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Posts posted by Red_91

  1. But seriously, you all just watch some BS video and believe it..:P

    I could say the same thing about everyone else and how they believe the media and how they portray the story, again I will say I am not trying to change peoples views.

    Bin Laden had 52 brothers (and sisters?) and his dad ran a big company. Bush senior did business with Osama's dad. After his death Osama of course got a part of his money, which he used to form Al Qaeda. George Bush senior could have never known this.
    Also what funny is that America also funded Afghanistan (mainly the Mujahadin (sp)) when they went to war with the Russians.

    Same like when they supported Iraq in the war against Iran. Pick a side. In that case they thought the Russians were a bigger threat.

    Other then that, this oil thing really is very exaggerated. Not saying that they didn't. But it really didn't help them as much as people claim.

    I understand where you're coming from but I dont think the oil thing is exaggerated, everyone needs oil and America were/are going to lose out if they didn't get some reserves to keep the country going ok for longer. I think America would have probably went to war with the Saudi's if they could but thye own 7% of America so they could not do that they went to Iraq.

    Really? If we are supposed to have all that Iraqi oil, then why Am I still paying $3 a gallon at the pumps (triple over last

    few years). You don't live here, so I'll cut you a little slack.

    Before OPEC decided to cut production (specifically to raise the price of crude oil) Gas was around $1 a gallon. Americans

    had more money to spend on things like video games, microwaves & BMWs. Gas has tripled in recent years & caused a

    round of inflation because everything we use here gets transported at one point or another. The increased cost of transport

    & energy costs are passed on to the consumer who now has to pick between the aforementioned luxuries & necessities like

    heat or gas for a car to get 10-20 miles to work (not all public transportation runs 24 hours a day, may or may not get you

    to your job. This time of year, it's too cold to walk very far). Since we're not buying as much, it will eventually affect the

    countries where the imported goods are bought.

    OPEC didn't just screw the US, they got everybody, just not as quickly. If Bush DID have control of the Iraqi oil supply

    & Americans in general found out, he'd literally be crucified. Instead of looking for ways to blame Bush, be pissed off

    at OPEC.

    US history w/ Saddam Hussein - Yes, at one time the US & Iraq WERE allies, although I think it was during the Reagan

    administration. The enemy of my enemy logic & at the time Iran was the enemy of both Iraq & the US.


    Hope that clears up a few things.

    PS: Full point to Jace, either you pay attention in school or know how to use your search bar.

    Listen oil is always going to be expensive from now on, its expensive everywhere, even in poor countries. In Pakistan its 300 rupees/gallon which is about $6 so America isn't that bad.

    Again Bush did take oil from Iraw and is probably still doing so, but because their the most powerful in the world, no one will stand upto them. Russians will probably soon and the Iranians have and look whats happening to them.

    Fact is fact America went to ware with Iraq against the UNs reluctancy and against the UN vote. They broke rules but didn't get sanctions.

  2. I am not really liking the Sony Bravia TVs prices.

    I am looking around for some good deals and have found a Hitachi 37" with 2 HDMI slots and 1080p and HD ready for £500, its the cheapest TV I have found that has everything I want.

  3. george bush may be an idiot, but i dont think hes that cold blooded enough to order an attack on thousands of innocent people, just for an excuse to invade iraq. and besides, 911 attacks had nothing to do with iraq or saddam hussein. we invaded iraq because we thought they had WMDs and to remove a dictator from power

    Not in my opinion, as I said before oil was the main reason not saddam, they nevver found no WMD at all, it was all a lie so they could take the oil.

    You guys are just deluded...

    Its just our opinions.

  4. Bush already had an excuse, removing a very bad leader from power.

    Yeah I know his excuse was Saddam but America (his father actually) helped Saddam when he was at war with Iran, and now Bush needs something from Iraq he makes an excuse that Saddam is the problem etc. I reckon if American troops are still in Iraq in the next five years we could have another Vietnam.


    Also what funny is that America also funded Afghanistan (mainly the Mujahadin (sp)) when they went to war with the Russians.

  5. The point of going into Iraq was to remove a dangerous dictator, which was a successful operation. Troops remain in Iraq to train the Iraqi government/army incase terrorists try to take over when the troops leave.

    Incorrect they did go into Iraq for the oil, they (america) actually helped Sadam a few years back but they needed oil and as we all know Iraq has the second biggest supply in the world. For me the war was to get oil and thats it. The American soldiers could have left years ago but there still there getting the oil.



    As for 9/11, call me a crazy conspiracy person and what have ya. But I seriously believe Bush had a part in the 9/11 attacks, his family had links with the Bin Ladens and everything doesn't add up. The way the media has (in my eyes) fooled people (myself included at the beginning) that 9/11 was solesly done by Bin Laden and the terrorists is wrong.

    Bush needed an excuse to have wars in Iraq and Afghanistan because he wanted control and power in the east so he could get the oil. I read somewhere that if Bush didn't go to war with Iraq, America would have lose Billions because they were in desperate need of oil.

    I am not denying that Bin Laden done the whole thing, I just think he had help from Bush.


    Im not trying to convince people that it was a conspiracy etc. Just letting my views known to the topic starter.

  6. Man Utd win the Champions League and the Premier League.

    Major terrorist attack in the UK, like the London bombings in 2005

    Spice Girls break up again

    Global Warming continually be the most feared thing

    Oil starting to run out (beginning of the end)

    Explore more of Mars and the Moon

    New technology to be produced (not sure what like)

    Putin and Armedinjad to have an alliance

    Bush to cause more catastrophy

    Well theres mine

    I sort of laughed at that. I don't even see it as a threat let alone the thing I fear the most, but I'm assuming you don't mean everyone fears it.

    Anyways...I think inventions will get a bit crazy this year. 2007 had a lot of good ones, but also a lot of unfinished ones. I think there will be more progress in the larger inventions than completed ones. In 2007 physicists found out about the DNA of time, "Time Foam", which will eventually lead to the invention of a time machine in the most likely distant future. I could get more into that, but I don't want to go off topic.

    As for president...I have no idea...all I know is Hilary is NOT going to be the president...and that's all I basically care about.

    Hopefully this whole war on terrorism ends this year since the US will have a new president...even though the war on terrorism will always be a constant thing.

    Global warming to me is bullsh** but it doesn't mean it to everyone else, while the Media keep hyping this new industry up shall I say it will always make people feared. I even heard a guy climbed a building in London (without no safety equipment) to advertise global warming. Its crazy if you ask me.

    War on terrorism is just being the centre of blame for everything now in my opinion. Sure there are 'real' terrorist attacks but some things that happen are just completely nothing to do with terrorism but get blamed on it. Again I think the war on terrorism is a bit too hyped up.

    Oil starting to run out (beginning of the end)

    Putin and Armedinjad to have an alliance

    Bush to cause more catastrophy

    I LOL'd.

    If oil was running out then reserves would show signs of drying up already. We've got at least another 20 years of oil left, and alternative fuels will be mainstream by then.

    I seriously doubt Russia will align with Iran.

    Also Bush can't really do anything at this point, being that his congress is nearly all Democrat at this point.

    What I meant in the 'Oil starting to run out' was that this year will (hopefully) be a wake up call for everybody that oil ain't going to keep being pumped up. I know its constantly running out. But as you said theres 20 years left, 20 years isn't a lot of time. Things need ot be changed.

    Well Russia might make an allegiance with Iran I think, what I am saying is that Putin always seems to like critisize Bush if he says things bad about Iran, it may be far-fetched but I reckon they will be allies , if not this year sometime in the future.

    Bush will always do something wrong, presidents always make mistakes but he has done more things bad than good, and is basically only thinks about his own coutry rather than the whole world when making big decisions.

    Anyway its jjust what I think.

  7. Man Utd win the Champions League and the Premier League.

    Major terrorist attack in the UK, like the London bombings in 2005

    Spice Girls break up again

    Global Warming continually be the most feared thing

    Oil starting to run out (beginning of the end)

    Explore more of Mars and the Moon

    New technology to be produced (not sure what like)

    Putin and Armedinjad to have an alliance

    Bush to cause more catastrophy

    Well theres mine

  8. @Sky

    So qhat are you suggesting we do? Add more staff.

    @Tec & Gerrard

    Agree with both of yous, I would rather keep the classics forum but just add it into a general GTA sub forum as well. So the forum would be called 'GTA classics and general GTA' I think it would work.

  9. Thats good I am thinking of buying one, though I doubt I will until maybe next year (2009 not 2008) when I have a part time job. I want a LCD TV first so that takes its priority.

  10. Stampede (last car in exotics) is by far the best car, it is not very fast but fast enough to do distribution missions and it has unlimited ammo supply.

    I just have bought O'Gradys Liquor store and am trying to take over all the gangs in Downtown.

  11. The only thing good about all of this is that you get it repaired for free which is very good in my opinion. And as Dazza said they should stop sales and fix this problem rather than wasting their money on repairing costs. I doubt they will do this but can see MS losing quite a bit of money on the repair costs.

    Just wondering do any of you guys think the ELITE will have similar/same problems?

  12. @Dazza

    I doubt we would get 5 seconds of gameplay footage and also doubt whether we will get any more screenshots, we have quite a few now.

    I think the release date will be announced more or less 3 months before the actual release. I am still banking on a summer release and not March-April one.

  13. Even if you take out the warzone, I still think that people will want it back and arguments will occur in other forums, which in all would be pointless.


    Not sure why we need a staff rearrangement although some staff such as Jared are quite inactive I dont think the staff have anything to do with this.

    I hope some changes are made but I dont want wholesale changes that will just drive members away rather than in.

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