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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Or make a match a Tables, Ladders and Chairs in a hell in a cell also an Inferno match. Maybe make it all inside an elimination chamber :lol: The best match ever.

    Make it that PLUS an "I QUIT" match with a diva mud match right in the middle. Now there's the best match ever.

  2. Global Warming wouldn't cause the water level to rise...why would it? Because ice in the ocean is melting?

    Put a piece of ice in a cup and fill the water almost to the top and let it sit. It wont raise.

    I do believe it was Chestnut who pointed out a very good point while talking to me one day..... A LOT of ice is ABOVE the water. Some of it not even touching the water at all. If IT all melts then the water would in theory raise.

    Ice takes up more space than when it was in liquid form because it expands as it freezes. So the water level would actually decrease due to global warming.

    You missed the point, though. There is plenty of ice that isn't IN water. And expanding? That doesn't make sense. Cold makes things compress, heating up makes things expand. But again, all the ice that ISN'T IN THE WATER would then be IN THE WATER. That, would ADD to the water level.

    Take your cup experiment, put water in it, an ice cube, and the set an ice cube on the top of the cup((not in the water)). Wait until all the ice melts. Did it raise or lower?

    I'm just telling you what I've read and heard in documentaries on global warming.

  3. Finally i hated in the tony hawk games how you could take quarter pipe and land onto a 5 story roof, its dumb, but now with skate, it looks way more interesting, and way harder to land stuff.

    You could still get on top of 5 story buildings...just bend the knees. :P

  4. Global Warming wouldn't cause the water level to rise...why would it? Because ice in the ocean is melting?

    Put a piece of ice in a cup and fill the water almost to the top and let it sit. It wont raise.

    I do believe it was Chestnut who pointed out a very good point while talking to me one day..... A LOT of ice is ABOVE the water. Some of it not even touching the water at all. If IT all melts then the water would in theory raise.

    Ice takes up more space than when it was in liquid form because it expands as it freezes. So the water level would actually decrease due to global warming.

  5. wait wait, what do you mean? rebuilt? dude the one from LC mod is just the converted map nothing changed

    ...I want Fort Staunton from LCS to be in the Liberty City mod for Vice City.

    I just didn't want to be picky by saying that because any buildings there that aren't destroyed would be nice.

  6. Sorry to bump a semi-old topic, but I didn't feel like making a new topic nor did I find it necessary,

    I bought SKATE for the PS3 last Saturday and I've been going up the ranks every since. The first day I was ranked in the high two thousand some and now I'm around 700. Over all, I think the game is good, but I hate the fact that you can't get off your board to get to any good spots, that you can't save as many clips and photos as your hard drive could hold and that the online lags along with a few other little things.

    Did anyone else buy it for the PS3?

  7. I recently had some dejavus, and they are like one every 2 days. If the planet x doesn't kill us, this overheating world will do it, u know, the poles will melt and the water level will raise a lot. all that cold water will come and it will star freezing our world. It will take out some cities, and that'll b the end. that's what i think

    Global Warming wouldn't cause the water level to rise...why would it? Because ice in the ocean is melting?

    Put a piece of ice in a cup and fill the water almost to the top and let it sit. It wont raise.

  8. Yeah, here's a quote from the website when I tried the same thing:
    Your order is less than the required minimum of $19.00. Please return to the store and order more items or adjust the quantities.

    So, you have to spend $19 minimum to get your hands on that poster. If you buy something cheap for $4, then you'll be able to get it, but that's not really acceptable.

    There isn't anything to buy for $4 on there...unless I missed it. There's something that cost $19 though.

    I ordered the GTAIV and the 18X18 GTAIII poster. Then I got an E-mail yesterday saying that its out of stock...I think I should get them for free since they didn't tell me that before hand. :P

  9. HBK is back and is already getting a hype to the main event of Cyber Sunday. There is a new vote.

    Who would you like to see go against Randy Orton for the WWE Championship at CS

    1. Shawn Michaels

    2. Jeff Hardy

    3. Mr. Kennedy

    I bolded the one I picked.

    I'd rather Jeff Hardy wrestle him.

  10. Yeah where was.....The Undertaker. If he was at an Autograph Signing I have no problem but may be he's on a less strict Travel Timetable.

    I can't wait for WWE RAW Tonight and Cyber Sunday.

    K9 and OGTAM what were your favourite matchs?

    favorite matches from...what?

  11. Well, I had this idea, just post your comedy here so it can be apreciated.

    I have my small act:

    Do you know porn mags right?

    Crowd: Yeah.

    Why the fuck do they have text??!!

    It's not like you want to read about the broads, you want tits, pussy and shit.

    Most of porn readers probably forgot how to read!!!

    Sorry if it is not funny.

    There's a select few that actually read that shit. You should put that in your little "act".

    EXAMPLE: (Continuation)

    "I mean, really. You're going strong checking out these chicks and then all of the sudden you stop to read their bio. Come on!"

    You could add in some Dave Chappelle shit and put in some gestures or maybe add in a Dane Cook or two by going off subject from that such as "Would if the chicks were able to pop out of the magazine, how crazy would that be. I'd have like hundreds of these chicks in my room with all the mags I got."

    Just an example, not trying to rip off of your material and I'm not that funny anyways, just wanted to give an example. :P

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