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Everything posted by MrLlamaLlama

  1. The 2nd image is better, but IMO both the fonts you used were really bad. Try something more - hard, and serious.... Just so the meaning's there. Both those fonts are too playful.
  2. It's called 'Anime Ace' - really nice font for comics. I've officially thought up a new story, will hopefully work on it tonight.
  3. 9600GT. IMO, it's the perfect balance. Probably will buy another after the arrival of my 22" monitor, so games can run on full res.
  4. To be honest, i think the majority of people saw the GFX as one of the highlights of the game, and found the driving, lack of stuff to do etc. as the bad stuff.
  5. I'm gonna come up with some ideas next time I'm at the PC..... Sequels FTW!
  6. ^ Tried. I don't think my PC detects it, but it's thar. I ran new hardware detection, but it didn't detect and hardware to detect. Also tried several restarts. Still fails.
  7. Tried it, didn't work... seems to think i haven't got a device installed... hm....
  8. Fuck knows, it's the built in on an ASUS m2N E - SLi Nforce 500. And why?
  9. Okay, so my mic is plugged in. It even plays sound through eith the speakers, or the heaset when i talk (depending what plug i plug in) But, it refuses to record in ANY application. It's obviously detected, because it works, and i shouldn'tt think i need drivers,. they'd have been included. WHY?
  10. ^ Don't double post, no fanboyism, that's the 3rd post in a row of yours I've found that breaks the rules.
  11. Ok, 3 then, but LCS and VCS were just filler games. And if you have no respect for rockstar, or their work, then remind me exactly why you're here. I have no respect for games like 'Pro fishing 2008' so..... i don't go and join 'pro fishing games' forums and then say... 'Yeah, the people who make this game are shit, just.. for some half assed reason, That's all'
  12. The background to end all backgrounds.
  13. There's only 1 gta game not released on PC. Infact, GTA started on the PC. So i suggest you do some reading before you go mouthing off.
  14. Supposedly it fixes the reported freezing and stuff people have. Also been noted that it fixes the 'arms through walls' messed up collision stuff.
  15. MrLlamaLlama


    ^ Why should he? He's entitled to an opinion. And IMO, i think MGS is going to be fantastic. Plus, the link in your sig is fail.
  16. And fucking kill you if he breathes on you. Great.
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