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Everything posted by Silberio

  1. ^forgot to pu "^<v" again... < dont know what agrees, but agrees v loves my mods
  2. tomara años en lograr la paz mundial, quizas nunca llegara, pero que importa, con tal que haya gente que nos proteja, y presidentes estupidos que ataquen, estaremos a salvo, y ademas, tarde o temprano vamos a morir, asi que, dejemos esta cosa de la paz mundial, y sigamos matandonos. i bet noone can translate that
  3. i dont know why hell spartan hate me. its gota be because im from chile this world is full of racist people...
  4. why ya give me a site with viruses?
  5. hey we got some kinda place there people pay to use comps with internet, or play games, and people allways fill the computers with unusefull stuf and other things that uses space, an i would like to know how can i block htat, so people cant download things. ive heard about an internet blocker but i cant find it
  6. no, we dont know abou hockey, but we know about football, noone beat Zamorano, wich is retired and in big trouble because of the Transantiago, and Salas, or in tennis, we got "chino" rios, Nicolas Masù
  7. translated: Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah
  8. i dont wanna be MR. COOL GUY, i wanna be Silberio, Silberio E. Silva Williams. DUUUUUUUH
  9. hell guys, everyone go around naked or what?! noone have said that he has puted' clothes on and stuff...nevermind i went up, puted my Clothes on, wich happens to be a Dark green shirt, and Dark grey-green pants, then, i went down, i searched something to eat, and i didnt find anything, so i eated some dog food with milk, then...uh...i was going to watch a Freddy Krueger movie, but instead it was some chinese movie, stupid I-SAT channel...then, i check'd my messenger inbox, talked to a friend, i played a little with my dog, cleaned my room, killed a spider...then i posted in some wird topic, then in another...and about 9 more, then, i continued with a mod for VC, thats all
  10. porque no vas y metes la cabeza en la taza del baño y tiras la cadena para que todos seamos felizes. TRANSLATE THAT, MR. COOL!!!
  11. ^got his bike stolen < staled ^'s bike v will get his bike stolen
  12. in no time i will make my sig a bit patiotic
  13. Sol Y Lluvia - Para Que Nunca Más En Chile beutyfull song
  14. ^is a pickpocket <is F*ckin PROUD to be from chile v like KFC
  15. hey, i was working on a treehouse, and i wanted to add it to VC, but it didnt work, i use MEd, because Moo maper doesnt work in my computer, so im now working on the Paris Catacombs, so could someone tell me how to add something to the maps in VC? thanks
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