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Everything posted by FamousGTA

  1. try going out with a girl for a year and 4 months and then has sex with 3 guys and gets pregnant.......hes only 15 i loved her
  2. ok well im starting a site and i neeed a banner, btw its a flight simulator site. so if someone can i need a banner of this size and i just need some FSX pictures blending in together. with the text FSX-411 in the lower left corner. Thanks to who ever does it
  3. FamousGTA

    Flight Simulator

    yea its true, but i already have flight sim 2004, flight sim X, flight sim X deluxe edition, and flight sim X acceration
  4. huck you Have to tell me how to make a fake box set
  5. FamousGTA

    Flight Simulator

    dude i freakin love flight simulator, i havent met anyone on the forums who likes it
  6. Found some pics online. I find them funny
  7. ok so im making a website ( i hope ) but i really dont know anything about HTML, xHTML, PHP, ect. Ive seen some sites with some really good stuff and ive always wanted to know how they do it. someone help me please
  8. somehow i feel bad for him....but he deserves it
  9. ok i need to know how to make a banner with a stickout figure like this one below PLEASE HELP
  10. they are powerful, i could go to the uk...id say the best place would be the uk
  11. ok i could go to ontario, i live in alberta and my parents will let me go anywheres in canada
  12. if you did this. when would it be...im going down to that area sometime
  13. well. good chance ill be on here for a while ....this site is awesome
  14. ok well i want to know how to make a banner in CS4. i want to know how to blend images together, and how to make a banner curve like this but when i put it on my website i dont want it to have a white backround, i just want the banner. if someone could help me that would be great
  15. - How many times have you had the RRoD?- never - How long do you play on your Xbox 360?- a day, usally all day lol - How long do you wait for to get your 360 back?- never - What do you have as a back up for bordem?- sing in to the forums - Does the RRoD make you wanna buy a PS3 or a Wii?- i didnt get it but if i did, id buy a PS3 (i already have a wii) - What games do you usually play on your 360?- GTA IV, PGR4, Bully, DEF JAm icon, and lots more - What do you do to cool down your 360?- i have a cooling station so..... - Is your Xbox 360 placed Vertically or Horizontally?- horizontally - What is the longest period you have had your 360 without RRoD?- 1 year and 10 months
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