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Posts posted by mvi

  1. satciimg.jpg

    Some of you that have downloaded GTA LVS will have seen my installer script, I've now made it run from a softcoded script. It's designed for tcs and the uncompressed file size is about 2 meg so not the best for including in small mods but that's not to say that it can't be used with any small time mods people make.

    It features, img replacing, adding, file deletion, adding (copying) and directory making. It does not feature img deletion as that would require a rebuild and I really don't see a neccesity for it.

    It's probably still got a fair share of bugs so if you could tell me if it comes up with any errors that would be great. This version doesn't work so well with modded games and afterall is designed for tcs which generally require unmodded games.




    This was made on wackedouts img tool code which he so kindly gave me so thanks also go out to him.

  2. This is an idea I had with Chris82 ages ago which was started but then when my host died we lost all the files.

    The idea is to establish a community role playing hierarchy, like the gangs only much more extended to include a larger area and as a replacement for the IB Store, at least in it's purpose at selling.

    Aspects of the system would include:

    Automated system supplies certain members which act as warehouses with items for a price, these 'warehouse' members then sell on these items for a cut to distributive vendors who in turn sell it to the genereal public and can make contracts with gangs.

    The 'warehouse' members would be limited to selling the items to distributors to stop stockpiling of warehouses in relation to certain gangs who would then have an unfair advantage. Distributors and warehouses would then have a degree of power over who can buy their stock but would still have to be competitive otherwise people would go elsewhere.

    This would then encourage a structure and relationships between gangs and organisations. These warehouses and vendors could then be subject to gang attack requiring gang protection charges and so on.

    Other options for these warehouses and distributors would be to enforce them with only using one specific type of items, for example, heavy weapons and army selling, light and standard weapons and armor, and then vendors for the forum items. Hospitals could also be put into play.

    Another option could also be for properties such such as housing though as of yet I can think of no useful purpose it could serve in this system.

    Any ideas on the area?

  3. If anything you could see lcs on PC but only if someone converts it say into vice city's engine as a tc for that, though the textures would obviously be low quality. Be interesting to see if anyone manages that sort of conversion. Thought the fact that it would have to be done by using an iso of the game may make R* not want it publically released.

  4. sundaydriverlogomain.jpg

    Sunday Drive @ R*

    Those of you on the R* mailing list will already have seen this but heres it anyway for the other people.

    Rockstar's debut documentary film release, Sunday Driver, world premieres this week as part of the aforementioned Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Special Edition for PlayStation 2.

    Visit the official Sunday Driver website for a media update including all new stills as well as two new and exclusive video clips. See Doc, LA custom car painter since 1958, explain the method behind a signature aesthetic - the art of the""get down" and see club member, Eric, explain exactly what being a Majestic means to him.

  5. As for zombie posture you can make all peds use old women animations (hunched and slow). Then you need to retexture them of course. You may be able to make the gangs automatically hate the player by adding "player" in the hate lists of ped.dat. You'd then need to make only gangs spawn which is just a edit of the ped spawning files. You'd want to turn the peds fear factor right down so they don't run away from a gunshot. All the rest is scm work.

  6. We could start these gang wars up again but I'm sure everyone would moan at the fact that SD 4 is by far the richest, but then we have got the money from thousands of posts so it would be unfair on us if we lost that money.

    So yeah start it back up but don't take sd4s money :P

  7. @xenon no I didn't say I want to take over the London mod, I really haven't got time for any projects these days, all I want is to see it under decent management which I'm sure if you were to say put a notice on gtaforums there'd be plenty of people interested

    his head up his own ass half the time - no offense
    How exactly can you say that and no offense? Doesn't work.

    Moving on.

    Avatar: 6/10

    Sig 7/10 It's tommy in the stereotypical whole gun firing thing, gotta give that high marks because I love vice so much. When you end a tag use [/color].

    Personality: Most active in the forum games but seems to be a nice enough person

  8. Is msn down? I haven't been able to get on it for a couple of days it just reports that service is unavailable. I'd guess its just me but I'd like to know for sure. So is msn working for everyone else?

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