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Joey Valentino

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Everything posted by Joey Valentino

  1. Those are cool, sandlercd_22 and aemboy
  2. Ya'll know it's gotta be Ryder for me. But yeah, Cesar was fuckin awesome too
  3. Not necisarily. Make buissnesses cheap, and/or make more stuff you can earn money for, or raise the money you get for a post
  4. Well, I don't know if you've thought about buissnesses, but I think you should add them. You make a category caled the strip, and then make forums of buissnesses. Etc., Casino's, Clubs, Bars. But you have to buy them. the strip category is my idea.
  5. Dinghy You can get it if you have mods. Lamborgini Diablo Racing Car Speedster Cuban Hermes Bullet Banshee Lowrider Monster Truck Oil Tanker Hippie Van Hotdog Van Desert Eagle Some we may already have, but I just got some cool things I thought would be good
  6. I love this, and Radio Los Santos. Rap is du bomb, hell yah!
  7. Then don't post here
  8. Just run to the right side of the buildings, there is a little cut, and there is the staircase
  9. The Savanna! It's gangsta, it's pimp, and its got hydrolics! It's the best car ever!
  10. about 7 hours ago. Thats when I beat it thanks to my homie aemboy15
  11. Yeah, You can be risking it, and thanks Skyline
  12. No, but aemboy15, thanks to you, I just beat the game! Thanks gangsta
  13. Het, when you get back to the ghetto, and the mission to kill big smoke, I keep missing sweet when he falls from the firetruck, where do you position the car?
  14. im up for: skateboards Real portable homes Spaceships it to be set in somewere apart from america A really huge map more mods available to cars Real hiden stuff, even more cars, more bikes/pedel bikes aswell, more clothes, faster loading of clothes wen u buy them, more radio stations, more interiors to enter, more misc weapons (bottles, newspaper (u can read it aswell to check on news)) longer and ahrder story missions, more side missions, make ur own gang, diferent game paths (alternitive endings ect...), ingame video cam ( for PS3 its bount to be able to have a big harddrive so u can record stuff from game and upload it to PC through USB), more different types of Peds, Better Graphix, Less glitches, back through storys ( like u meet tommy or CJ, liek u meet claude), first person views aswell as 3rd person views, more customizable stuff, buy from food shops and take it home so u can eat at home, but only at the safe house u take it to, more planes, beter 2 player modes, start your own businesses, make your own Tshirt design (maby even a Pic on ur PC u can upload to PS3, caravan trailor, toe-bar on cars so you can toe other cars with estate cars, get muged, other thievs in city, people steal from your houses, hire builders to build houses/ busineses for you, dig holes (duno Y jus thort it wud be cool), cut down treas to make road blokes, snap off branches to hit people with, set trees alight. create your character. when creating your gang, you get to choose your gangs cloths, hair style/color, get to choose your cars, but you can buy or steal them, creating the name. Your members don't only shoot when you shoot at something, if you are in trouble, your members get in front of you and shoot at the threat. and running your own buissness, and choosing what kind. And then hiring staff. More cars like Ferraris, lamborgini's, Zonda C12Ss, Corvettes, mclearin F1s, Bugattis, and cool cars like that. Keep all the planes and be able to fly. fly to old towns like liberty city, vice city, and san andreas. Buying underground mansions. Buying buissnesses and when someone uses your buissness, like buying a car or gambling or buying a drink, you get money.
  15. It's all about da Savanna. Pimpin ghetto lowrider!
  16. Yeah same here Oscar, sorry you feel like shit PyrOxide.
  17. celebrate, celebrate, come on and celebraaaaaaaaate!
  18. I know, I killed the one that made me be fat, I'll look for the one with skinny and muscle, thats how I am in the game, later, I'm ganna play.
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