there is no colt python 90, or colt 90!!!
yea, molotov cocktails are the only that kills tanks, my favourite too, its my fav also because im sure my dad throw alot of them when he was alive
professional spam?
huh, you guz know nothing...nothing....nothing...nothing...nothing...nothing....nothing...nothing.
g...nothing...nothing about professional spam
hey, im workin' on a Silenced 45' for VC, and i want people to ignore the python (wich is the one im relpacing) when i shoot,so its more realistic, how can i make people to ignore just the Python?
no, Duraznos and Damascos are fruits, in spanish, those are duraznos:
and those are damascos:
just that i dont know the name in english.
WTF: What the f*ck
FTW: F*ck the what