This is what i would like:
- Peds should use the headlights and rearlights so you can know when they are turning into another lane. CJ wont use it, but whats the point if your just gonna go off-road? (Driv3r had turning signals used my the peds)
- Much better lighting. I remember in SA when the front of my car was facing the sun and instead of the front of the car being brightened, the side of the car got brightenend instead. (Driv3r had proper lighting)
- Why did you put no realistic shadows for the vehicles and people in GTA San Andreas (PS2). I mean, Driv3r had that in thier PS2 version, so you all just got lazy and slacked off. (more of a comment than a suggestion)
- Mabye an AM/PM clock. You would be able to switch to AM/PM clock or 24 hour clock in the options menu.
- Peds should stop sitting on the porch of my safehouses.
- Military vehicles should come in differnt colours depending on where you are. Say you are in the city, you would have grey tanks and barracks coming after you, if you were in the countryside, they would have green, if you were in the dessert, they would have tan coloured vehicles. The same applies to thier uniform.
- The main character should press the remote control when detonating a bomb. In SA a ghost press the button for CJ, he should have pressed it by himself.