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Posts posted by mvi

  1. It's a 3d rendering a made at school once that has been blurred a bit. Like that matters. Person is right about the border thing though, it's just laziness. It's quite weird when you move away from Photoshop to a program you've built yourslf as I'm now using my own software for great chunks of pictures.

    So, do people think I should make a shop or is it a waste of time?

  2. The sites need originality, new things for a new game (SA) such as walkthroughs and maps. Not a tacky free invision forum that there are hundred of others of. It might be an idea to add to the 30 posts rule with no invisionfree sites just to filter out the hopeless sites from the ones with a chance and to encourage content on sites over chat related.

  3. How about people stop posting their forums (after recently finding out about Invision) and then posting them. Each one is exactly the same, has about 3 members and lasts a week. People don't want forums as there's plenty already, they want other things like downloads. The reson thegtaplace is great is because there is a massive site as well as the forums. First of all, all the people taht make them (eg gta5fan) should get together. Plan it then make the site. Forums should come after the success of the rest of the site and when people are telling the sites webmaster/s to add a forum.

    That's me done.

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