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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Too early to tell and in my opinion too early to be releasing another system. I'm almost positive there was another topic like this and I remember someone saying that it will most likely be just an updated version of the PS3 if there is something coming out within 18 months.

  2. So who here has played this now that it's out? :)

    I'm not a fan of Halo, but my friend has the beta on the 360 (not sure if it's on PC as well) so if you want me to try and get a video of the gameplay then I'll see if I can...Unless there is already a video out...then there really isn't a point.

  3. You were the one that started to criticize the name "PlayStation Eye" and just because name doesn't matter to me doesn't mean I can't criticize it. If there's a person in a class you have that you never socialize with or ever talk about it doesn't mean you can't criticize them.

  4. .... Cops and robbers. Y'know, about 99% of little kids played it at one point in time. And a lot of kids didn't like being the "robbers" because the "cops" always wanted to win because cops always win. How is this a bad thing to teach little kids?

    Well I always liked being the robber because I could beat up the cops...it was fun. What made it even more fun was when we played at night over my grandparents house, they lived in the ghetto, so we heard real gun shots, which was really cool. We'd hurdle over the fences in between the yards that were at least 10' and all this other crazy shit. This was way before GTA came out BTW.

  5. theres no way to make things just go down a level with spaz unless you admit you were wrong. Even if you were right. Hes just like that.

    I think they should use a more modern look, like the VCS cover. a little Wii-looking.

    Since when is the Wii look the modern look?

  6. Playstation, yes, "Eye", no.......

    And I just don't understand how you call EyeToy childish because of the word "toy" yet PLAYstation isn't childish?

    I said it sounded a little childish because a "Toy" is something a child plays with, but I mainly called it childish because of the little kiddy games that were on it. "Play" in "PlayStation" on the other hand can be childish depending on the way you look at it. You could be playing football, which to me isn't childish. Playing music or a movie, which could be childish depending on what you're listening to or watching.

    I guess for you the whole name has to be "fun", but for me the name doesn't matter at all.

    Then if were all going to call it eyetoy, then why would they call it the Eye? now that they named it eye i dont want it. it doesnt sound fun anymore.

    How would I know why they called it just "PlayStation Eye"???

    This PlayStation Eye(Toy) is just for communication, not for little games that you play on it. I'm sure if they make another one that has games on it they'd call it "PlayStation 3 Eye". If you guys actually read up on what the "PlayStation Eye" has then you'd know why it isn't called "EyeToy".

  7. sorry it was a first post. and i thought someone would beat me to it so i just made something wierd. ^_^

    The scarface game isnt as interactive as you would think though.

    I was talking to Spaz, Annonymous, Shaka bla bla, what ever the hell he's calling him self.

    But I just wanted to get it so I could chop peoples limbs off and shit.

  8. You should make the first post a little more appealing...just a suggestion.

    I'm actually starting to think about getting a Wii just to get the Scarface game for it. It seems pretty kick ass how you could chop all the enemy's limbs off in one swing.

  9. Actually, it sounds more creepy than fun.....

    Well you already said "PlayStation" was a fun name...man, you're so picky.

    i just find it that its hard to just say "EYE." im not gunna say playstation eye because thats just lame. Eyetoy was original and easy to say. Everyone knew what it was. The [playstation] Eye is just confusing. "Lets play with the eye!" that just sounds messed up.

    No one ever said you have to call it the "PlayStation Eye". You could call it the "PlayStation EyeToy", "PlayStation 3 EyeToy", "EyeToy", "PS3 EyeToy", "PS3 Eye", "Eye". Hell, you could call it "Bob" for all I care. What ever makes you happy. I was just simply saying "EyeToy", in my opinion, is a childish name.

  10. PLAYstation..... Yeah, I'd say that isn't a SERIOUS name..... Xbox 360 might have a slightly less "fun" name to it, but still.... PLAYstation, EyeTOY..... Goes together....

    Ok, so then "PlayStation Eye" is a fun name since "PlayStation" is in there. Case closed.

  11. EyeToy is a much more appealing name, IMO. "Playstation Eye" actually sounds rather lame.... It sounds too much like they're trying hard to be more "serious", and let's face it, gaming is about being fun, not serious. I lol at people who take gaming seriously. They usually are in serious need of lives.

    Ok, so you're saying XBox360 and PlayStation 3 are "fun" names?

  12. Well in the gamer's world, Duke Nukem Forever is a legend and a synonym for games that take long time to develop. Since probably most of it's popularity is based on a fact that it's taking so long to finish it, imo it might be best not to even finish it in the first place. This way it's something legendary and if the development continues (and never finishes), we'd have a quite fun situation. Might become some kind of a record aswell :).

    Well I think it's holding quite a record and I think they should release it on the 10th anniversary of it's announcement.

  13. I didn't say it had a webcam feature for the PS2((but if you count a video record feature, then yes, it does)). I said it was a webcam, because that's all it is. A webcam. Made to work with the PS2. And I'm not getting an attitude, WTF? I'm simply stating facts and people are getting pissy with me saying I'm getting an attitude.

    Well to me the quote below says you had a bad attitude when you posted. To me that comment is pretty much saying "Hey, I'm right you're wrong." and you always have that attitude.

    I own the EyeToy. The GAME "EYETOY PLAY" can be considered "childish".... The EyeToy itself isn't childish because of one game. And yes, buddy, it's a webcam. It works exactly like one, and if plugged into your PC((because it's a USB accessory, just like webcams)), it can be used as one.

    Now getting back to the main point. Sony called the EyeToy for the PS2 "Toy" because it was mainly for playing those little, in my opinion, childish games. Now since it's all for communication, media editing, etc. the "Toy" part of the name doesn't fit. So they're just simply calling it "PlayStation Eye".

  14. That's funny, why isn't it called the EyeToy? Even funnier, when the PS3 was first shown off, there was a silver EyeToy sitting next to it.

    Probably because most gamers are discouraged by its name. It sounds a little childish and is childish.

    Well the recent Driver games have sucked anyways, so there isn't really much harm that can be done.

    Well that's just your picky opinion, I thought they were good.

    How is the EyeToy childish? It's simply a webcam..... Y'know, just as the "Eye" is. Speaking of which, the "PS3 Eye" is a worse name. It just sounds retarded.

    And the only good thing about Driv3r was the forklift.

    Have you ever played with the Eye Toy? It had childish games on there. It wasn't a webcam, unless they made other versions that I'm not aware of.

    There were a lot better in Driv3r than the forklift. I thought the storyline was awesome.

    I own the EyeToy. The GAME "EYETOY PLAY" can be considered "childish".... The EyeToy itself isn't childish because of one game. And yes, buddy, it's a webcam. It works exactly like one, and if plugged into your PC((because it's a USB accessory, just like webcams)), it can be used as one.

    Dude, what's with the attitude? You need to lighten up or go to some anger management courses or something.

    My friend bought the EyeToy and it had more than just one game and that seemed to be it’s only purpose and didn’t have a webcam feature as you said. I wasn't really asking if the Eyetoy was a webcam for the PC, I meant to ask if it was a webcam for the PS2, I mean come on...this as PlayStation topic.

  15. thegreatdilberthuntfh5.jpg

    I just randomly thought of a game that some might enjoy. The game is very simple, just search for "Dilbert" clips over the internet and post them here. At the end of the week, Saturday, we'll decide which clip is the best.

    I'll start.

    EDIT: I posted this in the wrong section so if someone could please move it to the fun and games section or which ever section this is appropriate for.

  16. dukenuke4everwal02m1ca3.jpg

    It seems like it's taking forever for Duke Nukem Forever to be released and 3D Realms continues to say that the release date is "When it's done". As time goes on it seems like the "Forever" part of the title fits the game pretty well. In 2001 3D Realms released a 10 year anniversary video for the Duke Nukem series, 3 years after Duke Nukem Forever was supposed to be released. Now it has almost been 10 years since it was supposed to be released and there are still no signs of a release date any where...except for the places that are trying to scam people out of their money.

    Reminder: These were the graphics for 2001.

    I personally thought that the games were all good and I don't care what you guys say about my opinion, but I would like to hear what you guys think of Duke Nukem Forever.

  17. It's not a graveyard, it's just simply some graves behind Funeraria Romero, which is in Little Haiti. They're unmarked graves, which means it isn't a graveyard. Graveyards consist of many, many graves with tombstones and what not.

  18. That's funny, why isn't it called the EyeToy? Even funnier, when the PS3 was first shown off, there was a silver EyeToy sitting next to it.

    Probably because most gamers are discouraged by its name. It sounds a little childish and is childish.

    Well the recent Driver games have sucked anyways, so there isn't really much harm that can be done.

    Well that's just your picky opinion, I thought they were good.

    How is the EyeToy childish? It's simply a webcam..... Y'know, just as the "Eye" is. Speaking of which, the "PS3 Eye" is a worse name. It just sounds retarded.

    And the only good thing about Driv3r was the forklift.

    Have you ever played with the Eye Toy? It had childish games on there. It wasn't a webcam, unless they made other versions that I'm not aware of.

    There were a lot better in Driv3r than the forklift. I thought the storyline was awesome.

  19. That's funny, why isn't it called the EyeToy? Even funnier, when the PS3 was first shown off, there was a silver EyeToy sitting next to it.

    Probably because most gamers are discouraged by its name. It sounds a little childish and is childish.

    Well the recent Driver games have sucked anyways, so there isn't really much harm that can be done.

    Well that's just your picky opinion, I thought they were good.

  20. I know you weren't talking to me. I don't have a problem. You are, somewhere, somehow, missing something. That post by Silberio that you quoted was off of the conversation we were having. Which was about a post you misunderstood because in your posts the only possible way the Earth can come to an end is by way of meteor.

    If there were a meteor big enough to destroy life on Earth, there's a good chance it could hit the moon as well. It seems people are stuck on their side of the discussion and can't grasp that everyone else has ideas of how the Earth will be destroyed that are very well possible, as well.

    I never said that a meteor is the only way the earth can come to an end. I was simply pointing out that if we move to the moon to escape global warming and we're all of the sudden hit by a meteor, gama ray burst or anything of the sort...the move would have been pointless. So I think if we make a move that it should be a good move. Although, I feel we should send people up to the moon to get used to the way gravity works in different places so that if we do make a move and the gravity is very different that we'll at least have some experience.

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