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Everything posted by Rashon.

  1. Bikers don't (or hardly ever) roam the streets. They are mainly only ever found riding their Angels in that part of Downtown.
  2. You must hate Salvatore so much. I liked him but he's so damn paranoid.
  3. I don't have that kind of handling on the Hunter on the PC so I pretty much suck on Brown Thunder.
  4. Nice bump. There are no swimming lessons in the game. Infinite stamina while swimming can be made from finishing the Beach Patrol mission.
  5. Mitch Baker owns the place so that's the main place they are.
  6. It's lame to download the game illegally. Most everyone else buy it and they have no problems.
  7. Two heads collide while both were trying to get up for a header!
  8. Bill Belichick [NFL Head Coach]: What I would want to do for Christmas is to spend a day with my family. That'd be great.
  9. I wanna rock you! All night long, all night loooooooong!
  10. Yes, when they still have Empires. Hey little Funny boy i ment outside the fuckin empires I'll say it again. Yes, when they still have Empires. They aren't found when they don't have Empires.
  11. Wrong game, man. Barry is on Vice City's VCPR, not Vice City Stories' VCPR.
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