Why do some people have a problem with people's sexual preferences? My perception of this topic is that Gerard seems to be the only sensible person in the actual post.
Also, I don't understand why being gay or bi is such a problem to some people. I'm all for whatever people's sexual preference is, I don't really appreciate people saying things like, "I don't like that guy, cause he's gay." To me, that's just ridiculous.
Let me just say I have the utmost respect for people coming out about their sexual preferences, or being able to admit that they are, in fact, gay or bi.
And also, what that guy said in the first couple of posts about his thoughts on how gay or bi people should not be allowed in the forums because REAL men should be playing GTA.
I mean absolutely no offence to anybody, but some people just like different things. It doesn't matter if you're gay and play GTA, that's the biggest crap I've ever heard.
Of course, I could be totally wrong.
But that's just my thoughts on this subject.