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Angry Gorilla

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Everything posted by Angry Gorilla

  1. First step is denial. Okay I admit it. I'M GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!! I'm gay I'm gay!!! And I'm proud to be gay!!! I am the proudest Gay of all!!
  2. Granted, but then you die instead. I wish that I had a shotgun and a magic teleporter that teleports to different dimensions.
  3. Rape time, methinks. Who is my latest victim. Is it Spider-Vice?
  4. Rashon mah boy, I feel that your ranking here will drop into the toilet.
  5. Yes I have Ubuntu as a secondary operating system. I HERD U LIEK MUDKIPS!
  7. ^ Smokes pot < Has returned from the jungle for a bit, before going back in a few hours. V Likes to ride Bill Gate's dick.
  8. Just popping to see how things are doing.
  9. Damn! I'm going to be off for a few weeks to concentrate on revising for exams, I might return on August. Bye :'(
  10. Granted but your penis falls off as it is a weakpoint. I wish I was the most powerful person in the world.
  11. Lolzors! Our server is on a dusty road? Hahahahahahahah!! :rofl2:
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