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Angry Gorilla

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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. O_o That is most elegant my fellow TGTAP member, shall we go to the dining room for some tea and biscuits, young sir.
  2. Doofus! Now Billy Boy can force crappy 'updates' down your throat!
  3. Goodbye Microsuck Office! Hello OpenOffice.
  4. I wasn't complaining at all, I was just merely pointing out that the decision was sudden, and I was quite surprised.
  5. The N64 games were wicked cool! Many good memories, Goldeneye 007, Turok 2: Seeds of Evil, and Super Mario 64 were my favourites out of my collection of N64 games.
  6. I remember when I was Squidward AKA Eddward *hides head in shame* Also when in January I was making stories about Raymond.
  7. I saw Bill Gates and Raymond and they were....
  8. Granted but then you're banned. I wish I was a fish.
  9. Why can't the people complaining just fuck off? We have enough political correctness as it is, we don't need more!
  10. Put your right foot in Your left foot out In Out In Out Shake it all about
  11. I suppose its time to jump off this cliff and ultimately avoid having to watch that crap again.
  12. Same answer as always :(

  13. Time for ballet: Lance Vance Prance
  14. I hate the future! Our privacy is certain to die.
  15. A bullet in Gordon Brown's head. Britain is happy. And freedom will be restored.
  16. I have a very bad feeling about this new service pack!
  17. Disney will definitely shit their pants!
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