LOL, there is a + and a - sign in the lighter...hehehe---Errmm, sorry, yeah, i've heard that animals can feel that sh*t more than us .
In my grandmas house (i lived there when we just came to Chile) ,we found a cat, a she-cat, anyways, when we moved (like 8-9 months after), we took this cat to the house, and in that house, i allways heard steps, foot steps, i could not have been cat or something else, it was in the roof, in this..uh...this thing to store stuff in the roof (we didnt have second floor), and one day, i was in the computer, in a room, that was kinda "connected" with the living room, i was headin backwards kinda, so i just saw a shadow in the frame of the computer (i dont remember the name, but its the thing you watch), then i looked back, but it was noone there, there was no sun kinda, so it couldnt have been sun reflection.
and my cat, allways strarted to "meow", at my room, and the living room, for no reason, and it wasnt that she wanted to scaped, because then, she does like: "Meeeeaaaouuuuww", but here it was kinda different, like if she was doing it to someone