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Everything posted by TM™

  1. This thing that Edward has happens to me alot as well, It's particually with the Mods you download, So really their can't be any Hackers on this forum, It might be because you're using Internet Explorer, It's not that safe, so get FireFox like Chris Said, it's much safer with that than IE. But if you don't want to, I suggest using Sygate Personal Firewall., I use it and it's really good.
  2. Same here, I brought VCS on my PSP, god know's when but I still like it.
  3. TM™


    8th July 1992, I'm turning 15 this summer.
  4. This is just a trailer, It won't be in the game since this is part of a cutscene (I think so) So their won't be such glictches like that.
  5. I was really bored with my other Templates, none of them would suit my needs in making a website. So now, I've been using Photoshop and I made this special Template for GTA IV, Although it's not complete because I've still got to add more things to it and make a banner up. Normally, I would add some Text in that Template just to make it look good, but this time I've decided not to, This is because I'm soon getting Dreamweaver 8 and I'm going to manually edit the template and get a host. So, here's a picture of what it looks like now: Please tell me what needs to be improved and what else should be added on.
  6. Well, I got Easter Holidays, so I'm home for 2 weeks! Lucky me.

  7. Well the guy might of been bad so really, he might just want to change, so he might just be in Liberty City. But it's a good point, we don't really know if he's 'Good' or 'Bad' because from what I see he said that Things will be different, so their's a possibility that he might want to change.
  8. I can't be sure that Cracer City will be in their, they might have the original Islands which are Portland, Staunton and Shorside Vale, but they might just make the Islands a bit more bigger, and they might add a country side just like in SA, but I think that their just going to improve places in their and add some more parts for each island.
  9. ... He might of rejected you're request, or he hasn't replied to you yet. From what I see, In their Recruitment Topic they only allow members unless they've been here for months. But I wanted to ask you, why are you going to join the Dragon Stealths, Instead of Sher-e-India?
  10. Well in my opinion, I think that the map won't be the same as LC and LCS, so what I think is that their will be more areas added.
  11. You can't join a gang unless you just left you're old gang, then once thats done you can apply to another gang, from what I see you tried to apply in another gang while you were in the same gang.
  12. Hey Dmac, Could I have 'Style 4' for the Siggy, and for the Avi can I have 'style 4' again. Please can you put my name on it. $75 will be given. Thanks Tommy Montana.
  13. That first picture looks like they cut half the Pedestrian off, There legs aren't showing.
  14. I like the cutscene were Big Smoke dies, it quiet sad that he died, but he was the enemy. And also I like the bit where CJ kills Tenpenny, makes you feel good that he's dead.
  15. Well, I wouldn't say it's a bad Idea (Not Chris Sleeping with a female member ), but having it wouldn't mean that much once you've earned it, so It's best to let it be for once a year, It would feel much more like a achievement than getting each month.
  16. It's not really a bad Idea having 'Member of the Month', although the negative side of it can lead to having the same member if it depends on their activeness. But in my opinion, I think that having 'Member of the Month' would lead to alot more members joining our site, but if it's based on how much posts they have, then I think that would have a negative side.
  17. Hehe, and all them Ancient Heads around the Plant. I wonder why they put those heads in the plant not the Tanker.
  18. ----------------- ----------------- --- --- V +-------------------------------+
  19. So by tommorow it should be back up? Well if thats the case, I can survive.
  20. Be patient, it's not that long, and even if so, reply in the GTAIV Countdown, not here. Well, I was going to download a mod for VC, but when I'd install VC it would take a long time, plus the mods would take a while to download as well, well it's not that long.
  21. ------------- ------------- V \--------------/ ------------- ------------- V \--------------/
  22. 7 hours left till it's released, Man I'm gonna miss it since In 7 hours, I'll be asleep Well I guess I'll watch it tommorow.
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