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Posts posted by Sherman

  1. Nothing really.. I'm going to close Xero down though.. I'm not the guy to lead a gang..

    The gang is going back to Spaz..

    So, if you would.. just leave and save me the trouble of kicking you =\

    Its a shame really , this gang is awesome.

    A shame? No. I dis graced Xero with horrible leadership skills.

  2. Nothing really.. I'm going to close Xero down though.. I'm not the guy to lead a gang..

    The gang is going back to Spaz..

    So, if you would.. just leave and save me the trouble of kicking you =\

  3. Kayo the graphics look great.

    Remember, if things dont work out here, there is always a high ranking position in the ARR waiting for you. We'd love to have you aboard.

    Liek oh my gawd warn!1

    j/p with you..

    The gang looks good, Kayo. Sucks no one wants to join, though. For the moment, atleast.

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