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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Ok guys I have some news for all of you.

    1. Firmware 2.0 news will be popping up tomorrow and the firmware will come in the next two weeks. Yay! According to Three Speech.

    2. Yes. Sadly MGS4 was bumped into Q2 2008. :(

    3. An Uncarted: Drakes Fortune demo is coming to the PSN next week.

    4. A Haze demo is coming to the PSN at the end of this month.

    5. Ps3 f0r t3h w1n!!!111!!!


    Cool. Some partially bad news, but over all it's good. Thanks for the news.

  2. I hate those adverts where they get an actor talk really really over normal and umm and arr to make people believe that they are real people, pisses me off.

    Although many commercials have actors, there was this one phone commercial with this one dude that said

    "They just have cooler shit."

    Which somewhat made me believe he wasn't an actor since companies steer from swearing in their commercials so they don't lose customer respect.

  3. If you could only see some of the sections, you'd be equally as angry/frustrated. I've only played the demo, but there were 3 levels featured - a lava one, an ice one, and another I can't remember. The lava one was quite easy, the other level was okay, but the ice level was really hard. You have to time your steering, because it's on ice you'll obviously slip and slide all over the place, and doing that whilst trying to get over a ramp is very difficult. Also, you have to go close to the explosions you activate yourself, and then carry on, and because most of the time you find yourself swerving towards the explosion, then that puts you off for the ramp jump and you're horribly out of position...

    Yeah, I gave up on the ice one my first try. Seemed like it was right out of Mission Impossible or 007.

  4. Well, they would have to let other publishers create games for the console, or they would loose alot of money.

    Very true, but they might not want to help out other video game companies by placing their games on their system. Well they'd at least not have any Sony, Nintendo or Bungie games...obviously.

    They'd most likely have other games on there if they were to create their own system.

  5. I was thinking about this last night as I thought about how Manhunt 2 managed to get an M rating after it was dulled down. Since Rockstar games can't release any AO rated games on the PlayStation, since Sony doesn't want AO rated games on their consoles, I thought it'd be cool if Rockstar Games came out with their very own video game console.

    What would the system be called? Maybe something as simple as “The Rockstar Games Video Game Console”. But knowing Rockstar they would probably come up with a much more creative name...a shorter one at that. Along with this, if they were to make their own console, would they allow other video game publishers to create games on this system or would it be just for Rockstar video games?

    Anyways, please discuss this and give ideas if you could think of any.

    Here's a simple idea of what the system could look like.


  6. I've played the demo on PS2, and the way the game works is like thus: Play, fail, restart, learn course layout, fail, restart, fail at last corner, restart, fail, restart, complete. It's very infuriating. It's a lot more forgiving than the original though, and believe me, the original had obscenely long loading times and a '3 strikes and you're out' system, from what I can remember. Worth a rental, but be careful of not snapping the disc in half.

    Would you rather get the stunt the first try?

  7. What the fuck can I do about dicks bullying me which will make them feel equally as angered as me..?

    I'm fucking sick of them..

    Most of them are chavs dedicated to making my life a misery..

    If you're afraid of getting in trouble by beating them up, then just try to ignore them and get some dirt on them. Ruin their lives.

  8. I suggest you buy GTAIV for the consol you enjoy playing GTA on. If I had an XBox 360 along with my PS3 I would get the game for both consols. That way I get downloadable content and get to play GTA on the console I've played GTA on since the beginning, the PlayStation.

    You have both consols, you obviously have money.

    Bold: But imagine this, you would complete one level on your PS3 and then have to complete the mission on the 360 with different controls. It would get annoying to have to keep switching controles and consoles.

    I don't think so.

  9. I suggest you buy GTAIV for the consol you enjoy playing GTA on. If I had an XBox 360 along with my PS3 I would get the game for both consols. That way I get downloadable content and get to play GTA on the console I've played GTA on since the beginning, the PlayStation.

    You have both consols, you obviously have money.

  10. Call customer service, they will help you out.

    One problem, I live in Doha, Qatar which is in the Middle East and I don't think they have a customer service (Well, a decent one anyway)...

    Some times you just have to wait it out and try again later. It sucks when you're in the "gaming mood", but some times you just have to be patient.

    I've been patient for about 5 months now.

    Well...ummm...that sucks. Is it only Resistance?

  11. Grand Theft Auto: The Harwood Butcher

    Tommy Vercetti was sent to prison in Liberty City in the 1970s for multiple counts of homicide, which apparently totaled at eleven deaths (although Tommy was originally sent by the Don of the Forelli family, Sonny Forelli, to assassinate just one man), earning him the nickname of "The Harwood Butcher", after the district concerned in Liberty City. It appears that Tommy successfully assassinated the man he was sent to kill, but was then surrounded and had to fight his way out. Thanks to the Forelli family's connections, he was spared the death penalty and only got fifteen years for manslaughter.

    Tommy has received notification from Sonny that if he gains respect while in prison and keeps certain people quiet, Sonny will make sure he gets free earlier than planned.

    It will be set in a Liberty City jail, filled with drug dealers, convicts, and most of all, murderers. You will be able to explore the grounds at all times. When beating up fellow prisoners in jail, you will occaisonaly be spotted by a couple of guards, they will come after you, when they catch up with you, they will attempt to restrain you, when you break of out being restrained, you will be shot at, if they sucessfully restrain you, you will wake up in your piss soaked cell a day later. When you are wasted, you will spawn outside from the jails hospital department.

    The Rockstar Advanced Gaming Engine will be used, as with GTA IV.

    The radio stations will be filled with Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, <Insert 70s metal band here>, Ect..

    Hope you like it. :)

    Here's the intro to your idea. :D

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