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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. From what I heard Remedy lost the rights to make Max Payne 3 and R* bought those rights so I think R* will start working on MP 3 after GTA IV is released ... My guess is that it will be released in November 2008

    I also heard that Max Payne 2 had lower sales than they expected that`s why they didn`t made MP 3 by now ...

    and it's not set to expire until 2010

    Where did you head that Jared ?

    MP 2 was really good, one of my favorite games after GTA and just check out some gaming sites to see it`s ranking ( 9/10,9.4/10 etc ) So this is not a bad game after all ...

    Oh really? Well that may be why. I find it odd Max Payne 2 was so unpopular, I loved it and still do, one of the best games I have ever played.

    On the WhoIs search it tells you when it expires, click here.

    That's what I was trying to tell you. It didn't sell well.

  2. I have all of the games and it's pretty much life. They meet people, they get jobs, they have babies.....I dont want to watch a movie about life when I live life.

    I also like action movies. Haha, I'd like to see what action is in this movie.

    Haven't you ever paid attention to the neighbors that were already there and read their history and stuff? The Playstation Sims games have storylines that you could play through, which is what I think will be apart of the movie. You guys are just looking at what you do playing the game and not what the story is about. One of the main things that I think will be in the storyline is that

    Bella never really got abducted and was really stranded at a gas station.

    It was explained in the PSP version of the Sims 2.

  3. I don't want to sound stupid but ho do you get that stuff.

    Send a self addressed stamped envelope to

    VRock Army

    PO Box 105

    Reddick, Fl, 32686

    Does that actually work? If so I am definitely doing this.

    Yes it does. Did you not see the pictures above?

    No I'm blind. Of course I saw the images, I was just checking you weren't joking about the address. Well I am filling this out now and gonna drop it in the mail asap. Thanks mate.

    Well the address was on the Radio in VCS and was on quite a few billboards. GOSH

  4. You kidding? Max Payne 2 was easily one of the best games Rockstar have ever published. As for the domain registration date, there are many variables. For one, they may have been making sure nobody would buy it, or they started on Max Payne 3 right away. Also, if you look at Red Dead Revolver 2, it has been in development since early 2004 or earlier and it was only announced awhile back itself. San Andreas was in development before Vice City was finished and IV has been in development since San Andreas was complete.

    Yeah, I've noticed. I didn't even play Max Payne 2, I heard that from a friend.

  5. Have you guys ever had a feeling that you shouldn't do something or go some where, sorta like deja vu, but you don't feel like you've been there before at that exact moment? Sorta like you know the outcome, but don't really remember that particular moment, but what will happen after it.

    This one time I was over my grandparent's old house, A.K.A. the "Ghetto house", and my brother asked me if I wanted to go to this bar about 20 minutes away walking distance. I thought about it for a couple seconds, where I got the weird "seeing the future" deja vu thing and I decided not to go and told him that he shouldn't either. Well about an hour after he left he came back with his friend that was f***ED UP. His face was all cut up and shit and my brother started to tell my sister and me what happened. He said that on his way back he and his friend that he met up at the bar got jumped by these two guys and his friend got his face beaten with a brick and they took their money. After he said that he looked at me and said, "Man, I'm glad you didn't go." Sorta like "Holy shit, you were right."

    I don't know, it seemed a lot like deja vu at the time because it was like I had to make that exact decision before and I was given another chance or something.

  6. I don't want to sound stupid but ho do you get that stuff.

    Send a self addressed stamped envelope to

    VRock Army

    PO Box 105

    Reddick, Fl, 32686

    Does that actually work? If so I am definitely doing this.

    Yes it does. Did you not see the pictures above?

    FYI: It seems the quanity of this stuff gets smaller and smaller every time someone does this because the first guy that did this got like 10 bumper stickers, 20 rockstar stickers and some other shit that I didn't even get.

  7. Searching through some Rockstar Games WhoIs searches today I found Take2 and Rockstar register MaxPayne3.com back in 2004, and it's not set to expire until 2010. So is there another Max Payne on the way? It's been rumored, and this kinda proves there has to be. What's everyone else think?

    Well from my understanding, Max Payne 2 wasn't that great and depending on when they registered the site in 2004, they might have scraped the idea. But hey, anything is possible. They've been working on GTAIV for a while and they might be working on Max Payne 3 for just as long, but I would assume GTAIV would take longer due to the fact it's free roam...Unless of course Max Payne went free roam, but I doubt that. Like I said, anythings possible.

  8. I don't want to sound stupid but ho do you get that stuff.

    Send a self addressed stamped envelope to

    VRock Army

    PO Box 105

    Reddick, Fl, 32686

    So just incase you don't understand, get 2 envelopes. One should have the address given above on the upper left hand corner of the front of the envelope, a stamp in the upper right and your address (Return address) in the middle of the front.

    The second envelope must only have a stamp in the upper right and your return address in the middle. This envelope should be placed in the first envelope. Then seal the first envelope only, once the second has been placed inside.

    Once this is finished you must then take this envelope with the self addressed one enclosed to a big blue mailbox and place it inside. Make sure you check to see the envelope successfully dropped into the mailbox to prevent stupid people from taking it out.

    You should receive the stuff in roughly 3 short months. :thumbsup:

  9. Coca-Cola all the way.


    The best pepsi ever is found at Kentucky Fried Chicken. I have no idea what the hell they do to their pepsi but it is the greatest tasting pepsi on earth.

    It's not what they do to the Pepsi, it's what they do to the ice. :ph34r:

  10. Ugh. No. Just, no, this movie is going to suck. I mean, a game where there's a scripted story involved, a movie isn't always bad, but The Sims, much like Animal Crossing, has no goal other than to do whatever you want, like it real life.

    Oh and The Sims (that is, the original PC game without expansions or add-ons, is the best-selling PC game of all time, with 16 million units. The best selling game of all time is Super Mario Brothers. for the NES.

    I love the games but when I read this news the other day, I almost puked in my chair. This is going to be one of the dumbest movies ever made, I just know it. Especially if they have the mood bars and shit all on the screen.

    Have you guys ever even played the game before? If you have you obviously never paid attention to the storyline that there is. I already said some possibilities on what the storyline to the movie could be about and I don't think it'd be that bad, infact, I think it'd be a pretty good movie.

  11. Nah I meant ihavent bought any PS3 games, with my PS3 I got motorsotrm and SC Double agent. I said other than that I aint got any PS3 games

    Anyway OGTAM I got that playstation account thingy

    my name is


    I got motorsotrm and SL BOUBLE AGENT, but dont include splinter cell because Im trading it in.

    What is SL Bouble Agent? I need the full name, not abbreviations.

  12. Well, i don't expect being able to buy a 60,000,000 dollar Hummer in GTA IV because they said it won't be "Rags to Riches".

    I think they were saying the storyline wasn't a "rags to riches" sort of thing, but I think you'll be able to make a good bit of money as you go past the storyline on your own in free roam. With out cheats of course.

  13. Long time ago I had this dream ...

    I was in the middle of nowhere and suddenly I realised this couldn`t be real so I said myself " This is a dream, so if is a dream I can do whatever I want " And then I flew like a bird in the sky ( Phew! Phew! Phew ! :) just like in that commercial ) and that`s the end of the dream ... Usually I don`t realise is a dream but this is the first time I did ...

    I had several dreams like that, they're pretty cool.

    Well about a month ago I had this weird one about the world ending by it getting pulled in closer to the sun some how and the whole time in the dream I was freaking out and everyone else calmed down after a little while where as I kept freaking out. It was a really weird feeling, a death that you have absolutely no way of escaping before your time has come.

    I had another one the other night that was sort of split up because I kept waking up. It was this first person view of someone downstairs in my house at night with the lights off with this weird blur surrounding the person's vision. The person (not me) was heading up the steps and once they were half way up the steps I woke up and looked around and fell back to sleep and then it picked up right where it left off. This unknown person was still walking up the steps and made it up the stairs enough to see my room and I woke up again. Then after I looked around again I fell back to sleep picking up in the same first person view where the dream last left off. The third time, the person made it to my door slam into it making a very loud bang that woke me up and I did the same routine. I again fell back to sleep and then the unknown person was in my room walking over to me. I saw myself lying there the same way I was actually lying there just before I went back to sleep and the camera jumped out of the person that was in my room and zoomed over me and up, sorta like a bird's eye view and got a shot of my whole room to see no one was in the room and the dream sort of just faded out and next thing I know I was waking up for school.

  14. Of course I watch the Movie, its my fav!

    Can You cruise in the game? similar to GTA?


    Anything else I should know good about the game, and the bad things about it?

    You could free roam and I think it's fairly like GTA, but there are minor things that sort of suck such as you can't jump. But there are good things that GTA doesn't have that I wouldn't mind seeing in GTAIV such as being able to put furniture in your mansion and actually buy cars that you could have driven to you when you want to drive it. It's not as good as GTA, but I can say it is better than Driver and Saints Row.

    That game pisses me off, seriously, every f***ing time you go to the f***ing islands, gang trucks are always hiding in the SAME bush, waiting to shoot at you.

    And no aircraft. :thumbsdown:

    I find it easy to kill off or give the gang trucks the slip, which is easy...because they hide in the same bushes. There is an aircraft, but you can't fly it yourself, which does suck, but just because you can't fly in a video game doesn't mean it sucks. If that's all that makes a game good, than games like Warhawk are the best games you could get.

  15. Just a little advice guys, watch the film first and then play the game, because if you dont the game gets a bit confusing. But thats just me

    Yeah. It'd also ruin the game and movie for you if you play the game first.

  16. Yeah, I'm with Queenie.....

    Kinda sounds liek SCAFACE if you stash more weapons and ammo......but hopefully some upgrades and able to put totally different stuff in there.

    Man with New York + modding for stunting=so much freaking fun, and then add a person in the truck and I've reached heaven :) .

    Just imagine how crazy fan made video series are going to be with GTAIV once something like "IV Studios" is made...after GTAIV comes out on the PC of course.

  17. This game sounds good, I may get it even if its for the PS2, it plays fine on the PS3 right?

    It plays better on the PS3. On the PS2 it froze and shit.

    This Game sounds good, i asked OGTAM the other Day if he still played Scarface. Maybe some Day i'll get it.

    GET IT!!! :thumbsup:

  18. The Cave was in Fort Carson, but theres also Caves on Mt. Chiliad and underwater, like the one in San Fierro.

    Well I at least knew it was some where in South Las Venturas and was able to describe the area. :P

    The other ones are cool too, but the one you asked for is probably the hardest to find, which makes it most interesting...at least for me.

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