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Posts posted by mvi

  1. There was at one time a project to convert one of the classics into 3d, possibly into GTA 3, I can't remember the exact details but aside from the fact roads were at 30 degrees to the horizontal for a hill, it looked pretty good.

  2. Hey everyone, fairly recently I launched Blue New World, a network site consisting of GTAprojects.com :: GUNthesequel.com :: GUNshowdown.com :: VCSpsp.com :: GETAWAYpsp.com :: PSPtuning.com. So if you're into gta, the getaway or gun, or the PSP as well, please do me the favour of registering at the forums. Comments are welcome.

    Main Site


  3. Ok, trying to settle a bet, ignoring physical restrictions would you if you had the chance shag yourself?

    Incidentally guys if you're into Margaret Thatcher here's a very revealing pic below: sourced by Chris82 who has told me he's a great big fan.


  4. Putting the next gta psp in London would be suicidal, the getawaypsp is already long in development and actually looks pretty fun (a fun getaway game, never thought I'd see the day..)

    To be fair to it, and maybe this won't go down to well with people that are anti any freeroam which isn't gta, the getaway series is the most accurate freeroam game out there, graphically and realistically it's in it's own league but naturally a game set in america will do better from a larger market.


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