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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. And it probably bumps up security too, eh? Reminds me of the PSP with all the "x.02, x.04, x.15" firmware updates.

    Security for what? There isn't anything you could really do to "modify" your PS3...at least not anything I'm aware of.

    well i just played Skate for the PS3 at Superstore, and oh my fucking god, that game makes me want a PS3, graphics are SO intense, but people say get a 360 but i hate the controllers and the first system i ever played was a Playstation, there are also other games that look fucking sweet, and the prices dropped to 399 im happy, its cheap, but i think ill wait till February 2008 and then ill see if the prices dropped and any new info for GTA4, but mainly i want to get a PS3 is im used to the controller, the games for it are intense, and Home, thats the fucking coolest thing EVER....

    Yeah, the PS3 is pretty kick ass. I think it has really good things heading it's way, such as what you said, PlayStation Home.

  2. I had one problem so far. The entire system froze and I had to shut it off from the main switch and restart it. Luckly that only happened once, but with this new firmware that's coming out soon, that shouldn't happen again until they mess up another firmware.

  3. Are you implying I've never seen the final episode? I followed it just fine.

    The X-Files jumped the shark when Chris Carter continued the show without David Duchovny (Mulder); Any fan of the X-Files knows this. The X-Files without Agent Mulder is like The Simpsons without Homer. His quest for the Truth was what gave the show its drive, and his departure resulted in a ravished plot.

    Keeping the X-Files for another two seasons was just another cash source for the network - Fox wanted the show to continue, but thankfully Chris Carter pulled the plug.

    Still hoping for a second X-Files movie.

    Well he still showed up in all those seasons. I don't think there was one season where he was absent the entire time. I haven't watched all the episodes in order yet, but once I get those last two seasons I need for my collection, I'll know pretty much everything there is to know about the X-Files....until the 2nd movie comes out.

    I edited and added to my Christmas list lately.

    • SmackDown! vs. Raw 2008 [Collector's Edition]
    • KoRn Unplugged (CD)

  4. Firmware v2.01 Coming Soon

    Hey everyone. We know you like to hear about updates a few days in advance, so here’s a quick heads up that we have a new System Software update in the works.

    Firmware v2.01 is a minor update that will improve the stability of PLAYSTATION 3.

    We’ll provide more specifics as the update is about to go live, but we thought we’d give loyal blog readers advance notice!

    There might not be anything real special about this update, but at least we'll get rid of those problems some people are having with Firmware 2.00...I hope.

    EDIT: For those of you that own a PS3, please check the first post of this topic. Make sure your PS3 info doesn't have any errors and if it's up to date or if you don't have any info, please give me all the information you want me to place in the TGTAP/PSN members portion of the topic. PM me or post here if I need anything added/deleted or edited.

  5. THUG and older, quite frankly. Never played SKATE, so I can't comment on it, but Tony Hawk got really old after THUG. I gave up on THUG 2 when I first read how it started. Kidnapped, by skaters, to do some stupid competition? WTF? Lame as shit. Besides, each one becomes more unrealistic.

    THUG2 was actually really fun. I found it more fun than THUG. Did you ever try playing THUG2?

  6. Touche. Just a few months ago Walmart was actually keeping them in stock. Stupid fucking Christmas season is what did it.

    And yes, I'm pretty much currently bored of GTA. I'm also currently replaying Ocarina of Time for the second time in less than a year. Thinking about hitting up Twilight Princess again afterwards, or maybe just doing the rest of the odd ball shit in my current file.

    And um... Guitar Hero is fun. Shoving nails in your foot isn't? Or maybe it is. Never tried it. Probably never will, really.

    I need to start playing Guitar Hero III again. Haven't played it since like Monday..... And I was high while playing it. Shit was awesome. I kicked the devil's ass on medium WHILE BLAZED. Like, I almost passed the fuck out and then I laid down and busted out Guitar Hero.

    Well I could see why Guitar Hero is fun to play while you're high, but I don't do that shit.

  7. My PSP is currently dead. Has been for over a week. I don't even have my charger with me((my charger and PSP are hardly ever in the same place anymore)). It usually gets charged once a month, at the most.

    Do you use it often for music and shit. Or is there a reason why the charger and PSP are never in the same place?

    Season 7 wasn't bad at all, but like I said, it went down hill. I couldn't take the plot seriously after the writers chopped it up (Super soldiers? That was the final straw). It got to the point where I couldn't distinguish it between the X-Files and a cheesy TV movie on the Sci-Fi channel.

    Not sure if I should take that X-Philes as a compliment or an insult.

    "X-Philie" just means X-Files fan, but I think the Super Soldiers were hinted at before season 7. The Super Soldiers were basically human alien hybrids. If you watched the last episode you would have understood that when C.G.B. Spender said that the aliens didn't go after people in the ruins because of the metallic material in the rocks and in that same episode you saw the one Super Soldier die because of that same metallic material. The Super Soldiers were basically the link to the extra terrestrials. They were the proof of the existance of extra terrestrials.

  8. No one ever said it was more fun than playing an actual guitar. But why would that mean we shouldn't buy and play it?

    Go to the movies or shove nails in your foot. No one ever said that shoving nails in your foot was more fun than going to the movies, but why would that mean we shouldn't shove nails in our foot? :P

    I like playing Zelda more than GTA but that doesn't mean I don't play GTA.

    :mellow: ... :huh: ... :o ... :wtf: ... :weird:

    I think the Wii is WAY cooler than the PS3, so why do you waste your money on it when the Wii is cheaper?

    Because PS3s are easier to find. :P

  9. i wouldn't call it cheap, it's just business you know, EA must think that most of their fans would enjoy it in Xbox 360(which i don't agree), they must give fair features and online play to all consoles available

    lighten up dude, after all they've been giving us the best like Medal of Honor, NFS series, Def jam NY, and other games from EA. there's no reason to call them names just because they dissapoint you once :lol:

    i'm sure it wouldn't happen if there's a SKATE 2 in PS3 -_-

    Aren't those games on the 360 too???

  10. Ermmm.... Guitar Hero doesn't compare to playing a guitar, and you said it yourself in that very post. And yes, you can't plug a GH controller into an amp. I do believe that was exactly my point. Do you ask guitar players why they don't just buy Guitar Hero? Of course not, because they want to play guitar. Guitar Hero players want to play Guitar Hero.

    I wouldn't ask them that at all...

    Do these guitar players you speak of play often? Because then of course they'd have no problem. I'm speaking in terms of learning the game. It's usually harder for guitarists. Not only have most of the guitarists I know had trouble with the game, but SLASH himself said it was hard to play at first being a guitarist.

    It's still hard for me to play. There are just some that are good at the game and some that aren't.

    Playing Guitar Hero ISN'T as fulfilling as as playing a guitar. But as I said, driving simulators and shooting games don't provide the rush that driving a car and shooting a gun in real life provide, do they? So again, why question it? It is a videogame. I answered the question best when I said "Guitar Hero players want to play Guitar Hero", I guess. We like it simply because it is fun to play.

    You can't compare driving games to real life because most of the things in those games you can’t do in real life, without getting injured or having to pay tons of money. It’s the same with shooting games. You could do more with a real guitar and spend less money getting one than with Guitar Hero.

    But if your reason is just because it's fun...well ok then. But how is it more fun than playing an actual guitar?

    • PlayStation Eye
    • Grand Theft Auto Trilogy for the PS2
    • Godfather Collection(Leather casing)
    • The Godfather: The Don’s Edition(PS3)
    • Goodfellas[DVD]
    • Casino[DVD]
    • The Good Shepherd[DVD]
    • Smackdown vs. Raw 2008(PS3)
    • Tony Hawk’s Proving Ground(PS3)
    • Lords of Dogtown[DVD]
    • In the Army Now[DVD]
    • X-Files Seasons 5 and 6[DVD]
    • X-Files Movie[DVD]
    • Korn: Deuce[DVD]
    • Whitley Strieber’s “2012”[book] :o

    X-Files FTW :D If you haven't seen those seasons yet; enjoy them. All down hill from there.

    Oh, so you're one of those X-Philies that hates the last 3 seasons. I started watching X-Files in the middle of the 7th Season and thought they were great. I don't see what's so bad about them.

  11. i don't know about the PS3 version, it always worked in my 360(not being a fanboy), if you got a problem w/ the game why don't you contact EA? and if you're so pissed of about the game, why don't you flame them instead of us?

    no offense OGTAM ^_^

    If you call this "flamming" then I don't know what you'd call all the shit I sent to EA.

    They have almost all of their online team working on XBox Live. Skate for the 360 is probably at least 5X better than the one on the PS3, because EA is cheap.

  12. You do know that's a PS2 controller, right?

    Yeah...I do know that. Guitar Hero III came out for the PS2 as well.

    The simplest way to answer this is:

    Why buy Gran Turismo? Why not just go out buy a super expensive car and race in real life? Why buy first person shooter games? Why not go buy Ak-47s and M16s and shoot each other?

    Both Chestnut and I own real guitars((I have three in my room)). But you can't plug that into your Wii/PS3/360/PS2/PC and play Guitar Hero with it. So instead we have to buy the fake ones in order to play the game.

    Yes, I know, a tad sarcastic, but my point is that it's a video game. A rather fun one, at that. And playing a guitar and playing Guitar Hero are no where even near the same thing. In fact, most guitar players find it harder to play the game than non-guitar players. Yes, experience with guitars will make your learning experience of Guitar Hero harder. Or, at least, it's very possible.

    Well your two examples can't really compare to the real things at all, even if you were being sarcastic, where as Guitar Hero and a real guitar can.

    "you can't plug that into your Wii/PS3/360/PS2/PC and play Guitar Hero with it"

    Sort of like you can't plug in the guitar you get with Guitar Hero, into an amp...

    I don't know what guitar players you're talking about, but ones that I know have no trouble playing Guitar Hero.

    I just don't see how the game could be more fulfilling than playing an actually guitar. Grant it, I'm thinking of buying the game myself, but I think it's too expensive. This is where I lack understanding as to why someone would pay for a fake guitar that cost more than a real one.

    PS: I know most guitars probably cost more than this game, but there are some that don’t.

  13. I'm gonna wait for Santa, stalk him and then kick his ass ...

    Hey, that fat-ass owes me seven years of gifts. Make sure those toys aren't harmed.

    Updated List:

    Virtua Fighter 5.

    Forza 2.

    Decent-looking jackets.

    Pair of DC shoes.


    Def Jam: Fight for NY: The Takeover



    Fullmetal Alchemist: Conqueror of Shamballa

    I hope you already have a PS3, if not, I hope you eventually get one because the PSP and PS3 make a really nice combo. :D

    Disturbia and Transformers are both kick ass movies. I own them both. Two thumbs WAY up... :thumbsup:

  14. I have a question for those of you that own the game...why not buy a real guitar?

    Some of you might say you do own a guitar...but then why would you buy a fake one?

    Just curious...

  15. The WiiSports game? Comes with all Wiis. Has such games as bowling, baseball, tennis, golf, and boxing on it. Good for 2-4 people, I wasn't ever much on playing it by myself. WiiPlay((handy because it comes with a Wiimote)) is another good one.

    So she likes games like that then? Party games are great. WiiSports, WiiPlay, Mario Party, WarioWare, Super Smash Bros.((Not out yet -.-)), etc.

    So she won't get a WiiMote?

    I think your a bit confused... Ok well when you buy a Wii Console it comes bundled with WiiSports, 1 WiiMote and 1 Nunchuck free BUT if you buy WiiPlay at the same time as you get your console (or whenever you get it) then it comes free with another WiiMote which means you can now play Wii with 2 people.

    Basically if you buy WiiPlay then you can get a free WiiMote out of it and a small party-ish game for a small price, most people tend to buy WiiPlay when they get their Wii, I know I did.

    Well WiiSport was all they had...

  16. SKATE is only good if you could make videos, but unfortunately PS3 owners can't get their videos from the EA site. SKATE fails.

    What? You can make videos on SKATE for the PS3 and then save them to your HDD. Why would you need to get videos from the EA site? Explain.

    So I could get them on my computer to make skate videos with out having to waste my money on some retard piece of shit gadget at the store.

    Not only that, but now the game is lagging, the picture graphics or what ever are going screwy and EA's piece of shit online service keeps timing me out. Just for the record, this is only happening with Skate, none of my other games are having trouble with online multiplayer.

    EA = SHIT

  17. Where did you find that? Is it made by Red Octane? If not, you can't use it past the original Guitar Hero. In Guitar Hero II they supposedly made it so you could only use THEIR guitars to play.

    Well it's brand new, so I'd imagine it works with the game...or else it woulndn't make sense in making it.

    EDIT: I found it at Best Buy. Check out the official site.

  18. The WiiSports game? Comes with all Wiis. Has such games as bowling, baseball, tennis, golf, and boxing on it. Good for 2-4 people, I wasn't ever much on playing it by myself. WiiPlay((handy because it comes with a Wiimote)) is another good one.

    So she likes games like that then? Party games are great. WiiSports, WiiPlay, Mario Party, WarioWare, Super Smash Bros.((Not out yet -.-)), etc.

    So she won't get a WiiMote?

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