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Angry Gorilla

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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. Cut myself. Would you rather? Fuck your mom OR Fuck a million rats.
  2. OMG Raymond has raped yet another girl! God help us all!
  3. I have ripped my penis off. It hurts :'(
  4. Raymond received the Buttshagger from Jack Thompson.
  5. You can't close topics. 48 Minutes sounds great.
  6. Dirty girls pleasuring each other!
  7. MacBook is cruel. MacBook is nasty. MacBook hates everyone (Especially Raymond)
  8. u prick how dare u take the piss if u dont stop taking the pis FUCK OFF Good ol' Warner.
  9. Bill Gates is a filthy disgusting pervert who likes to molest teenage girls. Can Edd save Nazz from this vile man? Find out! Tomorrow! On the Random Post Topic!
  10. Hot lesbian sluts licking each other's pussies!
  11. My school isn't on strike, thankfully.
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