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Harwood Butcher

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Posts posted by Harwood Butcher

  1. DUH the Rockstar logo and rating have been on every box.... That can't be counted as a similarity.... The rating is always going to be on games, and of COURSE you'd put your own logo on your game.

    Vice City ALSO had a boat on it, actually.... And also, the chick shown is not a major character at all, usually not even in the story.

    And you can't really count things that are only on 1-2 cases as "similarities".

    I was kiding with the R* logo and the rating, noticed the smile following the sentence?I put a spoiler just in case

    Only now I noticed the boat on the VC boxart...:( I never said the girls shown on the boxart are major characters...Or did I ?

    Every boxart has

    Helicopter(upper left), cars and motorcycles or bikes ( except GTA 3 ) , other main characters , at least a gun

    Sorry if I mentioned as similarities some cases that appear only on 2 boxarts...

    Well to be a little more descriptive on the similarities between the characters on the boxart. There is at least one female, whether she is apart of the storyline or just a random one (which was already mentioned), a character that has been your side kick or at least a good friend from the storyline for the most part and one or more guys you kill in the game.

  2. Has anyone ever noticed that on the top-left hand corner there have been a Helicopter in it Since GTA III. I will post pictures.






    Yes, everyone has noticed that. It has been mentioned many, many, many, many, many times.

  3. Their not different, their just more realistic. Because the models their using are more modern and made using new software.

    Well if you hadn't noticed, they've been improving the artwork since GTA 3. Compare GTA3 and Vice City Stories artwork and you'll notice a large improvement.

  4. "who are you?"

    "im yu"

    "no not me, you."

    "yes, i am yu"

    "no, are you deaf?"

    "no, you blind?"



    "no not you, him. whats your name"


    "yes you."

    "I am mi"


    "im mi"

    "and im yu"

    "man im about to whoop your ass"

    "i dont know him..."


    You sorta messed that up. That line is supposed to be "No, Yu blind."

  5. Heh, I'd do that too (the extra save file and I also did it for SA on the Liberty mission). Can't get the Collector's Edition anyways for Xbox but I just want the game! Sounds so good!

    Well it is so good. :D

    I have a lot of missions saved from all the GTA games I have. Never know when you want to reply a mission.

    Anyways, I'm at a little over $45,000,000 so I almost have enough to buy the investment. :thumbsup:

  6. Well I'm some what glad that they spoiled it for me because right before that mission I'm going to save an extra file so I could re-play the mission and f*** around there. I knew right away that we were eventually going to kill Sosa after I killed 2 other main people from the Scarface storyline. I'm practically at that mission because the mission part that you could bring up says "Kill Sosa"...pretty obvious. Anyways, I'm just trying to get up to $60,000,000 so I could buy an investment that allows me to have inifinite bullets.

    EDIT: BTW, there are no Collector's Editions that you could buy now...at least not new.

  7. Oh whoops I think my eyes kinda tricked me when I was in the theater because I was so excited. When I was looking up info on Wikipedia it also said August 10th but I ignored it and thought it was a typo but thanks I'll change it now.

    Yeah, I saw the trailer on the big screen when I went to see Spider-Man 3. Can't wait to see it, I loved the first 2.

  8. But what means that to be "Far away to be safe", is there like a "Safety Distance" from globl warming?

    I never said anything about the moon not being safe from global warming. I said it wasn't safe from any other disaster that could happen to the earth because of it being so close. If a meteor could hit the earth, it could very well hit the moon before and if Planet X were to hit the earth out of orbit the moon would go as well or if a Gamma Ray burst were to happen then we're screwed with that as well. My point is, is that if we make a move it should be one that will help us out a lot and not just for one little thing.

    I KNOW. I was pointing out that there was some misunderstandings. You were talking about a natural disaster, he was talking about global warming.

    I wasn't even talking to you, I was talking to -Silberio Da Great-. What the hell is your problem?

  9. But what means that to be "Far away to be safe", is there like a "Safety Distance" from globl warming?

    I never said anything about the moon not being safe from global warming. I said it wasn't safe from any other disaster that could happen to the earth because of it being so close. If a meteor could hit the earth, it could very well hit the moon before and if Planet X were to hit the earth out of orbit the moon would go as well or if a Gamma Ray burst were to happen then we're screwed with that as well. My point is, is that if we make a move it should be one that will help us out a lot and not just for one little thing.

  10. I have only a ps2 here are my game

    SOCOM 3

    Mustang the Legend lives

    Call of duty 2 big red one

    meadal of honor:frontline

    4x4 evo

    all the gtas

    Super trucks rancing

    187 ride or die

    gran turisomo


    ...Where are your Grand Theft Auto games?

  11. One thing is certain...Earth 1 will soon be history...So we`ll need another "home"...And yes Mars is close but it`s not just like crossing the street...Maybe in 1000 years Mars will be the 2nd Earth...

    It wont take that long until we're on Mars. It'll only take in between 100-150 years until we change Mars from it's cold lifeless state to a state much like the Earth's...a little bit before we f***ed it up, but we will need to pollute it to raise it's temperature so it could begin to sustain life.

    Let's face it, we just pissed our planet up. Unless we ALL do something MAJOR about it within the next 5 or so years, then, it wont be long until every plant is using genetic modification to survive the sheer amount of TOTAL SHIT we are pumping into our previously fresh air. That's the problem, not global warming.

    We, the human race, should not be trusted with another 'new' planet, should we have the technology to move to one, since we's all bollocks that one up aswell.

    Why dont we all just sit here and suffocate ourselves even more by continuing to be ignorant egotistical fools and shovel shit onto our planet.

    End of rant. Thanks for your time.

    Well the year 1212 is when we supposedly hit the point of no return. Earth will most likely be unlivable 100-200 years after that. Global Warming isn't going to wipe us out as fast as people are saying. They've been saying Global Warming was coming since the 60's and the weather has been the same since. As for us not to be trusted with a new planet, you're sort of wrong. By the time we get to another planet that could sustain life, we'll be ready to start a new eco friendly society. We're pretty much already there, but we wont be there in time to save ourselves on this planet.

    The actual discussion at that point was if "Earth II" was the same distance as the moon, in which if we had to leave Earth for the reason of global warming/pollution/etc., then yes, that would be just fine.

    Actually you were the one that started on that, I was simply saying what we needed to do in order to raise the temperature on Mars for our first move and you got Global Warming from that.

    Well, if we were to leave Earth because we can't live here anymore, then the pollution would stop, slowly it would HAVE to revert back to the way it was. In the same sense, if we stay here and die, it would have to eventually fix itself. I sort of see us killing ourselves as a way to get RID OF US and let the Earth start over.

    Like I said earlier in this post, the year 1212 is supposedly the point of no return. Meaning if we continue to pollute the Earth up until the year 1212, which is most likely going to happen, the Earth will be so messed up that it wont be able to repair it's self. When the ozone layer is completely destroyed, it'll kill all the plants, which would cause a chain reaction. But that's if this Global Warming shit is finally going to happen.

    Sh*t, what did i do?

    im not included in those "people-that-pollute", and im just a Silberio, 1 single Silberio cant do much...

    anyways, why cant we Pollute Colonize mars?

    it seems to be nice

    We will eventually colonize Mars if we survive this supposed Global Warming the next 100-150 years. If Global Warming is just bullshit than we wont need to move to Mars for 7 billion years or so, which would be our first move. Gliese 581c will be our 3rd or 4th move, which wont be for a very, very long time.

    The thing people aren't thinking about is that we're viewing Gliese 581c the way it was 20 and a half years ago and could have blown up since or some shit and even if it's still there, which it most likely is, it will be destroyed by the time we're able to get there being that it's so close to Gliese 581. I belive that Gliese 581c will be gone before our own planet is out of our solar systems safe zone. So basically...we're never getting to Gliese 581c.

  12. And ya keep with da shaking...

    It wasent shaking anything at all man, stop with that thing

    THAT video is shaky. If you want to tell me it isn't, you didn't watch it.

    im not warzoning it. its nothing personal. its not even mean. and im not spamming. u are. with all the camera shit. spaz is just sayin he doesnt like the camera shaking. dont have a cow.

    He's posting "ufo videos" in a "ufo topic". Mind sharing the spam part of that?

    no the spam part is when you said the camera was chaking and stuff. he just kept going on and on about it. but forget it now.

    that video was cool but i dont think its a ufo. since when are ufo's swirly

    Who said that was a UFO? If you clicked on the video and went to the Youtube page you'd find that it said it was a wormhole that a UFO came out of.

  13. Well, we would have to pollute earth II as far as we have polluted this one, which actually takes time, so it would buy us time. And even then people would jump awake, realizing they should be more eco friendly.

    Why would we have to pollute "Earth II"? That's a bad thing.

    He's probably talking about if the Earth becoming unlivable is the cause of us having to leave it. Then yes, Earth II being as close as the moon would work in our advantage and we'd be fine until we poluted it to that point again, but that would take some time.

    Global warming is happening. We can stop it. The REAL problem is most of our population is too stupid/stubborn/lazy/uncaring to do anything about it. I, personally, have come to accept this and shall just live here until I can't anymore. Whatever.

    Yeah from Global Warming, but we're discussing "Earth II", which would be our 4th home after the earth is taken out of the safe zone, if we are to survive that long.

  14. When you said that the first picture wasn't tommy, you're right. Thats Sonny Forelli, pretty much he has the same face as the once picture of him in VC front part of the Boxart.

    I was never sure about that because they had that for the Boatyard artwork...and Sonny never owned that boatyard so I figured it was either the previous owner that we never got to see or Tommy.

  15. Well I was always under the impression that this was Tommy Vercetti. Didn't really know who else it could be.


    That this was CJ.


    and that this is most definitely Vic Vance.


    If the first one isn't Tommy, I have one that definitely is, but it was a rough draft of the character so it could be fought over that it isn't Tommy's game artwork.

  16. In that case, whether ANY of them can be called next-gen is "debatable". What have they done? Improved the way our games LOOK? Oh, great, fantastic, I'm playing the same damn game, only it LOOKS a little more life-like. WOWEE! Nintendo took a different step and improved the way we PLAY. So yes, they ARE next-gen. Nintendo has ALWAYS been next-gen, for they've always had the best innovations. Rumble, the analog, motion-sensing, THE f***IN' D-PAD FOR CHRIST'S SAKE IS TRADEMARKED BY NINTENDO!

    I'm sorry, but I hate when the very people who SAVED GAMING AS WE KNOW IT are down-talked for having lower-than-par graphics. Or a slightly weaker processor. f*** you fanboys. Without Nintendo there WOULDN'T BE A PS3 RIGHT NOW. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.


    I see the PS3 sales slightly lower than that, but raised slightly in late-07, for GTA IV, of course.

    Wow, what a Wii fanboy. :bleh:

    I think a next generation system deals with not only graphics and physics, but also new features that weren’t on prior systems. Nintendo definitely showed that they could step it up with the motion censored controllers that they have for the Wii, but that’s pretty much all they have. The 360 has improved graphics and physics along with online play. The PS3 has improved graphics, physics and is going to have PlayStation Home, which is a lot better than the 360’s crappy arcade and retarded looking game cards. I don’t know whether or not the Wii has online play and whether or not it’s good if it does have online play, but seeing as the next generation is basically about online play, I don’t see why it wouldn’t. Now grant it online play has been around for a while now, but hasn’t ever been this good.

  17. Hey Guys Sorry for Forgetting this topic:P



    @OGTAM:Dont you think one members Userbars in Tables and others in Normal might look a bit awkward.

    Still if you want me to i will update it.

    I myself need to add some more and then post the TUT too.

    Then why don't you put the rest in tables? Organize it a bit.

  18. Yeah great find. Also the shark sorta looks like the one out of Vice City. Must all be coming together in GTA IV.

    What shark? I don't recall seeing a shark.

    Yeah! What f***in shark?

    There was a METAL shark behind the film studios in either the water or on land. I forget where, but it does exist.

    Nevermind I didn't see it in the trailer.

    And Tilly, Sprunk is advertised in that very screen cap from the trailer >.O

    How did you not see the giant shark in the trailer?


  19. Not when the camera is shaking and they are hardly producing a clear image, or an image of what they're videotaping at all.

    Do you want me to get a screen of it. Because I will if you want me to.

    OGTAM, that video is pretty good, or rather, it would be good if he didn't stop it early. It doesn't make sense, sure you can understand it took him time to get his camera out and start, but clearly the "vessel" is still there, there's no reasonable reason to stop recording. Shame, because I would have liked to have believed that video.

    Maybe he watched the video over before he put it on Youtube and found nothing else really happened so instead of putting up 10 minutes of the stuff, which discourages people from watching it, he decided to put only some of it up.

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