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Posts posted by mvi

  1. I'm preordering it so I get it on the day (PC Version only) and then I'll mod it to hell. Then I'll be one of the first SA mod makers. Question, do chipped PS2's allow someone to copy their game onto PC, edit it then put it on DVD R? Not that I have a chipped PS2 unfortunately.

  2. Not bad. Needs advertising, I won't oin as I currently browse about 5 diff forums.

    Person why are you desperate to make pics. Why don't you start by improving your own sig.

  3. Yeah but the you've got the dark bits of London. If the game is set further out from the center of london as you'd need a massive map for Millenium Eye and the houses of parliament and stuff so it would be better set in a fictional map roughly set on the old industrial parts of the city - GTA 3 has a smoggy atmosphere. But then VC has got a massive bit of water down the center which could be turned into the Thames. Pity about Starfish island.

  4. Improve that sig tvg. Bad jpgs annoy me. You want to 'obtain' a decent graphics program as that looks like paint. Paint always makes things blocky and the gifs are terrible as the can't handle lots of colours. I use PS.

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