^ Bloody kids.... You're all HOOLIGANS!
But yeah, i'm just kiddin'... i probably woulda done the same, provided they'd pissed me off first.
My life:
I needz a job. Like, srsly. I need 2 new tires, and have no money... which results in me wasting loads of money getting the bus... as you can see, vicious cycle. Then, i need some money to put towards getting a graphics card into my New PC... Which will be expensive...
But yeah, i ca order the bulk of my PC pretty soon, and have it up and runnng, i'll just have 2 gigs of RAM, An awesome Dual Core Processor, 300 gig Hard Drive and dual DVD burners runing onboard graphics... Which is offially FTL. Guess that'll give me time to get my PC back how i lie it, with all new programs and stuff installed, updated, fresh and new, install all my games. Then play them for hours on end when i get my Graphics card.
Got screwed at the other day, my attendance in college is dropping. For reasons i won't go into right now, i just have, like this whole thing about education. I thought college would change it, cause it's a better environment, new start, new people and shit. But, it just feels all crappy anyway. Plus it gets annoying when people are like 'WTF HOW DOOZ I MAYK A NEW FIYLE IN FOTOSHAWP????????<<<<lawlz'
Found some pics of a classmate he left on one of the Macs thpugh, so me and a mate are having a competition to see who can own him the most in photoshop..
^ That speeling is probably incredibly shitty, and i don't give a fuck. It's 2.30 am, cut me some slack.