remade vice city but it would need to be A lot bigger of a map and would have to have a whole new set of people. Im bored with the old map. They have made 2 games now with the same map so I think we could move past it. I would really like if they remade san andreas with the origional map plus a whole new section making it twice as big. I wouldent really care what time period it would be in.

    I understand why you would want Vice City to be larger, but I think San Andreas was large enough. I always like a larger map to roam around, but if Rockstar Games decided to re-do San Andreas, I think a new map would do just fine at roughly the same size.

  12. LOL, I tried to PM you ages ago and it said your inbox was full, clearly a popular person. :D BTW I posted in my topic as well, so if you want to make me a sig like the one I asked for, that'd be great. I pay handsomely, so it's worth it. :)

    I just read that post, but I would like to get somewhat specific ideas on how you want it to look. Also let me know what size you want, if you want it to be a still sig or GIF image along with other info you think I'll need.

  13. Fate and destiny are not karma. You control your karma.... You cannot control fate or destiny. That is why it is fate and destiny.


    You're going by the 2nd definition (in the blue box)

    I'm going by the 3rd definition (in the red circle)

    Neither of us are wrong. The word just takes on different meanings between the two of us.

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