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Posts posted by mvi

  1. It's a waste of money not to make a brand new city. Let's face it who wants to buy a game they've already clocked for a full price chart game when instead of playing just a some new missions they could be playing an entirely new city. The reason LCS didn't sell that well (aside from the fact there aren't enough people with PSPs) is that not many people want to go out and pay good money for what they've largely already experienced.

  2. For those of you that don't know "Gun" is a Wild West action adventure that was released late last year on Xbox, Xbox 360, PS2 and NGC. The game instantly hit number 3 on my favourites of all time, and of course I've started a fan site about it. Activision is still set to release it on PSP and a sequel looks very likely. Of note is that the boxart on Gamespots listing for Gun PSP originated from Gunthesequel.com. So comments on design, content and everything are more than welcome. Thanks guys,


    Gun The Sequel

  3. Should be in the modding forum of one of the relevant gta game.

    If you're talking gta 3 and gta vc it's relatively simple to do you just need a TXD editor (and possibly an IMG editor if you're not using ViceTXD.) There's a great tutorial on it in the modding archive over at gtaforums.com. San Andreas is exactly the same but instead of having their textures in squares they usually have the shape more like the player model.

  4. 24... Salvatore is not 74 in Gta 3.

    Right where to start, 1. I'm sick to death of Liberty City it's been done twice in the gta 3 era games plus R*'s next game will arguably be a completely new city based on a radically different system to bring gta into the gta iv era, I mean with games like Saint Marks (and even a getaway psp coming out which looks half decent) they have to do something to stay original and the best by far. The footage of saint marks actually looks funner than san andreas for me at least. As for a main character, I think we need some fresh blood not old characters used again and again cropping up all over the place.

  5. I believe actually the controversy is about the actual neil armstrong landing, whether he did it or not. It's pretty much fact that we have been to the moon later.

    The NASA at that time did not have any wills to study in the moon. Instead, they are only trying to win this idiotic-race called "Cold War". They WILL do anything needed to defeat the superior East-Side's Soviet Union.

    Yeah the soviet union fell 15 years ago so I wouldn't use present tense. And let's be fair to it the cold war did need to be won, do you really want to be under russias, thermonuclear, thumb? At one time Russia possesed a sole nuclear bomb that was capable of destroying the entire surface of the planet, and the threat of that doomsday weapon was pretty big.

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