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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. Well sorry for the double post and bump again, but I FINALLY BEAT SCARFACE!!! The last mission was a pain in the ass, but still fun to play. I'm thinking about going for 100%, but not quite sure yet. There have been a few of you that have already beaten it before me, so if you have any further comments on the last mission or anything pertaining to something after that mission, post about it here.

    I thought the last cutscene was pretty cool, with Tony in the hottub.

  2. Inside on the left next to the stairs is Fannie, outside on the enterance on the left is Half Cocked and on the right is Liberty Soul FM

    Where in San Andreas is a Cave located?

    Aww man, not to spam or anything, but I found that cave a long ass time ago when San Andreas came out, but I can't find it anymore. I do know it's over in Las Venturas, just don't know exactly where. I'm pretty sure its some where on the south end of Las Venturas. It's close to a highway and possibly a bridge.

    So if you can, get a map with that place marked, I've always wanted to go back there, even though there wasn't really anything down there...anything that I could remember. All I remember is a long underground area, like a cave, that just runs under some roads for maybe a quater of a mile...maybe a little less.

  3. Ehhh, it's hard to say what they could do, but I got a pretty good idea of what they could do.

    Mortimer seems to be the main character since he was in ever Sims game...ever. He was in the original Sims game for the PC, Sims 2 and every other Sims game for the other consols except for Sims 2 for the PS2 and PSP and Sims in the City as well. So I think they'll base the storyline around him and his wife's, Bella's, disappearance and how aliens possibly upducted her.

    So unless you're a big fan of the game and it's storyline, like am, you wont be able to think of a storyline. If I find any time, I'll think of a possible storyline based right from the game.

  4. OGTAM, STFU and GTFO.

    You're frickin' not allowed in this topic, and yes, there is a plane called "Levithan", "Leviathan", or something like that.

    San Fierro Underground Radio

    Whats the name of the DJ of Radio X

    I wasn't talking about that. I was asking about the "andromeda". I was just wondering where he found out the name of the plane in Stowaway.

  5. well yeah there is, it wasn't made as a 'playable' vehicle, but it WAS used in stowaway... get your facts straight.

    And where does it say this? I noticed that it wasn't an AT-400, which is why I said it was an AT-400 cargo plane since that's the closes plane to it. So where did you get the name?

  6. OGTAM. It was the andromeda...

    and Silberio. I think it's either the hunter or the levathian (what a name)

    Is this actaullly a GTA knowledge game or a bitchfest?

    no, my real question is....

    What does the SF-UR radio station actually stand for? (the acronym, initial, w/e)

    There isn't a vehicle called that in San Andreas...

  7. Ok, 1. You did not make this Topic OGTAM, which means you did not make the Rules

    2. I made the Topic, so you can't make the Rules, i answered your question, i don't have to get it right or wrong, this topic is simply about how much you know about GTA

    3. Since OGTAM does not want to play the Game nicely everyone JUST IGNORE HIM

    Now, @Silberio's question: True, Via The Ganton Gym

    Whats the Plane used in the GTA: San Andreas mission Stowaway

    Ok fine, I wont play anymore. This just proves you're afraid of answering my questions wrong, which you've already done. Since you're just going to ignore this, I suppose you wont comment on this post. So I find no point in coming back here to see if you posted...right?

    It sort of figures that you "ban" me from your game since you're trying to become "Most Knowledgeable of the GTA series" and I'm the current one with the title. Is that just a coincidence...I think not. Knowing you, you'll want to get the last word in so you'll most likely post again.

    Just to answer your last question. The plane used in Stowaway was a cargo plane that looked very similar to the AT-400, but I think they modified it for that mission. So I guess it's basically a AT-400 cargo plane.

    EDIT: Yes, I said I wasn't going to play anymore, but I didn't want to "go off topic".

  8. HEY HEY HEY!!

    Stop fighting, we got a f***in warzone for that, this is the goddamn Fun and Games section, Fun And Games, we should have f***in fun, not start bitching each other, understood?!

    Now i wantcha 2 to give each other an apologize, or i kick your both little spindly butts.

    Now, answer to 2003's question:

    The bio waste thing is located at north Los Santos

    there is a way you can get to Liberty City in GTA:SA, not by mission, FALSE or TRUE?

    2003 still hasn't answered my question correctly so why are you continuing to ask questions? Be patient.

    To be more specific. The BioWell is in Montgomery. I found it about a week ago when I was attempting to find this one weapon for my GTA Real Estate Series.

    There are ways of getting to Liberty City by other means instead of just the mission. There are teleporters, glitches and a few other little things similar.

    Now 2003, ANSWER MY QUESTION!!!

    If you guys want to play this damn game right you will wait until 2003 answers my question and I tell him whether or not he is correct and also after these two say whether or not the answers are correct to their questions.

  9. Did i ever said i was afraid? Go ahead ask a damn question

    @gtaguy's question: Asuka and Maria

    If you get on the Brown Streak at Linden Station and make 2 round trips and then end up in Market Station, how much money did it cost and how many stops did you pass?

  10. Well you didn't ask a question in that post...

    Where in San Andreas is a Bio-Well located?

    Well usually in these games you ask a question, wait until the person who asked the question to tell you whether or not it was wrong and if it were wrong they say what the answer was and if you were right then you'd be allowed to ask a question. What's the point of answering a question and then to have the person who initially asked the question post 5 post later just to say "wrong" and ask the same damn question?

    Oh, I know what this is. You're afraid that I'll ask a question you can't answer making you look bad. Ok, fine. Have fun playing your retarded game.

  11. And i just explained to you on IM that i didn't even start to gp onto GTA Fan Sites till September of 06'

    Where in San Andreas is a Bio-Well located?

    I just said that I was gonna stop with that whole arguement, but then you go on with the whole conversation. I don't see where you're going with saying you started to go on fan sites in September.

    I aswered a question...don't I get to ask one?

  12. Just like you, i found that answer out a long time ago on one of the SA teaser sites, i didn't just look it up when you asked the question. No no, your going to say "You just looked it up, YOU HAD TO!!!" Now, like i asked

    Where is InterGlobal Television

    Ok, well you just told me over IM that you remembered that from a year ago and then when you obviously forgot why my name on here is "Original GTA Master" I said I found it funny that you remembered something from a year ago, but not something I told you probably not even 3 weeks ago. Directly after I said that, you changed your mind saying "It could have acually been 8 months, last time i was on that site was months ago." So I'm doubting that you just "remembered" it.

    Anyways, you said you don't want this to become a flame war so lets move on.

    Interglobal Television is in Los Santos.

  13. Will it actually have stuff like extra missions and all that.

    I think the downloadable content will be where extra missions will take place but that's if they do get extra missions.....imo.

    But that raises question for me, if I have normal version with all downloadable content and then buy special edition will I need to re-buy the downloadable content for the special edition? I hope not.....

    The game is going to be the same. You'd just get more stuff with the game if you get the "Special Edition" along with a special casing for the game.

  14. Unless you are talking about the number 69, i'm not sure

    Where is InterGlobal Telivision?

    EDIT: Original GTA Master, shut the f*** up, i've known that answer for a long time. get out of the topic if your going to Bitch.

    I'm not bitching. I'm just simply asking you where you got the info because it wasn't from the game or from the strategy guide or the manual. Would if I just made that up...How would you know the answer?

  15. Forty Dogg, oh yes i'm sure next your going to say "Oh he couldn't have got that answer right himsef he looked it up on Google" i don't look my answers up.

    Ok, then tell me where you got that. It wasn't in the game, the strategy guide or the manual. I checked all that. I made sure you couldn't do anything but look it up. So I just caught you. This game is pathetic.

    Arrrmate, i said that i wasnt talking about the Area 51,iwasnt talking about the Spoof, its something else (A mature person may be able to answer)

    I'm not mature? At least I know how to ask questions about GTA specifically. Asking about how something in the game resembles something in real life is pulling away from this scavenger hunt of a game and the answer is most likely an opinion.

  16. The title of this topic should be renamed "GTA Scavenger Hunt" because at least 90% of these questions could be searched on a search engine like google and probably are being searched on a search engine, looked up in a manual or strategy guide or something. I know you guys didn't remember "how much memory the gant bridge takes up." You definitely had to have looked that up or go through the coding. This game doesn't really prove anything and I don't see the point.

    What's with this question?

    "What does the "Area 69" in GTA:SA reasemble (or Refer, dont know the word, but im not talking about Area 51)?"

    Area 69 is a spoof of Area 51 because Area 51 is the most common "Area" named place...ever. Rockstar replaced "51" with "69" for obvious reasons. That answer to that question is probably an opinion.

    Here's a question you guys definitely can't get without looking up and don't say you don't.

    This was Madd Dogg’s last great album, followed by the less-than-stellar "N.L.A.D.B. (Never Leave a Dog Behind)" in 1994. This album was digitally remastered in 2003, to the delight of many fans.

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