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Everything posted by TM™

  1. And the fastest loading console. I'm going playing THPS2 on my computer later on, probably at 9pm when my parents are gone, I can put the music up a little.
  2. Yeah, but I'd like to see Roman in one of the cutscenes and in gameplay too. It'll be good to know both atleast.
  3. I agree as well. I don't want Roman to be the main role in GTAIV, Nikko is much more interesting and we know alot about him now.
  4. Well it's what you believe. No one is actually sure If it's Nikko or Roman who you'll be playing in the game. If you believe IJWT and all his dumb lies, you would believe that would be in the game. But why would he want to ruin it for all of us when no one, not even Chris knows who it could be. The fact is that he's a lier, and we still won't know who the main character is.
  5. No. What I'm trying the say is that Niko should stay as the main Character. I don't think Roman will be the main character. If you watched the Trailer, why was Niko the only Character on there? Not anyone else. Then the Trailer could be my proof towards Niko being the main character.
  6. Dad? NO! IT'S SUPER MAN! Lawl.
  7. Well, Good to hear that Shreks coming back. I love watching the Movies, it really makes me laugh. And I Ciaran, I think it'll be called Shrek 3, not Shrek the Third. If you ask me, that name for the movie spoils it.
  8. I think Niko should have the main role in GTAIV. I don't think Roman will be the same as Niko since they could be different people with different characteristics. So In my Opinion, I would say Niko would be the main character in GTA IV.
  9. Thats just a few days before my Birthday. And I joined at the right time. I might consider making some useful topics If I have some in mind.
  10. Lawl, Congrats Jace, I knew he would become elite, he's been here more longer and has been more activer before I joined. Well congrats.
  11. Your Love Type: ISFP The Artist In love, you feel deeply and experience intense emotions. For you, sex is serious. It's how you best express your feelings. Overall, you are laid back, warm, and a good listener. However, you tend to seem lazy and disinterested sometimes. Best matches: ESFJ and ENFJ
  12. Yes, I can. But then it's still not working afterwards. I could try to restart my computer, but I'm not too sure if it will work. I'll give it a go. EDIT: It's showing up now. No need to reply now.
  13. Well, I was on the forums a while ago, and the banner didn't show up, just some text. Here's the picture of it: And I'm using FireFox. I don't know what is happening, but when I refresh the page it doesn't work, and then when I do Ctrl+F5 it's still the same.
  14. Well, take it this way QuickDeath, This is a Fun And Games Forum, so usually games like these are count as spam since they are only 1 worded posts. The post count of each member that replies here won't go up because if it did it would be added to the total posts made by all the members in the forum. So really, let them make these topics, there posts count won't increase. Anyways back on topic: Line.
  15. If your talking about the old Elites it's on the front page of this topic, If your talking about the ones that are going to be chosed then you won't be able to. Chris just told us about 20 minutes ago. There's an Elite Forum?
  16. Yes, thats it. That plane is one of the biggest planes, I forgot what it was called, it was something like AT-22 or something like that. But If it's not there, go far away and it'll respawn itself.
  17. I hope it's good. Right Now I'm playing GTA London on my computer.
  18. Hehe.... I'd laugh if that happened. +------------+ | | | | | | | | +------------+
  19. Well, my Teacher nearly gave me detention in which is bad for me. Firstly I did my Homework and then she wanted to see it, but I gave it in and she marked it. I was so confused. Then she explained it to me and I have to do it today and give it in tommorow, this is really stressing me out. Other than that Life is going as normal until what happened today. So really, every Thursdays could be getting much more worser than better.
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