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Posts posted by mvi

  1. Would people hate this game if the main character was a different nationality than one they like? If anything, THAT sounds racist.

    That's perfectly resonable, labelling everything racist and prejudist from people's preference is an idiots thing to do. Some people think Vercetti is amazing others think CJ is. A fair bit of that is inevitably based on racial (and resultant native cutural) preferences whether subconcious or open. Saying that people should like all characters like that equally is no one's place to do.

  2. america

    -Driving on the right side of the road


    -always with GTA, execpt the traitorious london expansion pack

    So you strictly adhere to the traffic regulations in GTA? Everyone drives in the middle of the road weaving in and out of traffic, you don't have a mission timer and stop at traffic lights.

    Many countries speak English, not just the USA. Thus the name, England..

    There were two London expansion packs anyway, not just the '69 pack which most people think of.


    England has some amazing cultural heritage that the USA can only dream of, such as magnificent landmarks like Big Ben, St Pauls, the Tower of London. And because England is so relatively small, cities are packed full of buildings. London has that internationally recognised sense of style, the Union Flag, the Mini, the London cabbie, even the VW Beetle despite being a German car.

  3. Dunno what Blackout is but yes there will be planes in there, things like two hydras flying one above the other, with the top one upside down. Like in Top Gun. Also going to try some stunts with exploding vehicles, which is very easy to do if you know how. I can now flip a bullet through full 360 frontal flip off an exploding car. Only problem is most the time I die in the process :-/.

  4. The ENTIRE gangs of Grove Street, The Ballas, and those other orange f***s. They all sucked. Big time.

    LANCE VANCE pinch.gif

    NONE of the main characters except CJ. CJ needs to die.

    NONE of the Yakuza..... They were single-handedly the greatest gang to ever be in a GTA game.

    NOT Woozie, NOT The Truth, NOT Mike Toreno.....

    All true.

    Wtf, who exactly do you propose to kill off Diaz and Lance in GTA IV when you kill them in Vice City.

    Claude is a bit of a non-enitity, he has no personality and he's meant to be you after all. So essentially people want to kill Claude must be emo freaks who want to kill themselves.

  5. Think it's almost certain we start on the main land, working back towards the luxurious beaches of the first island. As soon as people get a chance of free roam they're just going to head for the airport and army base.. :-/

  6. Forum descriptions don't prove anything, what does though is this quote from one of the game designers:

    "It's a 3d engine, with a fixed camera facing directly down, centered on your character."

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