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Everything posted by Mike356

  1. mafia sentiel why good accleration good handling and can take a bullet
  2. who does cj work for in liberty city
  3. oh I havnt been there I only have been to jacksonville st augistine miami airpost and orlando
  4. its only rosenberg that owns it since he was put fourth as a neutral party since the sindacos forellias and the leones were fueding over who would take control but to answer your question it salvetori and jhonny sindacco
  5. more money than I have at the moment and what city in flordia you goin too
  6. people family school, pricks, police, and ass holes
  7. I say the old school is the best i will post it once I remember my password to image lodge
  8. enforcer my word omizo an old member
  9. ok I officaly dont know this one.
  10. hmm let me see now is it shadow
  11. what type of graffitii can you make http://www.graffiticreator.net/
  12. Couldent agree with you more the stuff looks awesome they diffently got the realism down
  13. I might have the money to buy it but whos to say the stores will have it
  14. yeah The only midnight club game I played was Dub edition remix which worked twice and I am playing san andreas for ps2
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