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Everything posted by Silberio

  1. Yeah, meng, Tony Montana says "meng" instead of "man". And i like it.
  2. WTF, meng, i dont understand, still i dont.
  3. I get that too, i use IE6, but i dont care about it. Also, i saw that "Quick Download" thing, great feature
  4. I dreamed that my house was freakin haunted, and with my biggest fear, to see something in a mirror, i hate mirrors, i was in a house (wasnt realy mine, this was bigger, with like 15 rooms at each floor, there was 2 floors), with a plasma TV, watching something, dont remember what, and there was a mirror beside the TV, and it was beside the door, so whatvere i did, if i went out, i saw the mirror, and when i saw at it, i looked kinda old, weird, it was scary, and then, i knew, it was haunted, i dont know what happend after that, i woke up.
  5. Why do i apear at google? Am i stupid? Does everyone hate me? Should i GTFO da forum?
  6. Im actually being serious, as i posted on "b or not to b", im starting to think like that.
  7. ROFLEZ, yeah, its true, Chris...its true...IM DA SHAME OF THE FORUM!! *Cries Histericaly* *Cries even more* PS2, i just came to the part where you are in a building, and there's a lot of "bad guys", and also, there's a helicopter. Then, i got bored, and started to run over people, with a car.
  8. Well...I played "Scarface: The world is yours" once, and it was pretty good, except because ya could not kill peds.
  9. Eh...Okay... WTF?! I wont visit Chan! I just aint for that stuff, i'll just be here, at TGTAP..But still...I think i should be off for some time, some months, maby, im startung to think im the shame of this forum, i've thougt sometimes that everyone hates me, things like that.
  10. Well, i know Cider, hehe, but because of the beer's color, i thougt it could be made of apples. Thanks anyways
  11. Hey, meng!

    Not so much, just restin' a lil' bit :-)

  12. Slimm Gaillard - Cement Mixer (Putti Putti). It's third time i listen to it In a row.
  13. I agree, im a great noob! Nublet, N00b, Noob, nooboo...whatever. Friends? and gycu THE NAME IS SILBERIO!
  14. Its beacuse i want to give my opinion, i cant start PM'ing members to give them a reply of a topic. Its a forum, isnt it? WWYDI I posted here.
  15. Eeew, thats discusting...How can ya drink it?! Ive heard that the beer here in Chile, is pretty good What more can i say?
  16. The problem is that his GTA is in Russian. As i know... Why dontcha try to download a modification that changes the .GXT files, like a "real car names" modification.
  17. Yeah, it was alot, sometimes it was pretty annoying because i felt dizzy. But now, i barely get 'em.
  18. I WONT GO TO THAT SITE, IT HAS VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, i entered, and its boring.
  19. Whoa'... Gotta drink it I gotta know how it tastes like, i could as my brother, or my mother... but not my dad, he's dead ROFL. But i wanna know personaly what i tastes like...I NEED A AGE ACCELERATOR!!
  20. Yeah thats right... One time i made Grape juice I left it in the refrigerator (is that the name??) to see if it fermented, but it did neer ferment...
  21. Okay... Would you rather f'ck Whoopi Goldberg or a Male Moose.
  22. PERVERT! Also, i didnt came to the "school level" where they teach about WW2, and i f***in pay attention to everything in school! So, dont f*** with me, eh, if you do, ya'll have a great enemy!! Now, lets get f***in on topic, and drink Martini-dry! Off TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABU YALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYALAABUYAL AABUYALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EDIT: Dot EDIT: Look, im the most active member in the forum: Im Da Pride Of Da Forum!
  23. I rather like Louise Glover, Paris is ugly as f'ck. And if she is showing herself naked, in tapes, then she is some kinda posrn star, its porn, she is "staring" in those por movies = Porn star.
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