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Posts posted by mvi

  1. San Andreas features heavily around the number 69, for those that haven't noticed, mission in Area 69, runways labeled 69, most crates numbered 69. Other than the fact its the same both ways up there's nothing special so why? It seems that R* like this number a lot.

  2. I'll just ignore that comment. I'm fine still screwing about with a map editor for SA which won't allow you to input co-ods so you click on the map to place a marker instead, but then my editor's got really complex tinting and other great effects. @ White, have you been on GTA War? It's just you seemed to be hanging out with red.

  3. OK, I don't own this site and I know there's already this website but then I didn't name it either. Anyway what do people think of the opening page (which I designed) then click on the staff link for the part I didn't design. I want to know what you think!!!! The sites here

  4. I might change my birthday so that it doesn't show I'm 99 or something and put it back to 89. Anyway more to the point, what's the point in flying that long, I did a stoppy for ten minutes twenty (does that mean I'm the record holder? I hope so) then got bored, however with the dodo if you do the old push forward for sparks trick it's still hard to control and the observatory is like the planes so you can't land.

  5. :yup: It would also be good if it had a really decent operating system that Sony make themself and you can install apps onto it, so taht you could mod games on your PS2 if you got a hack of the web but reset the system if you screw it up.
  6. if you want diazes car from guardian angels, you need to go to your mansion. go to the limo and get in. make a 180 turn and smash into the wall. go back and the everything proof admiral should be there. (i got this information from a friend a long time ago so im not 100% sure that its all correct. i am 85% sure though.)

    Just to tell everyone that information is incorrect, the only way to get it is to steal it in the mission

  7. My favorites are hillclimb, odies beach park, racers bender race track and a mod I've made myself which changes all the spawn locations like bribes so there are more and in better places. I've also added a place where my fav weapons are which are the tec9, remote grenades, helicopter gun and katanna.

  8. IMG Tool or its called something similar basically is an archive program that lets you add and remove files from a compressed file (.img). Like zip or rar. You can therefore use this to replace the bulk of files used in the game which are compressed for doing things like changing textures which is documented in the modding guide section of gtamh.glwb.info.

    Open your gta3.img file (in models folder) in img tool. Then if it says you have to add a file click the add under commands and find the file. If you have to replace a file remove the original (found by using find) then add the new one. And that's really the limit of img editors.

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