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tommy vercetti guy

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Everything posted by tommy vercetti guy

  1. Thier suppose to be gone. You can get them back if you wait a little for them to re- spawn at the bar agian.
  2. The carwash don't work, the only time it will work is when Big Smoke drives through the carwash in the mission "Reuniting The Families" and bubbles appear. The only possible way of getting your car clean is drivivng the car out in the rain or giving the car a new paintjob.
  3. We all know there is controllers for the PC very similar to the PS2's controller, but wont you need to spend some bucks for it?
  4. Blue isnt going to come out intill next century, so i bet we wont live to play it.
  5. Alot on screen? do you mean, i can see more at a time without turning around?
  6. I would watch porno and take note on how thier doing it!
  7. Man, MTA is shit. Lag, bugs and another couple of more bullshit. Ok, remember that the MTA team cant put enought cars on Staunton because of lag, so you would walk most of the time? How do you think they will fit enought cars on Los Santos?? If you want a good multiplayer game, get AA, its free.
  8. chill chill, im kidding... or am i? i am.
  9. You can aim yourself with all the weapons in the Xbox and PS2 version too!
  10. My letter: Umm, sorry about that hate e-mail from my friend chris82, he just played to much GTA and thought it was right to talk bad about random people. Anyways, i believe you are so right! they should ban R* and all of thier games! I have seen so many kids, leaping into the air, making a gun out of thier fingers and pretend shooting, all of this thanks to the "Max Payne" series. And GTA is thw worst of them all, i have seen so many kids having watergun fights. I know what you are saying, that is completely normal, but these kids were doing BMX drive bys! im serious, they even sprayed random pedestrians on the sidewalks. Dont even get me started on the Midnight Club series, ever hear whooshing cars pass by at night? yep, streets racers at midnight. I thank you for the time reading this.
  11. The took the change into pedestrian cheat out of GTA San Andreas.
  12. What do you mean by "all vehicles with all unlcoked at mod garages"?
  13. You need to say positive to her twice, you probroly said positive to her once. EDIT: woot, my sig didnt get changed!
  14. Wow, i had no problems doing that on the PS2 version
  15. The bast game ever has to be Halo 2. It makes GTA San Andreas look like it cant beat pokeaman games!
  17. there it is agian and i see it saying im from Paris, Iraq? EDIT: omg, it was a moving monalisa
  18. Why are you guys changing my sig? Im just having a little fun HISTORY OF CHANGES (from order) Drawing of baby saying "will fart for food" A dog with an i-pod Moving monalisa Dancing Spiderman Spinning PSP Dancing spiderman with PSP
  19. I replace a weapon, i never get to use that weapon agian. IS there any possible way of having the skateboard without replacing a weapon?
  20. Which version of San Andreas is the best? I like the PS2 version the best because: -its the only one i have (not enough good games on X and shitty PC) -flying planes are easy compared to the other versions (heard flying planes on PC is hard) -No sound glitches!! w00t! (Xbox and PC have sound glitches, but they are random) -Got 2-player (no 2-player on PC) -Good controller layout(Xbox is shit, PC is fine) -play it with a playable speed (got a bad PC?) -loads haircuts/ tattoes etc in a cool way! (GS said there was a black loading bar, rather somthing covering it, and magic)
  21. It seems to be more of a mod, rather than a full weapon, because it replaced a weapon. :/
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